Sci Fi Trivia!

dwndrgn said:
Isn't it some type of flower? Sheesh. I should know this. Put me out of my misery Maryanne!
I am disappointed in you, DD. You of all people should know the answer to is a critter and I will repeat the question for all who might have missed it.

What does the Lady Sybil raise(of Pratchett fame) The now, Mrs. Vimes
I'm disappointed in me myself! I'm going to have to go home and re-read 'Night Watch' as I suspect that is where I can find out what she raises. Of course, if it isn't, I'll still enjoy reading it anyway!
dwndrgn said:
I'm disappointed in me myself! I'm going to have to go home and re-read 'Night Watch' as I suspect that is where I can find out what she raises. Of course, if it isn't, I'll still enjoy reading it anyway!'s the answer.....


Where are all the Terry Pratchett fans?

Okay, someone else ask a question....
Wow. That doesn't even sound remotely familiar...sheesh. I really need to re-read that one. Unfortunately that is one that I don't have at home, even though I thought I did. Oh well.

Here's an interesting one...In Dune (the novel not the movie) what two items are placed on opposite walls in the Atriedes' dining room on Arrakis ?
Ok, the answer is a portrait of the Duke's father and the head of the bull that killed him (including the blood specially preserved on the horns).

New question:

In Quantum Leap, the tv series, what was the holograph's name?
dwndrgn said:
Ok, the answer is a portrait of the Duke's father and the head of the bull that killed him (including the blood specially preserved on the horns).

New question:

In Quantum Leap, the tv series, what was the holograph's name?
Iggy was the computer. The holograph was played by Dean Stockwell and his name was....aaaargggghhhhh!!!!!!!
dwndrgn said:
Dean Stockwell's character's name was...Al. Ok, Marianne, you got bonus points for extra information - so the next question is yours.
*slaps forehead* Al!! Of course! Okay here is a really really easy one.....and if ya'all don't hear from me for a few days, we are expecting big snow here soon...and the power always goes off, so carry on without me.

Little Shop of Horrors...what was Audry's little buddy's name??
Marianne said:
*slaps forehead* Al!! Of course! Okay here is a really really easy one.....and if ya'all don't hear from me for a few days, we are expecting big snow here soon...and the power always goes off, so carry on without me.

Little Shop of Horrors...what was Audry's little buddy's name??
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "little buddy". Were you referring to Seymour?
During the run of "Star Trek", Leonard Nimoy owned - and lent his name to - a side business that had nothing to do with science fiction or show business. What kind of business was it? (This one may be a bit difficult, so five little gold stars to the person who can come up with the answer.)
littlemissattitude said:
During the run of "Star Trek", Leonard Nimoy owned - and lent his name to - a side business that had nothing to do with science fiction or show business. What kind of business was it? (This one may be a bit difficult, so five little gold stars to the person who can come up with the answer.)
Does it count if I did a web search for the info? Do I get the gold stars?
dwndrgn said:
I would think at least an 'E' for effort! :D

I do that too when I'm frustrated because I should know the answer but don't. This time I didn't have the time to do so.
I'm going to answer, then, since no one else has....He ran a pet store during the '60s. Is that it?
Marianne said:
I'm going to answer, then, since no one else has....He ran a pet store during the '60s. Is that it?
That's it, Marianne. And, yes, you get the stars - web searches are perfectly legal. The only way I knew about it was that we used to drive by it all the time. Never went in, though. By the way, for anyone who is interested, it was called "Leonard Nimoy's Pet Pad", and was located in Canoga Park, California. Or maybe it was officially in Chatsworth, but I don't think so.

Your question, Marianne.

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