Demolition Man (1993)

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I have made some changes on all of my Demolition Man fan fiction as the cops bribed by Wesley Snipes's character's rival criminals have names and more of the Jesse Ventura fight in the Wasteland. This would be more on Denis Leary vs. Jesse Ventura and those scraps who attack that cryocon are who appear on the crowd before Sylvester Stallone with Sandra Bullock go after Wesley Snipes and the rest of his criminal gang. This is more with the scraps battling the evil villain's criminal gang.
I must admit I love this film in a tongue in cheek way :)

I hadn;t realised Nigel Hawthorne had died, I really should turn the tv on occasionally :)
Its been so long since i watched Demolition Man, I do remember it being cheesy for some strange reason tho.
Commercial Footage with Jesse Ventura Fight

Long ago Shaun213 posted a thread stating that there was footage of Demolition Man shown during commercial break during the biography of Sylvester Stallone.

I have been looking for that footage when Stallone's character fights the cryocon played by the Body. It was cut out and this person asked for it.

I can't find it anywhere on downloads or even that footage on youtube. This could be a part only made for commercial.

If any more of you saw that footage please reply here.
Number of Thugs

I have a thread from the Internet movie database.

This is the start of a thread by thanos 57.

Simon Phoenix has Cocteau thaw out around 5 or 6 "special men" in order to carry out his plans. We even see them all gathered in the "underground city" area drinking beer with Phoenix. Spartan and Huxley enter Cocteau's building and take out two of them. So, what happened to the others? They weren't with Phoenix at the end; they just vanished.
Movie mistake?

Reply 1

They probably figured "To hell with this, I'm off to my own reign of terror!"

Reply 2

Maybe there was hope for a sequel?

A link to my reply.

IMDb :: Boards :: Demolition Man (1993) :: Number of thugs.

The script is on this link where we could guess the character fates.

I was guessing there that Jesse Ventura either plays Albert or Charlie. Charlie lies dead and John Spartan shoots down and kills Albert and he even kills Beppo who could be a yakuza boss. But than when the dead bodies are shown there are only Albert and Beppo. Charlie's body must've vaporized or nowhere to be found and 2 of the 3 dead guys were found by scraps and carried them on liters.

This should be put in the movie slip up. Jesse Ventura's character's disappearence must be a writer's error. I could fill that in with my fan writing.

In what was cut out Jesse Ventura's character with 3 other thugs go downstairs to kill John Spartan and they fail. Lenina Huxley and John Spartan take out 3 of them (that X-Pac look alike is killed or knocked out by John Spartan as he calls out his name).

There are stories with writer's errors. They could've had John Spartan battle Simon Phoenix and those thugs at the cryo-prison and John Spartan shoots them down and Jesse Ventura's character down.

Someone said that in a commercial with the cut footage there's Sylvester Stallone vs. Jesse Ventura in cut out footage or maybe only made for commercial.

Something else they could've done like if we knew some action scenes were going to be cut out is having Lenina Huxley and John Spartan fight 2 more cryocons in the office when they discover Raymond Cocteau dead as Lenina Huxley could've kicked the butts of the 2 men who threw Cocteau's dead body in the fire and Sylvester Stallone's character could've than battled the cryocon played by Jesse Ventura or otherwise John Spartan knocks out that same cryocon who kicked the chair out of the way and than Jesse Ventura's character could've been at the cryo-prison gates with that same gun in hand that he killed Raymond Cocteau with.

Than maybe Jesse Ventura's character could jump on the red car and try to crush John Spartan but than John Spartan could've ran down the cryocon played by Jesse Ventura.

What happens is that Lenina Huxley and John Spartan after Lenina Huxley knocks one guy unconscious and kills the other aims her stun baton at where Jesse Ventura's character vanished and than John Spartan aims gun at where the X-Pac (that's a former WWE wrestler) look alike vanished. Maybe they could've had them fight 2 more when they discovered Raymond Cocteau dead.

They could've than thrown 2 cryocons into each other knocking them out. That's something they should've done.

The production may've gotten dumber. This isn't in the novelization or script or comic book adapation that when Lenina Huxley and John Spartan disover Raymond Cocteau dead they are aim the gun and stun baton for 5 seconds as they burst into the office and discover Raymond Cocteau dead.

Did any more of you notice that Lenina Huxley aim the stun baton and John Spartan aiming the revolver right where at a few cryocons standing there?
Never Before Scene Footage that I knew about and what I knew

There was footage cut out and we see some of the cut footage in commercials like John Spartan with the revolver in hand at the bottom of the cryo-prison building and it's even seen on a trading card along with John Spartan fighting the cryocon played by Jesse Ventura.

Also what was cut out is the Cocteau image. I know the cut out scenes from reading the novelization and reading the comic book adapation. They go in order like some of them were cut out to shorten running time.

I even read the scripts to the movie.

1. John Spartan sees his wife for the last time and his wife and daughter are there.

2. Simon Phoenix killing Dr. Mostow.

3. Chief Earle talking to Raymond Cocteau before visiting the museum.

4. Simon Phoenix when he goes to thaw out 6 cryocons.

5. More of the Wasteland battle like when Edgar Friendly kills a cryocon and John Spartan kills the Japanese cryocon along with John Spartan finding his daughter.

6. Simon Phoenix kills Zachary Lamb.

7. John Spartan identifying 2 of the 6 cryocons killed in the underground battle and John Spartan gets his badge back from his daughter.

8. Simon Phoenix sends any of those 6 cryocons downstairs to kill John Spartan when Jesse Ventura's character vanishes like magic.

9. Lenina Huxley and John Spartan play the old trick on some cryocons and they shoot an empty elevator and than John Spartan takes out a cryocon calling out "Elvin" and than "thought it was you". Elvin is the cryocon that kicked the chair out of the way.

10. Showing a few of the new cryocons. In the novelization the cryocon named Adam played by Jesse Ventura is not present with 3 of the 80 cryocons and we assume that he died slowly as he was the thug with the bullet in the forehead.

11. John Spartan in the cryo-prison lobby fighting 4 insane killers. John Spartan fights either 3 or 4 new guys and than Jesse Ventura's character.

The Jesse Ventura fight was shown long ago in the cut out footage but might only be made for commercial.

They should have a DVD with those scenes if they were all filmed.

I saw them in the comic book adaption and there are some changes on Jesse Ventura's character's clothes.

In the comic book adapation you'll know that those 3 new guys have on cryo-prison clothing since they had just gotten thawed out and 1 cryocon was already thawed out and is in scrap clothing.

What happens is that John Spartan has the cryocon played by Jesse Ventura doing the choke hold on him. John Spartan has the gun aimed over his shoulder and fires shooting and killing Jesse Ventura's character.

Maybe Warner Brothers Film Studios doesn't have any thoughts of releasing any of thier movies on DVD with deleted scenes or uncut versions of the movie. Usually Warner Brothers doesn't but they should have a Demolition Man special edition DVD since we didn't see Jesse Ventura fight physically.

There is no access to those scenes.
We Need a Director's Cut or Special Edition

I heard about some scenes cut out of Demolition Man. I think that they should release a special edition DVD restoring those scenes like the killing of Zachary Lamb by Simon Phoenix, John Spartan's daugther's scenes and the Sylvester Stallone vs. Jesse Ventura fight scene.

Maybe than there could be more fan fiction on this movie on Unleash Your Imagination - FanFiction.Net.

Because I am the only one to write Demolition Man fan fiction and Jesse Ventura's fight scene with Sylvester Stallone got cut out I yelled at some girl for having a pierced bellybutton because it is illegal in San Angeles for tattoos and body piercings since they can be bad for you. She than kept say *beep* You! *beep* You! *beep* You!" and she could set off the morality box getting allot of those tickets.

I hate body piercings. Tongue piercing can cause aids so that could be a good reason to outlaw this stuff in Demolition Man. Also smoking is illegal and I think that people look stupid smoking cigarettes and lots of real life politicians in the US would like to outlaw cigarettes since they increase preventable health care costs.

Getting back on this thread there could be a feature of deleted or extended scenes and we could find out the fates of the rest of the six cryocons. They could have alternate scenes there too.

Shaun213 started a thread that talks about Jesse Ventura's fight scene cut out of Demolition Man.

A reply by a fan.

Yes, if there is film that needs a special edition it is this film. Hopefully, when the forthcoming John Rambo film comes out and is a success like Rocky Balboa, WB will consider a new DVD set for Demolition Man.

My Reply Back.

How did you know about Rambo 4 and Demolition Man?

Today is the release date of Rambo 4. They should've thought of a Demolition Man special edition when Arnold Schwarzenegger got elected governor of California. Maybe than we could see Denis Leary or Jack Black battle Jesse Ventura in a gun fight.

I am updating this thread. Maybe this could be put into the FAQ.

The movie has a wide screen side on the DVD. No deleted scenes.

No. We won't be able to download cut out scenes. Maybe those cut out scenes are forever lost.

They should have a special edition no matter how well Rambo 4 does.

They should've done this years ago. It's disappointing not to see a Sylvester Stallone vs. Jesse Ventura fight.

The only Demolition Man DVDs recent are those on the Sylvester Stallone film favorites. I just posted a thread talking about never before seen footage. Most of the 6 cryocons just vanish. They all get killed or incapacitated.

Maybe we should write to Warner Brothers and tell them that Demolition Man needs a special edition DVD and us being disappointed not to see a Sylvester Stallone vs. Jesse Ventura fight since they played enemies to each other.
This movie needs an expanded universe

I think that this movie needs an expanded universe like Star Wars did. An in EU there could be lots of Jesse Ventura fights or what happens in the Wasteland when Sylvester Stallone pursues Wesley Snipes on the road.

I have a link for my fan fiction based on my ideas for an expanded universe novel.

Legacy of San Angeles, a Demolition Man fanfic - FanFiction.Net

I think that some books and comics would be cool like maybe back story comic books or post ending books or comics.

Someone who used to sell me comic books told me that if Demolition Man had done better there would've been prequel comic books to the movie and maybe a Jesse Ventura fight.

I also loved that show called Walker Texas Ranger. There was an episode of that show when a villain believes to be Lucifer and that's what gave me the idea of devil worshipping villains in the expanded universe novel idea.
Movie Disappointments and what should've been done for doing better Talk

There were disappointments in the movie like no Sylvester Stallone vs. Jesse Ventura fight. I was very disappointed by that.

That's what could've been done possibly that this film did better. They should've never cut that part out of the movie at the cryo-prison. They couldn't than in the end had Sylvester Stallone fight both Jesse Ventura and Wesley Snipes in a gun fight and than Sylvester Stallone's character kills Jesse Ventura's character and battles Wesley Snipes hand to hand.

If any of you have other disappointments please reply here telling us what disappoints us with the movie.

Than maybe this movie could've had a special edition DVD.

I would pick James Gandolfini as the mobster who tries to strike the cryocon played by Jesse Ventura with baseball bat. Jesse Ventura plays Adam. there are plans for Kodo to slash John Spartan and Adam to crush him but in the novelization Adam doesnt' attempt to crush JOhn Spartan. What a disappointment in the novelization of the movie.
I created a petition to get a Demolition Man special edition DVD. It's on this link... Get a Demolition Man Special Edition DVD and Released on Blu-Ray Petition

You could sign it there.

I have another link for another petition. I hope more will sign it.

Get Demolition Man released on blu-ray and a special edition DVD Petition

Demolition Man Scan 3.jpg

Demolition Man Scan 4.jpg
I am updating this thread. I believe that Demolition Man 2 with John Cena starring in it would be a reboot of the film series.
Well one thing's for sure, you certainly come across as a lover of all things Demolition man. :p

For the record, i have this at home and have watched it a few times. Whilst it is entertaining, i'm afraid that it'll never be right up there for me.

What about Judge Dredd? What did you think about that. Not a popular argument, but I personally enjoyed it.
John Spartan vs. the Bad Guys (questions needs answering)

I have a Demolition Man question that needs answering. It says on the trading cards that John Spartan and the armed scraps retaliate in a scene of complete bloody chaos from the Wasteland attack and also there's this link that says Lenina Huxley and John Spartan go after them.

Demolition Man - Utopia or Dystopia?

Are those 2 cops in Demolition Man played by Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock trying near the conclusion of the movie to arrest the rest of Wesley Snipes’s henchmen too? I wasn't so sure of what those 2 cops do to these 4 thugs when they are out of bullets. The 2 cops don't know how many thugs total and they can only feel Wesley Snipes’s accomplices being sent downstairs. There are no deleted scenes on the DVD.

With the kill the cop over and over again plot Jesse Ventura’s character doesn’t try to shoot Sylvester Stallone’s character. Wesley Snipes and his gang are escaped convicts. The cops knew very little of Wesley Snipes having accomplices. The cops are trying to arrest Wesley Snipes’s character and the old man who remade the world. The cops don't even know how many accomplices total to Wesley Snipes’s character.

There’s no way a 20th century cop would leave these criminals alone. Did he try to arrest every villain underground? I know that Sly Stallone is trying to find out all of Wesley Snipes’s accomplices. Most of those 6 men are his arrests. What do they do to those 4 thugs after they waste bullets? I know that there the 2 cops are going after every villain out there in the city of San Angeles. I know that these 6 men weren't that important. I know that John Spartan wants to kill them all. John Spartan does know that Simon Phoenix thawed out cryocons and knows that there’s more than 2.

I know that he doesn’t know how many men total that Simon Phoenix thawed out. I think that the scraps over throw any cryocon that survives as they take over. There were scraps and Edgar Friendly that fought the 6 guys Simon Phoenix has (2 of them were killed) to help Simon Phoenix take over. Now when Simon Phoenix and his goons take over Edgar Friendly and the armed scraps must over throw Phoenix and his gang. But many people assumed easily that all 6 of those men get killed off.

I'm not so sure but I would think that John Spartan and Lenina Huxley are trying to arrest any of those 6 men that live near the end. The 2 cops don't know that much that Simon Phoenix had thawed out cryocons. I would think that they are trying to find out how many total and all of the guys that Simon Phoenix had already thawed out.

Also when Lenina Huxley and John Spartan go to confront Dr. Raymond Cocteau about his connection to Simon Phoenix before they go after Simon Phoenix in the Wasteland why don't they just arrest him? I would think that near the end they try to arrest him as they go after Simon Phoenix and his gang when they kill him. This needs answering.
Sandra Bullock aiming the stun baton (question needs answering)

Can anyone tell which way Lenina Huxley was standing aiming her stun baton in the office when she bursts in? She had to be either straight or diagnal. It's hard to tell from the view.

John Spartan bursts into the office with gun drawn. He's not searching aiming the gun everywhere. Just at where 2 of the 6 CryoCons had simply vanished. Lenina Huxley doesn't go searching the whole office with the stun baton aimed all over the office as the 2 are going after Simon Phoenix and his gang and than they search the office for Simon Phoenix and Raymond Cocteau.

Please anyone answer this question if you can on the way Lenina Huxley was facing. If you don't know you could just answer hard to tell.
I have 2 replies that are questions needing answers to them. Which ever any of you answer please post on the reply "re: what ever".
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