Sci Fi Trivia!

That would be Leonard again...according to the cast list he played ... Staff Sergeant (Telex operator) (uncredited)

Let's see if I can come up with a non Star Trek questions....hmmmmm...

Barrie wrot his book Peter Pan in1911. It was based on....what????
AVON said:
Alright then, what links the Movie "QUATERMASS AND THE PIT" to both tv shows "BLAKE'S 7" and, "DR. WHO"???
No idea. However, "Quartermass and the Pit", also known as "Five Million Miles To Earth" is one of my favorite films of all time.:D Need to see that again.
Well, I don't think anyones gonna get that last trivia question, so I did a bit of Googling and this is what I found:

Quatermass and the Pit

* Date: 1958-59
* Television Company / Broadcaster: BBC

In the 1950s, the BBC made 'Quatermass' – the pioneering science fiction drama. It took the form of three series all written by Nigel Kneale ('The Quatermass Experiment', 'Quatermass II', 'Quatermass and the Pit'). 'Quatermass' was hugely popular at the time and has retained its cult status to the present day. In the third series, 'Quatermass and the Pit', Professor Quatermass is called in to investigate a buried Martian spacecraft unearthed during work on the London Underground. The story then weaves a dark tale of alien invasion whist mixing in elements of the supernatural. The series represented an important early stage in British science fiction genre on television, using primitive special effects, an extensive array of sound effects and was broadcast live with some use of filmed inserts. The stories were later re-made as feature films by Hammer and a fourth instalment 'Quatermass' was made in 1979 and screened on ITV. The Quatermass stories went on be followed by other cult classic's in the science fiction genre such as the enduring 'Dr Who' series, which began in 1963, and 'Blake's 7' (1978-81).

Which, after reading all that, you'll realise, still doesn't answer the question. :D

So, maybe we need the answer revealing to us by the poster who penned it. And while we're waiting for that, I'll try to come up with a sci-fi trivia question (it may either be not very good, or way too easy for this crowd). ;)

Let's see then, hmmm.

When The Cat meets Camille for the first time who does he see?

I would name the show in the question but that would be just giving it away, it's easy enough as it is! Plus I can't think of any hard questions that I know the answer to. Still, I tried. :D

When The Cat meets Camille for the first time who does he see?
He see's himself because Camille is a pleasure-GELF, and appears to each person as their perfect partner. And after all, who else could be perfect for The Cat?

The show of course, was Red Dwarf. :)
I could be wrong, but I don't think Red Dwarf was run in the U.S. At least not on regular tv-maybe cable...that was a tough question :) I should watch more tv, but I just can't bring myself to do it-only football and survivor...
There is a full listing of all showings of this truly fantastic show at just click Dwarf Tracker and pick your country and away ye go.

Okay then, to say that my question was totally pants and rather quite useless I still managed to baffle you lot! :p So, I'll have to come up with an easier one to give you a fighting chance.

...phew, this could be difficult. ;)

Who is the resident host at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?
Pardot Kynes, the Planetologist.

Assuming I'm right (I ought to be, I re-read the book a month back!!!) here's the next question:

How many kinds of Moties are there in The Gripping Hand and The Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle?
Obviously, your answer to my question was correct, couldn't be anyone else. Well done, El. :)

Didn't know the answer to yours, but thankfully knivesout appears to have answered it, but then I don't know the answer to knivesout's question either. :confused:

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