Originally posted by Anni
You are well used to my diatribes by now.
In my novel (wot I am writing)
<Hatshepsut pricks up her ears...> Hey, do tell us more , Anni
Is this going to appear in Fan fic.? Hope so
I have depicted him also as a mysterious cloaked figure, but a tall imposing one rather than the 'gimp in the nightie'!!! In fact, the show's depiction reminded me of ET when they wrap him in the blanket. I immediately thought, 'bloody hell', it's ET. Anubis is ET!
Bloody hell, Anni! Do you have to? I nearly choked!
(You may think this is a Good Thing...
The Stargate viewers want enemy monsters who look like typical sci fi monsters and I have a horrible feeling that this is exactly what we will get when they finally and proudly reveal the new Goa'uld enemy.
What we want is for the show to treat us with respect and to allow that the most horrifically fearful things come in packages which are VERY familiar. Such as a symbiote within our own human form. Something completely familiar and yet horrifically unfamiliar in nature.
I can go with that... finding that what was once familiar is suddenly turned on its head and what you once depended on is no longer safe.
The show has not had that sense of mystery and menace for an awfully long time
And it doesn't take *that* much, does it?
Osiris will be another who will eventually fall, probably by the hand of Major Carter, who is, without a doubt the biggest whuss of an officer I have ever seen in my entire life.... and Anubis? Well, if it IS ET under the hooded nightie....with a bit of luck Cassandra will give him a 'lift' on the front of her bicycle and they'll disappear off to some other galaxy!