Demolition Man (1993)

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There's a link to see that talks about a Sylvester Stallone vs. Jesse Ventura fight cut out.

You could look at this thread and all of the replies to it.

How many were disappointed not to see a Sylvester Stallone vs. Jesse "The Body" Ventura fight? I hope that they come out with a Demolition Man special edition DVD and they have this scene restored.
I am making changes on my Demolition Man 2 idea. That could be my final fan draft. This is my finalized idea for a sequel and you fans could write more to the DM 2 idea.

I think that Christian Bale could make some cameos as a younger Dr. Raymond Cocteau.
Wow. That was interesting. I don't know where to start...

For starters how about... wow, are you familiar with southern california?
My first time in California was 15 years ago. I once had a girlfriend from LA 2 and a half years ago who I met on
I came up with name references or I just think of names. A mobster who gets whacked trying to kill this same cryocon allie to Wesley Snipes's character played by Jesse Ventura is a name reference of actor Paul Sorvino and he played a mob boss in the Rocketeer named Eddie Valentine who was in league with a Nazi agent and then he and his gang turned against the Nazis.

There are also name references of the stars of the Sopranos. There isn't an Italian rival to all those pre cryocons who's named Gandolfini a name reference to James Gandolfini who played Tony Soprano and played a mobster in True Romance.

I also wrote fan fiction on True Romance, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction where there's the connection. It's only mobsters who are name references of Italian actors who have played mobsters in television shows or movies.

The big boss's name is reference of actor Chazz Palmenterri who played Robert DeNiro's rival Mafia boss in Analyze This.
Casting Suggestions and Fan Script

Those are my casting suggestions for my Demolition Man 2 idea. I hope those actors could play those roles. James Gandolfini had knee surgery recenlty that his part of Tony Soprano of the series finale is being delayed so James Gandolfini could be replaced by another Italian actor.

John Cena is set to play John Spartan.

Henry Yates [John Spartan's corrupt army Colonel who becomes a warlord of crime that employs various criminals]--- Woody Harleson (he starred with Wesley Snipes in Money Train and White Men Can't Jump)

Dana Crystal Harris-Burke [Los Angeles cop who was a rookie to John Spartan who one day was the chief of police in the earlier days of San Angeles in the regime of Raymond Cocteau)--- Erica Christensen (Flightplan, Swimfan, Traffic)

Dominic Palmentarri [Mafia Godfather rival to Jack Jones and many criminals in league with him]--- Stanley Tucci (Lucky Number Slevin, Beethoven, In Too Deep) or Tom Sizemore (Michael Man's Heat, Passenger 57) (If Tom Sizemore isn't out of rehab in time.)

Captain Steve Healy--- Jeff Daniels (Dumb and Dumber, 101 Dalmations live action)

Simon Phoenix--- Tyrese Gibson (he could dye his hair blonde as he would be the replacement for Wesley Snipes or put on a blonde wig) If Wesley Snipes is too old to reprise his role as Simon Phoenix.

Cryocon Adam [the cryocon who one day kills Raymond Cocteau]--- Stone Cold Steve Austin (pro wrestler who could replace Jesse "The Body" Ventura if he can't reprise his role as the cryocon that killed Raymond Cocteau)

Cryocon Howie--- Sean Michaels (WWE superstar)

Cryocon Reggie--- Scott Hall (pro wrestler)

Cryocon Kodo--- Ken Wantanbe (The Last Samurai, Batman Begins) Other wise Toshishiro Obata reprising this role.

Cryocon Elvin--- X-Pac (former WWE superstar) Other wise Rhino Michaels reprising this role.

Raymond Edward Sorvino [mob enforcer in the violent Los Angeles days]--- James Gandolfini (TV's The Sopranos, True Romance, Terminal Velocity)

Vinnie Cirica [Italian mob boss of Los Angeles]--- Tony Cirica (played Paulie Walnuts on TV's The Sopranos, Copland)

Robert Pastore [Italian mob boss of Los Angeles]--- Vincent Pastore (TV's The Sopranos)

Danny Martinetti [Italian mob under boss]--- Paul Ben-Victor

Jack Valentine [Italian Los Angeles mob under boss]--- Michael Imperiolli (TV's the Sopranos)

Tony Guido [Italian mob under boss in Los Angeles]--- Tony Longo (Eraser)

Zachary Lamb younger--- Larenz Tate (Biker Boyz)

Chris Dillion [Veteran cop assigned to John Spartan]--- Robert Englund (he played Freddy Kruger in the Nightmare on Elm Street series)

Yuri Sergei [20th century Russian Mafia boss in Los Angeles]---Sven Ole Thorsen (The Running Man, The Hunt for Red October)

Jack Jones [a corrupt solider in the army who John Spartan goes up against]--- Daniel Bernheart (a martial arts actor who played in Chuck Norris movie The Cutter and The Matrix films)

No thoughts on other characters.

They could other wise make some actors look younger like Wesley Snipes reprises his role as Simon Phoenix and Toshishiro Obata reprises his role as cryocon Kodo. They could try to bring back Jesse "The Body" Ventura as cryocon Adam and just insert the hair on the back of his head and a goatee. No thoughts on who should play older John Spartan.

There could be others who starred on the Sopranos or other Italian actors to play mob enforcers or mob body guards.

Demolition Man 2

In 2048 at mayor’s office. there is Mayor Huxley and Deputy Mayor Hensen. Mayor Huxley: “So nice of you to come in John Spartan and you too Lisa Earle.†Friendly: “John Spartan told me his history after I became mayor of the free San Angeles.†Spartan: “I had a big case over 60 years ago. I was married twice. You all know that Chief Earle retired shortly after me. I am going to be a librarian now.†Lisa: “Tell us your history John Spartan.†There is John Spartan coming in. Lisa Earle comes in. So does Edgar Friendly. They get seated. Spartan: “It was years ago when I was in the army and joined the police department after I got out of the army. I had corrupt soldiers with me as my captain was also corrupt.â€

Back in 1985 at the La Jolla Cove in Southern California in the day time. There is Colonel Henry Yates. John Spartan’s army commander. There are some other men with John Spartan. There is also Jack Jones a lt. John Spartan is a troop. The soldiers are getting orders. Henry Yates: “Everyone. We are getting ready. Let’s destroy the schools of Los Angeles. We will be free to be out of school.†Spartan: “You are out of your mind Captain Yates. That is an act of terrorism.†Henry Yates: “John Spartan. You are a traitor and a tyrant. Men have him killed.†Jones: “I will kill you John Spartan. I am your superior officer.†Jack Jones jumps up to John Spartan. John Spartan with his hands clobbers him in the face. John Spartan fights some of those bad soldiers hand to hand. Other bad soldiers and John Spartan pull out their guns. John Spartan other bad solders. Spartan: “Drop the gun.†Captain Yates pulls out his gun. John Spartan fights his evil commander in a brief gun fight. John Spartan almost kills his evil commander where he falls into the water. John Spartan aims his gun at the rest of those renegade soldiers. Spartan: “The rest of you don’t move. I am having you all on court martitals. You all tried to kill me and made a stupid choice.†Jones: “You’ll pay for this John Spartan. I am your superior officer.â€

Flash over to early 1986. Out on the streets of Los Angeles in the day time. There is John Spartan in his squad car with Chris Dillon his veteran officer. John Spartan is behind the wheel of the squad car. They get to the Russian mafia headquarters owned by Yuri Sergey. Chris Dillon: “You have many officers behind your back. We go in. I have arrested mob guys and even dealt with pimps and hookers too. I have even dealt with arms dealers and drug dealers myself.†Spartan: “Yes. I have military history. I have had similar training like this in the army.†There are many other police cars in back of John Spartan. They all park at the Russian mob headquarters. John Spartan and Chris Dillon get out of the squad car. They pull out guns. There are many other officers and Lt. Healy behind their backs. Healy: “You all follow me behind my back.†All those cops burst into the Russian Mob’s turf.

Inside the Russian mob headquarters. There is Yuri Sergey and his thugs. A thug runs up to the Russian Mafia boss to inform him that the police are present. Russian mobster 1: “The police are here.†Yuri: “You got get them. Go outside. Chris Dillon is somewhere outside. I want him dead.†The shooters get their guns and go after the police force.

Back outside. The Russian mobsters appear. The cops hold their guns on them. Chris Dillon: “This is the police. You are under arrest.†John Spartan and his officers get into a gun fight with them. Chris Dillon shoots at the Russian mob guys. So does Lt. Healy. John Spartan kills 2 of the Russian mobsters. Chris Dillon kills a Russian thug. John Spartan shoots one in the chest. Others thrown down their guns. Healy: “You 2 officers Spartan and Dillon move in. Round up the rest of Sergey’s gang. You are behind my back.†John Spartan and Chris Dillon move in on the Russians. They get inside. They are behind Lt. Healy’s back. They go after Yuri Sergey. A Russian mobster runs up to the cops with his hands. John Spartan grabs that Russian mobster and throws him against a wall. Lt. Healy aims his gun at him and puts handcuffs on him. Healy: “I’ll take that guy.†Others open fire from somewhere in the building.

John Spartan pulls out an explosive. He throws this explosive to the Russian mobsters that open fire on him. Those Russian mobsters are blown up. Yuri Sergey comes out to confront the police. John Spartan and Chris Dillon go after Yuri Sergey. Chris Dillon: “Yuri Sergey. You are under arrest for murder.†John Spartan jumps onto the Russian mob boss. Lt. Healy goes outside with a prisoner. Yuri grabs John Spartan and throws him against a wall. Chris Dillon butts in. Yuri: “Now we meet. You will die.†He fights with the Russian mob boss. He throws a hard punch on him. The Russian Mafia boss kicks John Spartan’s veteran officer in the legs knocking him down. John Spartan gets back up. John Spartan rams into the Russian Mafia boss. They throw punches at each other. John Spartan defeats the Russian mob boss. Chris Dillon goes over to help John Spartan. Spartan: “I have our prisoner.†Chris Dillon puts the handcuffs on the Russian Mafia boss Yuri Sergey. Chris Dillon: “I am charging with resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer.†They drag him outside.

Back outside. John Spartan and Chris Dillon regroup with Lt. Healy. John Spartan with his veteran officer put together all the Russian mobsters rounding them up. Lt. Healy: “You have done well John Spartan. You and your veteran officer have apprehended the Russian mob boss. Did you have to kill all those others?†Spartan: “They tried to kill Officer Dillon and me.†All the cops get back into their cars and leave.

Flash over to the summer of 1996.

At the Los Angeles Public library in the day time. There is Simon Phoenix present with the members of the bloods who are now out of prison. Phoenix: “I want you people to go kill Captain Healy. Go kill John Spartan. They are at the building that was once a federal detention center. Captain Healy is meeting with the man named Raymond Cocteau who is starting something. Also there are 4 cops taking money from our Italian rivals. Kill them too.â€

On the streets of Los Angeles outside of the cryo-prison. There is a younger Raymond Cocteau present. Also present is Dana Crystal Harris. She is a young and beautiful woman with long blonde hair, white shirt and blue jeans ripped. Also present is Captain Steve Healy. Also present are the 4 cops bribed by Dominic Palmentarri. Healy: “This woman here Raymond Cocteau will join with us on the LA PD.†Cocteau: “This is what will be the cryo-prison. We’ll eliminate the death penalty here in Los Angeles. Your Sgt. John Spartan arrested many criminals just as you have.†Healy: “The African Mafia and the Chinese Mafia called the Tongs were joining forces with the Italians. I am having a bribery investigation going on. This criminal empire and Henry Yates himself murdered the Tongs and African mob and the bosses. We have the Italians still there.†Cocteau: “Mobsters will also be put in the cryo-prison if they are facing murder charges and they are charged with racketeering.†Healy: “I plan to run for mayor and retire someday. The Italian Mafia murdered Yoshi the yakuza boss and than the Tongs murdered hired assassin Jack Jones who by shoving his nose through his brain.†Dana Crystal: “Maybe I will put the bad guys in this place too.†Healy: “You have heard of John Spartan I assume.†Dana Crystal: “He was at my football games when I was a cheerleader for UCLA and even the high school football teams when I was a cheerleader. He was a rookie in your department on my freshman year in High School.†Cocteau: “Stop this war now as it is destroying this city. Officer Harris here who just graduated the police academy worked for me since after she graduated UCLA.†Healy: “It will be done Dr. Cocteau.â€

Somewhere else on the streets of Los Angeles. There are members of the Bloods present. They are part of Simon Phoenix’s criminal empire. They go over to the criminal gang.

Back to somewhere else outside of the cryo-prison. Members of the bloods show up. They fire on Captain Healy, Dana Crystal, Raymond Cocteau and the 4 cops corrupted by the mob. The cops all pull out their guns. Healy: “Hold it right there.†Corrupt Cop 1: “They are working for Simon Phoenix.†The cops all fire back as does Captain Healy. Dana Crystal takes Raymond Cocteau to somewhere safe. Phoenix Bloods: “This man here in robes will testify against us. Simon Phoenix would want us to kill him.†That member of the Bloods is shot by Healy. The corrupt cops shoot down more members of the gang. Captain Healy kills 3 more. The cops all put their guns away. Healy: “That’s all of them. Let’s go over to Raymond Cocteau and Officer Harris.†They all enter the building.

A few days later at mob headquarters. There is the mob leader Dominic Palmentarri seated at a table. There is Edward Sorvino an LA mob enforcer. Also at the table are the bosses Vinnie Cirica and Robert Pastore. There are under bosses Danny Martinetti, Jack Valentine and Tony Guido. There are some other enforcers with there too. They have cigars with them not lit. Dominic: “Men. We are put together with a big crime syndicate. We can have all those racket clubs in LA. We need to get rid of our rivals. There’s Kodo Obata who runs the local Yakuza. We kill him and his gang. We also kill Simon Phoenix who is an almost 2 year hunted criminal. Henry Yates is doing business with several ruthless criminals in the city of Los Angeles. I want him and all those terrorists dead. I have bribed 6 cops. 2 of them were killed by men working for one of our rivals who were taken down by Sgt. John Spartan. I want to bribe Captain Healy and Sgt. Spartan. John Spartan is called the Demolition Man. He could help us destroy all of our rivals. John Spartan took down Jed at the gas station, he took down Francis nearby McDonald’s and Danzig at a sports shop. Yoshi was killed by Dominic Palmentarri’s gang. John Spartan arrested Beppo. Jack Jones was killed by Lee Chang the Tongs boss and than one of those criminals friends with Simon Phoenix killed Lee Chang.†Dominic catches his breath. Dominic: “Those cops taking bribes from us slaughtered Elvin’s criminal gang. Henry Yates is creating a criminal empire. There are dealers and gang members working for Simon Phoenix. Simon Phoenix is also hired gun working for Henry Yates. We’ll kill Simon Phoenix’s entire criminal empire. Simon Phoenix had released survivors of the bloods from prison. John Spartan killed them.†4 corrupt cops show up. They go to Dominic the big boss. Dominic: “You 4 officers have a seat.†Those cops get seated. Dominic: “I want to bribe John Spartan. We could use the Demolition Man. He could blow up all of our rivals.â€

At the turf of Henry Yates. There is Henry Yates there. His goons are also present. Also present is Simon Phoenix and his criminal friends. Simon Phoenix’s criminal friends are Adam a tough thug, Kodo the Yakuza boss, Elvin, Gunther, Howie, Reggie and many other criminals. There is also Kodo’s gang. Kodo and his thugs have blades. Henry Yates: “We are all joining forces. You Simon Phoenix and your elite criminals work for me now and we will get rid of our rivals.†Phoenix: “Some of John Spartan’s officers are corrupted by the mob. We have our Mafia rivals to get rid of.†Henry Yates: “Yes. You Kodo with your gang can slice them with your blades. You Adam could rip their arms off and crush them. We could all shoot them. John Spartan in the US Army almost killed me but than 3 years later he arrested me as long as I was still alive. I want him dead. Some of you have your own criminal gangs. We are all wanted for murder. Let’s go kill all those mobsters in Dominic Palmentarri’s criminal empire. It’s an organization. No survivors.â€

At day time in Dominic Palmentarri’s office. There is Dominic at his desk. There are bosses named Robert Pastore and Vinnie Cirica present. Also there is under boss Danny Martinetti. There’s a hit squad with him. There are also 4 cops bribed by Dominic Palmentarri. Dominic: “You cops are going after Henry Yates. He killed our African mob friends. We’ll win the war if you take him down. You 4 officers will bring him to me. I will beat him to death with the baseball bat. I also want to bribe John Spartan.†Corrupt Cop 1: “John Spartan is untouchable. He’s called the Demolition Man.†Dominic: “He could help us win the war. I also want Simon Phoenix dead. We know that Henry Yates has hired many of those assorted terrorists out there and I put you bosses together and we are at war and we’ll get rid of our rivals.†Vinnie Cirica: “I’ll have you Danny go to Henry Yates’s warehouse later on. He is planning to meet with Simon Phoenix and many of his criminal friends. We want them all dead. John Spartan has taken down a few rivals of our’s like Francis and Danzig. He even took down Jed.†The 4 corrupt cops depart in search of Henry Yates as does Danny Martinetti with his hit squad.

At a diner in Los Angeles in the day time. There are a couple of police cars parked outside. There are 4 cops getting out of the diner. Henry Yates is somewhere out there. Corrupt Cop 1: “I think that I saw Henry Yates here.†The corrupt cops see Henry Yates. Corrupt Cop 2: “I see him. Open fire.†The 4 cops shoot at the criminal warlord. Henry Yates jumps onto something and goes into hiding. Henry Yates jumps onto a corrupt cop and breaks his back killing him. He picks up his gun. Corrupt Cop 3: “There you are.†That cop shoots at him. Henry Yates ducks. Henry Yates shoots the 3rd corrupt cop. Henry Yates shoots at 2 more cops. Henry Yates kills the 2nd corrupt cop. Corrupt Cop 1: “Now I will give you to Palmentarri and his mob.†Henry Yates: “I’ll send your dead bodies to Palmentarri to send him a message.†Henry Yates in the gun fight shoots this cop in the head killing him. He throws the cop guns aside. Henry Yates leaves the place.

At a Japanese Restaurant at night time. There is Kodo Obata the boss of the yakuza. He has a bunch of his thugs having a seat with him at some tables. There are civilians in the background. There are also restaurant employees there too. Kodo: “John Spartan is somewhere around here. He is messing with us. I want him dead. Go now. Find him and then kill him. Cut him up into sushi.†Kodo’s thugs leave with guns and swords.

Somewhere on the streets of Los Angeles. There is John Spartan driving the car. He is on patrol. There are Kodo’s thugs heading to the alley.

John Spartan spots Kodo’s thugs in an alley. John Spartan stops his car at the alley. John Spartan gets onto the radio. He calls for back up. Spartan: “This is John Spartan. I am at an alley nearby a Japanese restaurant. I see men who are working for Kodo. I believe that Kodo is at the restaurant. I might need back up here. I think that Kodo’s yakuza spotted me.†Radio Dispatcher: “Roger that Sgt. Spartan.†John Spartan gets out of the car. John Spartan pulls out his berretta. Those thugs see John Spartan. They shoot at him. John Spartan fires back. Spartan: “You must be working for Kodo.†There are some thugs with swords. John Spartan shoots those thugs with his gun. He kills 6 yakuza thugs. John Spartan throws down his gun. Others come up to him with their swords. John Spartan grabs their swords and cuts them up with them. Spartan: “The rest of you bring it on.†The rest of Kodo’s thugs try to kill John Spartan with their swords. John Spartan fights the rest of Kodo’s criminal gang with his swords. John Spartan fights those thugs and cuts them up and he stabs them with his swords. He cuts them up. They all drop dead. John Spartan throws down the swords. John Spartan picks up his gun. He goes over to the restaurant nearby.

Inside the restaurant. John Spartan comes in. Spartan: “Kodo Obata. You are under arrest.†John Spartan aims his gun at Kodo. John Spartan goes over to Kodo. He puts his gun away. Kodo gets back up. Kodo kicks John Spartan. John Spartan throws a punch back. John Spartan throws some punches knocking Kodo to the ground. Other cops burst in with Captain Healy behind them. John Spartan puts a pair of handcuffs on Kodo. Spartan: “Here’s your criminal Healy.†The other cops take him out. John Spartan walks out of the restaurant with Captain Healy. Healy: “Henry Yates is hiring Simon Phoenix and many of his friends to go to war with Dominic Palmentarri’s mob. I suspect so. Henry Yates just murdered 4 of our officers who are corrupted by the Palmentarri mob family. Our feds are dealing with those mobsters. They really like you and know that you are much against Henry Yates and even Simon Phoenix. I know that you reject bribes.â€

At the Los Angeles police station in the day time in the squad room one week later. There are many cops at their desks. There is Healy now a captain. He is briefing the officers. Healy: “Officers. We have many criminals all over the city in league with Henry Yates. One of them is Simon Phoenix. Sgt. John Spartan here has been after Simon Phoenix a psycho killer for 2 years. Simon Phoenix has committed
various crimes. Adam is wanted for mass murder. There is an assortment of criminals who murdered people in this area. Howie is also a pimp. He is wanted on charges of murder and prostitution. Some of you officers are only rookies. You are assigned to veteran officers. You Officer Dana Harris will be working with John Spartan. We are having satellite surveillance and video bites on unsolved mysteries as we are going after Simon Phoenix and his criminal friends. Even Henry Yates himself. Henry Yates had just killed 4 of our officers who were under investigation by internal affairs for bribery by Dominic Palmentarri Los Angeles godfather of the Italian Mafia. We must stop Henry Yates and those criminals working for him before this war breaks out.†There is John Spartan sitting in there. There is also a younger Zachary Lamb. Also there is Schmidt who is going to be the co pilot. Healy: “You Zachary Lamb will be working with Officer Schmidt.†There are a few women cops in there. One of them is Dana Crystal Harris (24 year old blonde hair woman wearing purple lipstick, purple eye shadow and is in police uniform). Zach Lamb goes over to Schmidt. Lamb: “I have been working here for 3 years now. I will help you around.†Dana Crystal Harris goes over to John Spartan. Dana Crystal: “I am Officer Harris. I am the girl who was a cheerleader at the football games you worked at your earlier years on the force.†Spartan: “That was me there.†They shake hands. Dana Crystal: “I was a cheerleader for UCLA. I attended school there and graduated from there 4 years ago. I was working in an office business since after college. I can see that you smoke. Yuck. I never smoked myself.†Spartan: “I don’t smoke too much. I am working on quitting.â€

The next day at the turf of Henry Yates. This place is decorated with a spa and gardening. This place looks a bit like a greenhouse. There is Simon Phoenix with many criminals named Adam, Gunther, Howie, Jed, Reggie, Elvin and many more.

Also there is Henry Yates with many of his thugs. Henry Yates: “Men. Let’s review. We have Italian mobsters that we are at war with. We also get to kill John Spartan who put me in the military prison 11 years ago.†Some Italian mobsters show up along with the under boss Danny Martinetti. Phoenix: “It’s Danny Martinetti who has just showed up. I can see them coming ahead. Palmentarri’s men who come down to my fortress will be killed.†They pull out guns. Henry Yates and many of those criminals who are in league with him are being fired on. All those criminals pull out their guns. There is a gun fight. Henry Yates’s men kill those mobsters. Martinetti: “You will die for messing with the Palmentarri gang.†Henry Yates kills Danny Martinetti. Henry Yates: “They better not come back. John Spartan is also after us all. He won’t even accept bribes from those mobsters. They could just kill him. Then we have him out of the way.†Simon Phoenix and his criminal friends: “Yeah!†Henry Yates: “We all hate John Spartan.â€

At mob headquarters later on in the day time. Outside there is John Spartan with Dana Crystal Harris. Dana Crystal is driving the police cruiser. They get out of the place. The 2 cops are heading to Dominic Palmentarri’s office. There are cigars on the big boss’s desk. Spartan: “You have done well Officer Harris. You will need your gun drawn to defend yourself.†John Spartan and Dana Crystal Harris come in. John Spartan pulls out his gun. He aims it at some mob body guards that try to get their guns. Spartan: “Don’t even try it. I am not here to hurt any of you. I need to see Dominic Palmentarri.†They don’t do it. They keep their guns holstered. Mob Body Guard: “Yes. I have heard about Martinetti whacked. Follow me.†They escort John Spartan to Dominic Palmentarri. John Spartan and Dana Crystal Harris go to talk to the mob godfather himself. Dominic: “What brings you here Sgt. Spartan?†Spartan: “I am here not to arrest you on racketeering charges. One of your under bosses got whacked. I have been after this Simon Phoenix for 2 years. He is in league with Henry Yates as are many criminals friends with him. I knew Henry Yates from the US Army. I almost him when he tried to kill me. I put him in prison in 1988, He has been out for 3 years now. He was on parole. 4 of the cops that were my officers that you bribed were killed by Henry Yates recently. He murdered them. I have hunches as I am going after many criminals out there like Simon Phoenix and Henry Yates and many other criminals. I am one of those few cops without a college degree. I joined the US Army after high school. You could help us bring down Henry Yates and Simon Phoenix along with many of his criminal friends. Only kill if you are to defend yourself.†John Spartan is walking around the office while Dana Crystal goes to talk to the mob godfather himself. Dana Crystal: “I am Officer Dana Crystal Harris. I am new to the LA PD. I was a cheerleader for UCLA. I was a cheerleader for High School football here in Los Angeles a decade ago. I am a class of 1994 at UCLA.†Spartan: “What did you do to be targeted by the worst criminals ever?†Dominic: “There’s a war that they started. Danny Martinetti was on a hit task and he got whacked. I am offering you money from us. Most of my men and me never have gone to college. My under boss Valentine dropped out of college on his freshman year because he was failing. A few other of my enforcers quit college. I dropped out of school when I was 16 years old myself. Tony here graduated high school. We could as a team drop things on Henry Yates and his thugs. Even drop things on Simon Phoenix and his gang. We could drop bricks and stones onto Simon Phoenix’s criminal friends. All of them. You are the Demolition Man. I wouldn't even to my men for disappointing me give them to criminals like Jack Jones or Simon Phoenix or his criminal friends just to get them killed. With Simon Phoenix and all of his criminal friends dead along with Henry Yates and criminal gangs to Simon Phoenix or Jack Jones we could bury them all in my turf.†Spartan: “We won’t take bribes. For that if you or your men try to kill me you will end up dead.†There are bosses named Robert Pastore, Vinnie Cirica. The under bosses are Tony Guido, Jack Valentine and mob enforcer Edward Sorvino. Dominic: “Those are my 2 second in commands Vincent Cirica and Robert Pastore. The under bosses are Tony Guido and Jack Valentine. Edward Sorvino here could be a new under boss in my crime syndicate.†Spartan: “You might already be hunted by the state police and the FBI. Leave those worse criminals to me and Officer Harris here.†They leave after they talk.

Later on at Henry Yates’s turf in the day time. There is Henry Yates with his thugs. Simon Phoenix shows up there as do many of his criminal friends. There is a meeting with them. Phoenix: “I suspect that John Spartan is talking to our mob godfather rival. It doesn’t look like that they will kill John Spartan.†Henry Yates: “You work for me as a hired killer Simon Phoenix. You can go to kill Dominic Palmentarri. The rest of you can pillage a science fair coming up.†All those criminals who are working for the warlord leave the place.

At John Spartan’s house at night time. In the living room there is John Spartan with his wife Madeline and daughter Katherine who is 6 years old. They have on the television in the living room. They have on the news. Madeline Spartan: “We are attending he science fair.†Spartan: “Dominic Palmentarri offered me and my rookie a bribe. There’s now way they could bribe me. I’m the Demolition Man.†Katherine Spartan: “You’ll be there tomorrow at the science fair will you?†Spartan: “I’m working tomorrow with my rookie. She went to college when you were a baby.â€

The next day at the police station. There is John Spartan and Dana Crystal Harris in the squad room with many other cops. There is Captain Healy standing up. He is showing photos of those many criminals who will be at the science fair at the LA convention Center (the pre Cocteau Center). Healy: “All right everyone here. Those are the photos of our wanted criminals. The science fair is at the LA Convention Center. I heard reports that our criminals will strike there. Let’s go out and nail them.†All those cops depart.

At the LA Convention Center outside. There are many parents with children attending the science fair. There’s a banner up there. John Spartan’s wife and daughter are there too. Everyone is walking around. Many of the criminals including Elvin, Gunther, Jed and many others show up. John Spartan’s wife gets onto her cell phone somewhere. Madeline Spartan: “I see trouble coming. I am calling for your father and his department.†She gets onto the phone. Madeline Spartan (continued): “Hello. This is Madeline Spartan the wife of Sgt. John Spartan from the LA PD. We have criminals coming to destroy the place. I need the police. I am at the LA Convention Center.â€

In a squad car. There is John Spartan driving this time. Dana Crystal Harris is riding with him. John Spartan hears a radio report. Radio Dispatcher: “Any available unit. There’s an attack at the LA Convention Center at a science fair.†John Spartan heads to the LA Convention Center. John Spartan’s rookie cop gets onto the CB. Dana Crystal: “We are on it.â€

Over at the LA Convention Center outside. The criminals are destroying more. John Spartan shows up from his police car. John Spartan and Dana Crystal Harris get out of their squad car. Spartan: “Hey dirt bags. You are all under arrest.†They go after the criminals there. Somewhere there’s an airplane. John Spartan grabs it. Elvin: “It’s John Spartan. Let’s all have some fun and kill him.†Elvin runs up to John Spartan. John Spartan throws this airplane knocking down Elvin. Dana Crystal runs after a bunch of criminals. Some of them try to touch her. Science Fair Thug 1: “She’s a hot chick.†She does a jump kick on that criminal. Dana Crystal: “Don’t touch me. You are all under arrest on murder charges and criminal conspiracy charges.†She and they are beating each other up. John Spartan jumps onto a banner. In the air a helicopter shows up. It’s Zachary Lamb and his co pilot Schmidt. Schmidt: “John Spartan must be dealing with all those criminals. How long have you been friends with John Spartan?†Lamb: “John Spartan and I have been friends for 3 years now.†They are patrolling the skies. A bunch of thugs try to get their hands on John Spartan. Gunther: “Rah let’s get John Spartan.†John Spartan swings on the banner knocking a bunch of them down. John Spartan gets over to Gunther. Spartan: “Gunther. You are under arrest for serial murder.†John Spartan tries to get his hands on Gunther. Many other police cars show up. Gunther punches John Spartan on the chest. John Spartan punches back. John Spartan jabs Gunther in the face. Dana Crystal defeats the rest of her opponents in the fight. Many of the cops later on take away all those criminals. John Spartan runs into his wife and daughter. Katherine Spartan: “Daddy.†Madeline Spartan: “That was me who made the call.†Spartan: “There are many others still out there along with Simon Phoenix and Henry Yates.†They hug. John Spartan and his rookie get back into the car. Spartan: “You drive this time.†Dana Crystal is driving the car this time.

Later on at night time at the turf of Henry Yates. Henry Yates is bathing in his spa. There is Adam, Reggie, Howie with his goons and Simon Phoenix. Henry Yates: “There are the mob guys still out there. I want them dead. John Spartan has nailed Gunther and Elvin with many other friends of yours. I want John Spartan dead too.†They depart.

At Dominic Palmentarri’s turf in his office. There is the mob godfather with his thugs. There is mob enforcer Edward Sorvino and others who work for him. There are also under bosses Tony Guido and Jack Valentine. Dominic: “You boys go kill Henry Yates and all those criminals who are in league with him. John Spartan has apprehended many other criminals in league with Henry Yates. There is Simon Phoenix with his elite criminals. One of them is Adam who is tough. Others are Reggie and Howie a pimp. There are also men who work for Howie. I want them all dead. You can hit them over the heads with baseball bats or pipes. If many of you come back with all those rivals of our’s dead then we get to drop blocks and other heavy material on Simon Phoenix and his gang at his fortress and then on Henry Yates and his gang on their turf. On his estate is where we could all drop things on them.†Those mobsters depart. Edward Sorvino takes a baseball bat.

On an alley in Los Angeles. There are criminals Adam, Reggie, Howie and Howie’s thugs. The mob guys show up. All those criminals scatter on the streets of Los Angeles. Mob under bosses Jack Valentine and Tony Guido and the under bosses open fire on Howie’s goons. They fire back. 2 of Howie’s goons are killed. Valentine: “Just die you screw heads!†Edward Sorvino strikes Adam with a baseball bat. Sorvino: “Now you die Adam.†Adam with his bare hands blocks the baseball bat. Adam rips off this mobster’s arms. Adam with his hands crushes this mobster’s skull. Adam: “I crushed him.†Howie shoots some mob guys with his revolver. Some other mobsters run up to Reggie with pipes. Reggie beats them up with his hands. Adam and Reggie kill them with their pipes. Howie kills a few more. Guido: “You are going to pay for killing our men.†The under bosses fire on those villains. Howie kills them with 2 shots. Reggie: “What will we do to them?†Howie: “We should throw their dead bodies into somewhere on the streets. LA is a war zone anyway. They killed my men.†Simon Phoenix’s criminal friends now pick up the dead mobsters. They have their bodies thrown into the streets.

Later on in the alley. There is John Spartan with Dana Crystal Harris-Burke. There are many other cops there too. They have police tape put there. Spartan: “Adam must’ve ripped of Raymond Sorvino’s arms. You saw how though he is from a picture of him at the station.†Dana Crystal: “I worked for behavioral engineering for some time after college. It’s a business by Raymond Cocteau. He is staring the cryo-prison. If we catch them they will be frozen. It is better than the death penalty.†Spartan: “Maybe I’ll put many of Simon Phoenix’s criminal friends there and Simon Phoenix himself there. Maybe even Henry Yates.â€

At the turf of Dominic Palmentarri. There is Dominic in his office. The bosses come in to inform him that his gang has been whacked. Vinnie Cirica: “It was criminals who are friends with this elusive criminal master mind named Simon Phoenix who killed your men.†Robert Pastore: “Also a ruthless criminal named Adam murdered Edward Sorvino. He ripped his arms off and then crushed him.†Dominic: “If we kill all of our rivals than maybe we could build all over again. That’s if we win this war and it looks like we are losing this war.â€

Somewhere else in Dominic’s building. There are mob body guards. Simon Phoenix shows up. He has his guns drawn. The mob body guards pull out their guns just as they noticed the intruder. They open fire on each other. Phoenix kills those mob body guards. Simon Phoenix walks through the building. Phoenix: “Now Dominic Palmentarri. Where ever you are you are dead.†The 2 bosses Cirica and Pastore pull out their guns. They open fire on Simon Phoenix. Phoenix: “Simon says ‘you both get whacked’!†Simon Phoenix with both guns kills the 2 mob bosses. Dominic Palmentarri goes up to Simon Phoenix. Simon Phoenix kicks Dominic Palmentarri. Dominic Palmentarri goes for his golf club as he gets up in his office. He grabs it. Dominic: “Die Phoenix!†He swings the golf club on Simon Phoenix. Simon Phoenix grabs the golf club with his hands. The criminal working for a criminal warlord hits the mob godfather in the face with the golf club. He steals it. Simon Phoenix beats up on Dominic Palmentarri with his golf club. Simon Phoenix pulls out a gun. He draws a bead on the bloodied up mobster. Phoenix: “Now you will die. We won the war.†He shoots him with it in the head. Phoenix leaves the office.

Later on the next day at the police station. There are the many cops in the squad room. There is John Spartan along with Dana Crystal Harris. Also there is Captain Healy briefing the officers on the mob whacking by those ruthless criminals. Healy: “Dominic Palmentarri was whacked yesterday. He was beat up with his own golf club and was shot. Also his men were killed. LA is still a war zone and we are fighting to end this war.†Spartan: “Captain Healy. I have a hunch that Simon Phoenix beat up on Dominic Palmentarri with a golf club. Phoenix’s criminal friends might be at a Los Angeles night club. We have 3 of them left.†Healy: “Sgt. Spartan. Once we apprehend Simon Phoenix’s criminal friends you and Officer Harris are done working together. You 2 will split up going after Simon Phoenix and Henry Yates.â€

Later on at a night club in Los Angeles. Somewhere in there Adam, Howie and Reggie are hanging out there. They are sitting at a table. Reggie: “Simon Phoenix has whacked out Dominic Palmentarri. We now have John Spartan.†Adam: “I could break John Spartan’s skull.†Howie: “Simon Phoenix raped a woman. He is facing many criminal charges. John Spartan has a woman rookie cop working for him. John Spartan is in Steve Healy’s unit.†Reggie: “I have seen pictures of his rookie. She isn’t so bad looking.†There are many men and women present. There are bartenders serving drinks. There are people drinking in the background.

Outside there is Dana Crystal Harris in her jeep with Captain Healy and John Spartan riding in it. Dana Crystal is wearing plain clothes. She has on a white t-shirt with ripped blue jeans. The cops get out of the car. The cops have guns drawn. They go into the night club.

There’s a bouncer at the door. LA Nightclub Bouncer: “Stop right there.†Spartan: “We are LA PD. My cop hunch tells me that some hunted criminals are in there.†The cops show their badges to the bouncer. LA Nightclub Bouncer: “Go in there and arrest them if you need to.†They go into the place.

Back inside. The 3 criminals see the 3 cops show up. Healy: “LA PD. You are all under arrest for murder and murder conspiracy.†Spartan: “Come out easy or I will beat you 3 up.†Adam: “It’s John Spartan and his sexy rookie partner.†Howie: “It’s Captain Healy.†Adam rams into John Spartan. Reggie now gets onto John Spartan. Dana Crystal: “Both of you get off of my veteran officer. You 2 men are under arrest on murder and murder conspiracy charges.†Dana Crystal Harris jump kicks Reggie. Dana Crystal: “I know who you are.†Reggie throws a punch back. John Spartan uppercuts Adam. Reggie gets onto Dana Crystal. Adam starts fleeing. John Spartan runs after him. Reggie throws the female cop to the ground. Reggie: “A sexy babe that will try to take me down. I know that you are a former cheerleader and basketball and football. You were at UCLA games.†Reggie stomps on Dana Crystal. Dana Crystal grabs Reggie by the foot and throws him to the ground. Dana Crystal gets back up. Captain Healy runs after Howie. Captain Healy catches up to Howie.

Somewhere else in the nightclub. There is John Spartan fighting Adam. Adam throws a punch onto his stomach. Adam: “You John Spartan almost killed Henry Yates.†John Spartan punches him on the hand. John Spartan throws a high punch. Adam tries to put his arms on John Spartan. John Spartan punches him in the stomach. John Spartan kicks him on the leg knocking him down. John Spartan puts his handcuffs back on Adam. John Spartan steps on Adam. John Spartan stomps on Adam. Spartan: “I have got you now Adam. Some of those who were arrested on your side were put in military prison by me. You are under arrest on murder charges.†Adam: “I will get my lawyer and you’ll pay for this John Spartan.†John Spartan is dragging Adam around the night club.

Back to Dana Crystal vs. Reggie. Dana Crystal is finishing off with Reggie. Reggie tries to get his hands on Dana Crystal. In the background Captain Healy jumps on Howie. John Spartan is dragging Adam around in handcuffs. Captain Healy puts his handcuffs on Howie. Dana Crystal throws a good kick knocking Reggie into his table. Dana Crystal: “I was a cheerleader at the UCLA games and I am a black belt.†Spartan (to the bartender): “We are LA PD and those 3 criminals here are under arrest. Call for back up.†A bartender goes over to the phone to call the police.

Later on Outside. There are many cops loading Adam, Reggie and Howie into police cars. There is John Spartan with Dana Crystal Harris talking with Captain Healy. Healy: “You 2 Sgt. Spartan and Officer Harris. You will be split apart working. You know your way around now Officer Harris.†Spartan: “I think I know where Henry Yates’s turf is.†Healy: “Then Officer Harris and some other rookies will go after Simon Phoenix himself. There maybe other criminals out there too.†Those police cars carrying those prisoners leave.

5 days later at the Los Angeles police station outside in the day time. There is Captain Healy with John Spartan and Dana Crystal Harris. Healy: “Officer Harris. I just got a report that Simon Phoenix was spotted at a library. We want you to check it out. Apprehend him if you see him. I know that you are a black belt. Those men that we just arrested are guilty. You John Spartan will be taken by Zachary Lamb in a helicopter.†There is Zachary Lamb and his co pilot Schmidt. Dana Crystal Harris gets into her jeep. John Spartan gets into the helicopter. The helicopter gets into the air. The helicopter heads to Jack Jones’s turf.

At the library in Los Angeles. There is Simon Phoenix present somewhere. There are many men and women there. There are children there too. There’s a man putting away books. A man in the library spots Simon Phoenix. He puts on his cell phone. Library Patron: “Hello. I need the police. I found wanted criminal Simon Phoenix. I am at the Los Angeles library.†This man hangs up the phone. Simon Phoenix walks out of the library. Simon Phoenix finds that man who called the police. Phoenix: “You have called the police on me. I am bailing out now.†Simon Phoenix throws this library customer against a wall. He bails out.

On the road. There is Dana Crystal Harris in her jeep. She has a radio with her. Radio Dispatcher: “Any available unit. Simon Phoenix was last spotted at the Los Angeles public library.†Dana Crystal gets onto her radio. Dana Crystal: “This is Officer Harris here. I am nearby the library.†The female cop heads off to the bar. She puts on her siren.

Later on at the library. There’s a SWAT truck there. Dana Crystal parks her car there. The SWAT team gets out of the truck. Dana Crystal pulls out her gun as she comes out of her jeep. Dana Crystal: “The FBI is after Henry Yates. He managed to elude federal agents after him. Sgt. Spartan is dealing with Henry Yates right now.†The cops all burst into the library.

Inside the library. Dana Crystal comes in with the SWAT team. Dana Crystal: “Everyone get down. We are hunting down Simon Phoenix.†Male Librarian: “He’s not here. He threw a customer against a wall. He got away.†Dana Crystal and the SWAT team leave the library.

Outside of the library. There is Dana Crystal and the SWAT team. Dana Crystal: “We are having a city wide man hunt on Simon Phoenix. We’ll catch him soon. Everyone else in league with Henry Yates is either in prison or dead.†Dana Crystal and the other cops leave the place.

At the turf of Henry Yates. There is Henry Yates with his thugs at his turf. They are readying rockets to blow up places in the city. Henry Yates: “Adam, Reggie and Howie have been apprehended. Ready the rockets. We can destroy the prison transports. We’ll free all those captured by LA PD. We won our war against the Palmentarri crime family. We have John Spartan to annihilate.†The helicopter that’s carrying John Spartan shows up.

Somewhere nearby the place the helicopter lands. John Spartan gets out with his Beretta drawn. Spartan: “Right there.†The helicopter gets back into the air. Henry Yates’s thugs open fire. John Spartan fires back. 3 of those thugs shoot at the helicopter. John Spartan shoots those 3 thugs down. Henry Yates is punching in a launch code for his first rocket. John Spartan pulls out an explosive. Spartan: “Police. Nobody move.†Yates Thug 1: “Die Spartan!†The rest of Henry Yates’s thugs open fire on John Spartan. John Spartan blows them up with his explosive. Spartan: “That’s what you jerks get when you try to kill me.†John Spartan aims his gun at Henry Yates. Spartan: “Henry Yates. You are under arrest for murder of Dominic Palmentarri. Put your hands in the air.†John Spartan gets closer to him. He puts his gun away. Henry Yates kicks John Spartan in the stomach. Henry Yates: “I hate cops.†John Spartan throws a punch back. Henry Yates punches John Spartan. Henry Yates: “Just as you got me in thrown out of the service you will die for it.†Spartan: “You and others were targeting schools. You were giving orders to other soldiers bad.†Henry Yates: “Schools are the enemies of freedom. People can join me.†John Spartan grabs his leg with his hand throwing him to the ground. Henry Yates uppercuts back on John Spartan. Henry Yates tries to take the gun from John Spartan John Spartan throws a punch on Henry Yates sending him flying into his own rocket. John Spartan hits the code. The Rocket launches with Henry Yates on it. Henry Yates: “You’ll pay for this John Spartan. You only have Simon Phoenix left to catch. He’ll kill you.†The Rocket gets into the air. It explodes blowing up Henry Yates. Spartan: “That’s what you get for trying to kill me the Demolition Man.†John Spartan goes to call for back up.

Later on Captain Healy shows up with more officers. Dana Crystal Harris shows up in her jeep next. She parks her car. She gets out. There are cops putting tape around the place. Spartan: “Did you Officer Harris catch Simon Phoenix? I killed Colonel Yates because he tried again to kill me.†Harris: “With the SWAT Team we pued him into the library and he got away there. Then we chased him into a bar. He got away again.†Spartan: “Sooner or later we’ll catch Simon Phoenix. I have been after him for 2 years now.†Old Spartan: “Before I got frozen I put many criminals in the cryo-prison. Over this time I have captured Simon Phoenix. Simon Phoenix killed 30 hostages and framed me for it. Both I and Simon Phoenix got frozen in the cryo-prison. I killed Simon Phoenix’s offspring 6 years ago 10 years after he took over the criminal empire started by Simon Phoenix himself and all those cryocons thawed out by Simon Phoenix. It was 5 years before devil worshipping.â€

Back to 2048 now 60 years later. Old Spartan: “I retired last year after I took down the devil worship ring leader. I have fought Neo Nazis, mobsters, street gangs and all different types of criminals. Lenina is now the chief of the San Angeles police after George Earle retired. We were all in battle against devil worshippers and they tried to kill us all. Simon Phoenix and his entire criminal empire are dead as is Henry Yates and even Raymond Cocteau. Jack Jones was a hired gun sent to kill me and the mob rivals to Henry Yates. Jack Jones got killed by the Tongs shortly before Simon Phoenix and his criminal friends killed them all with the boss.†Friendly: “The 3 of us are going now.†Lisa: “I go back to work tomorrow.†There is John Spartan with Edgar Friendly, Lisa Earle, James Huxley and Jack Hensen. John Spartan gives the laser discs to Lisa Earle. John Spartan, Lisa Earle and Edgar Friendly leave the place.

Fan Fiction

Demolition Man should have a fan fiction forum just like Star Wars does. I have my ideas for the 2nd movie and novel below. You fans could write more to my novel idea. No one but me has written fan fiction on this movie. I will reply with the rest of the Demolition Man fan fiction.


  • San Angeles Legacy Part 1.doc
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  • San Angeles Legacy Part 2.doc
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  • San Angeles Legacy Part 3.doc
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  • San Angeles Legacy Part 4.doc
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  • San Angeles Legacy Part 5.doc
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I have the rest of the fan fiction. There's also a Demolition Man category on You fans could post Demolition man fan fiction there to fit in with Legacy of San Angeles. I have the rest below.


  • San Angeles Legacy Part 6.doc
    56.5 KB · Views: 487
  • San Angeles Legacy Part 7.doc
    54.5 KB · Views: 494
  • Demolition Man 2 Idea.doc
    80.5 KB · Views: 438
They should have a Demolition Man forum on this site. Also have a sub forum for fan fiction. You fans could post stories on the forums or links to sites such as
New Set of Fan Fiction Part 1

I have below 5 parts for Legacy of San Angeles. You fans could write more to this novel idea. Here is the first set below.


  • San Angeles Legacy Part 1.doc
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  • San Angeles Legacy Part 2.doc
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  • San Angeles Legacy Part 3.doc
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  • San Angeles Legacy Part 4.doc
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  • San Angeles Legacy Part 5.doc
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New Set of Fan Ficton Part 2

I have more Demolition Man fan fiction below. This is the rest of my novel idea and ideas for a second and third film.


  • San Angeles Legacy Part 6.doc
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  • San Angeles Legacy Part 7.doc
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  • Demolition Man 2 Idea.doc
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  • Demolition Chick.doc
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Casting Suggestions

I have below a list of actors who I'd pick for roles.

Demolition Man 2

John Spartan--- John Cena (WWE superstar)

Henry Yates [John Spartan's corrupt army commander and 1996 criminal warlord who hires assorted criminals]--- Val Kilmer (Batman Forever)

Dana Crystal Harris [Rookie cop who has John Spartan as a veteran officer in the LA PD who will 1 day become the Los Angeles police chief]--- Erica Christensen (Flightplan, Swimfan, Traffic)

Dominic Palmentari [Los Angeles mob godfather who is a rivla to Henry Yates and all those criminals who one day get frozen and escape from their cryo-prison]--- Joe Pantoliano (TV's the Sopranos, Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector, Daredevil movie)

Simon Phoenix--- Wesley Snipes (he could reprise his role from Demolition Man) or Tyrse (2 Fast 2 Furious) (Tyrese could play Simon Phoenix if Wesley Snipes is too old to reprise his role)

Pre CryoCon Adam--- Jesse "The Body" Ventura (reprising his role from Demolition Man as the thug who killed Raymond Cocteau doing the work for Simon Phoenix) or Stone Cold Steve Austin (another WWE superstar and he could replace The Body if he's too old or runs for US president)

Pre CryoCon Elvin--- Rhino Michaels (reprising his role from Demolition Man) or if he's too old X-Pac (WWE superstar)

Pre CryoCon Kodo--- Toshishiro Obata (reprising his role from Demolition Man) or if he's too old Ken Wantanabe (Batman Begins)

Pre CryoCon Howie--- Shawn Michaels (WWE Superstar)

Pre Cryocon Gunther--- Stevie Ray (WCW superstar)

Captain Steve Healy--- Jeff Daniels (Dumb & Dumber, Speed)

Zachary Lamb--- Lorenz Tate (Biker Boyz)

Co Pilot Schmidt--- No Thoughts

Madeline Spartan--- Kate Winslet (Titanic)

Katie Spartan--- No Thoughts

Edward Raymond Sorvino [Mob Enforcer who becomes a new under boss of the Italian Mafia]--- James Gandolfini (TV's The Sopranos, 8MM, True Romance)

Danny Martinetti [under boss of the Italian Mafia in Los Angeles]--- Paul Ben Victor (Daredevil Movie, True Romance)

Vincent Cirica [under boss of the Italian Mafia in Los Angeles]--- Tony Cirica (TV's The Sopranos)

Robert Pastore [under boss of the Italian Mafia in Los Angeles]--- Vincent Pastore (TV's The Sopranos)

Yuri Sergei [Russian Mafia boss in LA]--- Ellya Bashkin (Forest Warrior, Spider-Man 2)

Chris Dillion [John Spartan's vetern officer on his rookie days of the LA PD]--- Robert Englund (He played Freddy Kruger in the Nightmare on Elm Street Movies)

Mayor James Huxley [San Angeles mayor in the future and Lenina Huxley's father]--- No Thoughts

Lisa Earle [cop from the future who is the daughter of police chief George Earle]--- Erica Christensen (Swimfan, Traffic, Flightplan)

Lenina Huxley--- Sandra Bullock (reprising her role from Demolition Man in future cameo)

Edgar Friendly--- Denis Leary (reprising his role from Demolition Man in future cameo)

Deputy Mayor Jack Hensen [the deputy mayor of San Angeles in the future]--- No Thoughts

Older John Spartan--- Maybe Adam West (he played Batman on a classical Batman television show)

Not sure on anyone else.

Demolition Chick

(other title: Demolition Man 3)

Erica Christensen (Flightplan, Swimfan, Traffic) as Lisa Earle & Dana Crystal Harris & Molly Spartan [John Spartan's mother]

John Cena (WWE Superstar) as Michael Drake [Lisa Earle's boyfriend/partner of the NY PD] & John Spartan & Salvatore Spartan [John Spartan's father who once worked for the jury.

Tom Sizemore (Passenger 57, Michael Mann's Heat, Natural Born Killers) as Boris Knox [business man who is the criminal mastermind and descended from Mafia boss Anthony Marconi] & Anthony Marconi [1950's Mafia boss] & Sonny Marconi [Los Angeles Mafia boss and son of New York City Mafia boss Anthony Marconi]

Julian Sands (The Medallion) as Police Chief Larry Byrnes [chief of the New York City Police Department]

Chelsa Field (Masters of the Universe movie) as Dr. Alana Jeffers [scientist and second in command of Boris Knox's criminal empire]

Not sure on who should play a younger Steve Healy, Max Healy, Other mobsters or Lt. Shadix or others in the flash backs. Not sure on who should play Bill, Todd, Sarah, Eve, Otis or Budd.

Maybe some other Italian actors from the Sopranos as Mafia under bosses in flash backs.
I have 2 more characters who I forgot about on the casting list. Michael Imperioli as Jack Valentine and Steve Van Zant as Tony Guido. Lots of actors from the Sopranos as Mafia men who tried to kill Simon Phoenix and his cryocon allies.

I have made changes on my Demolition Man 2 idea. This idea was like similar things from in the first. Simon Phoenix and Adam teamed up together battling the rest of their rivals while they were in league with a villain who I came up with the idea of before they teamed up in the Wasteland battle.

When Simon Phoenix took over the city Adam and Howie teamed up with 2 criminals who were also taken down by John Spartan in the cryo-prison lobby. It's in a cut out scene in the comic book adaption and what I read in a script.

A cryocon already thawed out played by Jesse "The Body" Ventura teams up with 3 new recruits who are the first batch of 80 cryocons. John Spartan kills them all. Someone said something on on the message boards about the Sly Stallone vs. Jesse The Body fight shown as the only cut footage on various footage clips of Demolition Man when he was watching the biography of Sylvester Stallone on E! channel.

You people could read this whole entire thread.
The Remake Talks

I think that they should remake Demolition Man with a trilogy. The first could be about the violent times when the cryo-prison was beginning with my prequel idea plot elements.

They could even have an expanded universe novel one shot. John Cena could star as John Spartan in the remake trilogy. We could see more of the scraps and the forming of San Angeles just as it starts out with Henry Yates who was in the army with John Spartan united Simon Phoenix and those who get frozen in cryo-prison with him as he one day thaws them out and than we see John Spartan make some arrests and the 2nd part of the trilogy is talked about. Simon Phoenix Jr. who is Mac the scrap traitor clones the 6 cryocons and than many other dead thugs to make up clone thugs and he has rivals who workship the devil lead by administator Orlando Keller and his loveley second in command Sabrina Miller a devil priestess with the 3rds in command Mic, Rob and Bone.

Part 1

My Demolition Man 2 idea plot elements that starts out when John Spartan was in the army. It's the same cast that I am suggesting. This would be about the cryo-prison's beginning and John Spartan is going after Simon Phoenix as it ends.

Part 2

Remake the 1993 movie starring Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes. This time John Spartan in the Wasteland battle kills cryocon Kodo who's played by Toshishiro Obata in the 1993 film. That other cryocon named Beppo is killed by some scraps in the Wasteland battle. Edgar Friendly with his gun blows away the scrap traitor thinking to have killed him with that explosive gun. The remake could have elements of the original film where it begins with John Spartan going off to Simon Phoenix's headquarters. Lenina Huxley and John Spartan still go after Simon Phoenix while Alfredo Garcia with the scraps deal wiht the cryocons Elvin, Francis, Danzig (played by stunt man Billy Lucas) and Adam (played by former pro wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura).

During the chase Simon Phoenix kills former helicopter pilot Zachary Lamb (that part was cut out in the 1993 movie Demolition Man to shorten the running time). Later on Lenina Huxley and John Spartan purse Simon Phoenix and the rest of his gang at the Cocteau Center. John Spartan is heavily armed. Simon Phoenix tries to again kill Raymond Cocteau. He has Adam and Danzig do it and than Elvin and Francis throw Cocteau's dead body into the fire. There are 80 cryocons still frozen. Simon Phoenix goes over to there with Associate Bob to thaw out the rest. Adam stays in Raymond Cocteau's office gaurding it. Simon Phoenix sends Elvin, Francis and Danzig down to kill John Spartan. In the lobby Lenina Huxley and John Spartan play the old trick on the 3 cryocons there. Elvin comes up to John Sparatn and than Elvin is knocked out unconscious by John Spartan. Than Lenina Huxley and John Spartan battle Francis and Danzig. They kill them just as Francis has a smaller gun and Danzig pulls out a knife on John Spartan.

Than Lenina Huxley and John Spartan encouter Adam in Cocteau's office. John Spartan battles Adam hand to hand. Lenina Huxley with her stun baton strikes Adam knocking him out. John Spartan kicks Adam on the chin to keep him knocked out. John Spartan knocks out Lenina Huxley with his stun baton. He gives her a gun. They discover Simon Phoenix releasing everyone else from the cryo-prison.

The first batch of cryocons goes after John Spartan in the cryo-prison lobby (from what was cut out in the 93 movie John Spartan battle the Cocteau killer with 3 new recruits and killed them all). There are 4 in each batch of 80 cryocons. The first 4 are Gunther, Howie, Jed and Paul O'Bannon the IRA leader arrested by Dana Crystal Harris-Burke who was one day the San Angeles chief of police and John Spartan's rookie some time before he finally nailed Simon Phoenix. John Spartan shoots and kills Gunther and Jed with his guns. John Spartan cracks Howie's head open. Paul O'Bannon tries to get the guns from John Spartan. John Spartan shoots and kills Paul O'Bannon.

John Spartan gets to Simon Phoenix at the cryo-prison. All the others are all thawed out. They get to the exterior to the building. John Spartan battles Simon Phoenix in a gun fight and than hand to hand. John Spartan with wires electrocutes Simon Phoenix. John Spartan freezes him and knocks his head off. John Spartan pulls Associate Bob out of the cryo-prison and into the parking lot.

Like in the 1993 movie at the ending there is police chief George Earle asking John Spartan if he apprehended Simon Phoenix and labels him the villlain responsible for the murder of Dr. Raymond Cocteau. Lenina Huxley goes over to John Spartan and informs him that the 2 other cryocons there she and the scraps killed just as they regained consciousness. Edgar Friendly and Alfredo Garcia are standing out there and it's talked about that Alfredo Garcia killed Elvin and Lenina Huxley this time killed Adam as they tried to kill them and Chief Earle. Lenina Huxley and John Spartan kiss just as they think that all 80 of those cryocons are dead. There are cops all over the parking lot with fire trucks and firemen putting the fire out. It ends with Mac and the 80 cryocons when they meet and than they are starting their new crime syndicate.

In this society in the remake tattoos and body piercings are on the list of things illegal. Also illegal are cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, meat, salt, un educational toys, gasoline and junk food. Also profanity is illegal and like in the 93 movie there's the morality box that buzzes when someone says a bad word. There are people fighting for freedom for all that bad stuff and freedom to smoke cigars just as long as they go outside to smoke.

Part 3

For 5 years John Spartan has been going after the remains of Simon Phoenix's crime syndicate and the new leader the offspring of Simon Phoenix who's half African and half Hispanic. It starts out with John Spartan at the lab dealing with the corrupt doctor who gave the data to a scrap years ago while the scraps and Derek Hammer the deputy police chief battle 38 cryocons. John Spartan has met his 2 granddaughters and has a son named Joey present and a daughter named Melissa and he's married to Lenina Huxley. Alfredo Garcia was killed by the offspring of Simon Phoenix. Edgar Friendly is elected as leader of the free San Angeles. John Spartan shows the cops on how to use guns. There are gun fights of John Spartan and his cop and scrap allies battling many clone thugs. Mac has cloned the 6 cryocons along with Gunther, Howie, Jed and Paul O'Bannon. It was war for years. John Spartan talks about his rookie from before he caught Simon Phoenix that has apprehended the IRA leader and a pimp/terrorist who committed the last murder death kill before San Angeles. The scraps Jason, Jackie, Carl, Ryan a few more freedom fighters that survived battle the other half of 76 cryocon survivors along with the clone generals. One of the 76 is Reggie who is second in command to Mac. Associate Bob has become California governor while Edgar Friendly is running for mayor of the free San Angeles. John Spartan blows up the cryocon clones too while Chief Earle's daughter Lisa with her friends battle the cryocon clones who are the generals. Lenina Huxley-Spartan battles Cryocon Reggie. John Spartan in the final battle is facing Mac the offspring of Simon Phoenix. John Spartan blows up Mac and the rest of the villains. Edgar Friendly is mayor of the free San Angeles while Jackie is deputy mayor.

Does anyone have anymore ideas to fit into a Demolition Man saga remake? You fans could post your ideas there and maybe even write fan scripts with my suggestions for the trilogy.

I have my fan fiction from [FanFiction.Net :I have 3 links to 3 different stories below.

Demolition Man 2

FanFiction.Net : Demolition Man 2

Demolition Chick (other title: Demolition Man 3)

FanFiction.Net : Demolition Chick

Legacy of San Angeles

FanFiction.Net : Legacy of San Angeles

John Cena always as John Spartan and Christopher Walken as Dr. Raymond Cocteau in a Demolition Man remake. Does anyone have any casting suggestions for the characters? If so please reply here?
UPdates and Remake Casting Suggestions

I am updating this thread. I have fan scripts for the remake trilogy and casting suggestions.

John Cena as John Spartan. Michael Beihn as Commander Henry Yates the main villain of the days when the cryo-prison began. Jeff Daniels as Captain Healy. Tom Sizemore or Sylvester Stallone (the original Demo Man) as rival criminal leader Dominic Palmentarri. James Gandolfini as mob enforced turned under boss Edward Raymond Sorvino. Tony Cirica as Mafia Boss Vinnie Cirica. Vincent Pastore as Mafia Boss Robert Pastore. Michael Imperiolli as Mafia under boss Tony Guido. Josehph R. Gannascoli as Mafia under boss Jason "Jack" Valentine. Paul Ben-Victor as Mafia under boss Tony Guido. I would pick other actors from the Sopranos as mobsters who go up against Henry Yates and Simon Phoenix with many of Simon Phoenix's criminal friends. Kate Winslet as Madeline Spartan John Spartan's first wife.

I would pick Busta Rhymes for the offspring of Simon Phoenix and Andre Benjammin as Simon Phoenix himself. The guy who played Zach on Saved by the Bell as Edgar Friendly. Mario Lopez (as Darrin), Ja Rule (as Carl), Dustin Diamond (as Jason), Scott Wienger (as Jackie), Tony Hale (as Ryan) and David Koechner (as Max) with some unknown actors as Wasteland scraps. Kiera Knightley or Haylie Duff as Lenina Huxley. Christian Bale as a younger Raymond Cocteau. Nick Notle or Christopher Walker or Timothy Dalton as an older Raymond Cocteau. Jack Black as Associate Bob. Lorenz Tate as a younger Zachary Lamb. Samuel L. Jackson as an older Zachary Lamb. Not sure on who should play Chief George Earle. Not sure on who should play Warden William Smithers older or younger. Not sure on who should play Alfredo Garcia. Not sure on who should play Erwin.

Cryocons and other criminal friends to Simon Phoenix.

Stone Cold Steve Austin or Bill Goldberg as Adam (played by Jesse "The Body" Ventura in the original 1993 movie)

Kurupt as Beppo

Booker T. as Gunther

Eric Esteband as Kodo

Shawn Michaels as Howie

Scott Hall as Reggie

Jay Z as Francis

Vanilla Ice as Danzig

X-Pac as Elvin

Not sure on who to play Jed but in the comic book adaption he has long black hair.

Not sure on who should play IRA leader Paul O'Bannon

Daniel Bernheart as Jack Jones

Devil Worshippers who are the rivals to the crime syndicate started by Simon Phoenix.

Diamond Dallas Page as Orlando Keller the leader of the band

Ali Larter as Sabrina Miller the evil high priestess

Kane and the Undertaker as Barney and Ian.

Joe Mangeaniello (played Flash Thompson in the Spider-Man movies) as Mick

Justin Niell (he played a bully in the first Spider-Man film) as Bone

Michael Papajohn (Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector, Spider-Man movies, Spawn) as Rob

There might be others on the list. Tom Wilson as James Macmillan the tough cop.

Erica Christensen as LA PD officer Dana Crystal Harris younger

Leslie Easterbrook (The Devil's Rejects, Police Academy movies) or Joanna Cassidy as older Dana Crystal Harris-Burke the former San Angeles police chief

Brendan Fehr as Jonathan Burke a scrap

Not sure on who should play John Burke

Larry Fishburne as African Mafia Boss Luther Rockwell in flash back

Jet Li as Tongs Boss Lee Chang in flash back

Not sure on who should play cops in John Spartan's unit bribed by the rivals to John Spartan's worst enemies.

Anyone else there could be the ideas on that link. Here's the link to the fan scripts.

Rob Schnider as Dr. Gregory Cobbs

View attachment Demolition Man Criminal Wars.doc

View attachment Demolition Man Remake.doc

View attachment Demolition Man Remake Part 2.doc

View attachment Demolition Man Geriatric Method.doc
I quite liked it, but I think I preferred "JUDGE DREDD".

As much as I like Sandy Bullock (nice!) I adore Diane Lane (yowza!) ;):D
Man someone is totally obsessed with this movie.

What are the three sea shells for?
Man someone is totally obsessed with this movie.

Yeah, no kidding. Geez.

I was never a really big fan or the movie. It just seemed so thrown together. But, then again, I only watch it when it's on TNT or TBS, which kills any movie.
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