Escape from Mars...
My local Blockbuster had two copies of Escape from Mars, the 1999 film that earlier posters couldn't remember the name of and confused with Mission to Mars.
MS is good in it (his character spends quite a bit of time making bricks out of martian soil to build a shelter, and endearingly wants to build a home with his own hands on the red planet).
Some of the themes and issues brought up in the film are very interesting... at times, the mission to mars, funded by a huge megacorporation, made us think of what space exploration might become if Microsoft got their hands on it! But there were times watching it when my friend and I couldn't help but expect the MST3K crew to pop up in the corner and start commenting on the film's inconsistencies or odd science... but even then, we laughed quite a bit and had a great time watching it.
-- Adele