AEGON. Just a lame thought.

Very interesting food for thought there, Kiwibird. Thankyou for your thoughts :)
Ah, so that is why Edric is there. Couldn't recall.
Re the 'dying one day' thoughts - have you read Fevre Dream by GRRM? He had a character called Damon Julian in it who was very very old, possibly several centuries - his body stayed young and strong but the weight of being alive so long had destroyed his sanity in a way. An interesting portrait of immortality, one that really struck a chord with me.

I havent but i reminds me of Anomander Rake a bit in the Eriksson novels and even more of Dorian Gray (the picture of Dorian Gray) by Oscar Wilde.
If you want a conspiracy theory, you should be aware that Ashara Dayne was one of Elia Martell's companions and ladies-in-waiting in King's Landing, although we don't know if she was in King's Landing at the time of the Sack. If she was, she must have left pretty quickly so as to be at Starfall a month or two later when Ned brought Arthur Dayne's bones and Dawn back to her.

Could Ashara Dayne have smuggled baby Aegon out? Possibly. However, the inevitable conlusion that Aegon = Jon doesn't add up. Jon would be a year older than he is said to be and if he is the son of Rhaegar and Elia he wouldn't resemble the Starks at all.
By the way...each time I read the title to this thread I think someone is trying to insult me....

I think there is way too much invested in the Jon story from GRRMs perspective for Jon to be anything other than what the community proposes him to be. All those clues in AGOT would be meaningless.

Watch Baby Aegon is actually Samwell Tarly...(hmmm....)
Ashara was a lady in waiting to Elia? Ree-hee-hee-heeally!!! Hmmm, so Aegon cannot be Jon, but why did Ashara "commit suicide"? Her brother's death at Ned's hands? Possibly. But what if she took baby Aegon and dissapeared? We know what it cost Ned to keep a promise regarding a baby... what if his first love also paid a high cost to protect a baby?

I've always laughed at Sam = Aegon, but could it be true? I don't have any evidence just some coincindental story developments. Sam replaces Maester Aemon... Aemon Targaryen. Sam is the special object of Ser Aliser's derision... Ser Aliser is on the Wall for being a Targaryen loyalist. Sam discovers the use of dragonglass... the coward becomes the slayer. Melissandre wanted the blood of a king, so Jon ships Aemon, Mance's son, and Sam all out of her reach.
I do find it odd that the baby who is only distinguished by its silver hair would have its head smashed against a wall leaving it a bloody mess. Why not slit its throat or run it through with your sword? That way you can present the in tact head as a gift to your Liege lord..... Interesting theory. Another possible angle to the theory: Gregor himself could have realized the benefit to having the child as a bargaining chip and went against Tywin's orders.... He is not exactly one to follow orders.
So of the possible people who went through those times with potential knowledge, perhaps there are only Jaime and Varys still alive. Jaime felt pretty comfortable having Varys smuggle his brother out of KL on a moment's notice... it's almost like he'd seen Varys do it before.
Oh, you are good. very good... or at least knew about Varys doing it before. I don't believe the babies head was bashed in without a reason as deliberate as these people are in their schemes. Someone did not want the baby to be identified. Because it was not Aegon.
Oh, you are good. very good...

I think I might adopt that as my personal signature...

MacNeal, welcome to the forums.

As for Jaime knowing that Varys took baby Aegon, I don't have proof. As with all crackpot theories, I can only suggest, insinuate, and speculate. There are certain theories I especially like, but until GRRM puts it in writing, I'll just have to rely on Raven and Werthead for hard facts.
Boaz, thanks for the welcome, and i agree. As I said in my very first post:
as with all fiction one never knows completely until the writer commits himself on paper

Unlike many theories I have read, this one has a decent amount of plausability to it, and is interesting speculation at the least.
Yes, I have become more and more convinced myself that baby Aegon survived. I still like the Darkstar theory...but I know, it's not likely.

But, on the suggestion that he's Samwell, do you think a guy like Randyll Tarly would raise a sone he knew not to be his own? Personally, I hope Sam stays Sam. I like him the way his is and not some lost Targ.
Sam does not have silver hair. Displays no Targaryen traits. Randyll Tarly is not shrewd enough to play the game of thrones at this level, nor did he have access to Aegon at KL before the sack. He would not have let everyone believe it was his own son through all the disappointments, only to send the important pawn in the game of thrones off to the wall ASAP. I think there is a 0% chance that the fat, dark haired craven Samwell is Aegon. I think this is one of the least interesting, completely non-supported theories I have read on here.
Regarding Jon Connington, in a Jaime POV in AFFC it mentions while in exile he drank himself to death. Page 408 Harbound American Bantam version.

But then again, there have been other characters "known to be dead".

Its at the end of the chapter where Jaime is in Harrenhall, where they speak of feeding "goat" to the prisoners and where he slaps Ronnet across the mouth for saying of Brienne :"The bear was less hairy than that freak I'll" (smack)
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WS, thanks for the info on Connington.

Now in the Where is the Spider? thread, I got to thinking about Aegon. In Dany's visions in the House of Warlocks, she sees Rhaegar call his son The Prince That Was Promised.

Can prophecies die? The Dothraki had a prophecy concerning The Stallion The Mounts The World. If the prophecy TSTMTW could be false/negated/killed, then why not TPTWP also?

Could TSTMTW, TPTWP, and the Azor Ahai Reborn (AAR) prophecy all be false or negated? Or could they all somehow come true together? Do they all refer to the one person called to battle the Other?

Maester Aemon reinterpreted TPTWP to be Dany.

The original Azor Ahai killed his spouse to make him and his sword unbeatable. Didn't Dany's rise to power and the birth of her dragons come from her killing Khal Drogo? Dany could be AAR.

The Dothraki claim that TSTMTW will unite the people into one nation. Is Dany not uniting Dothraki, Ghiscari, Westerosi, and Valyrians into one nation? Perhaps Dany is TSTMTW.

Perhaps Stannis, Rhaego, and Aegon were all false expectations. Perhaps Danaerys is the real deal.
Remember with the prince that was promised....Aemon originally thought it was a male. Then recanted that to say it could be Dany....I could accept that as it were. But as he doesnt know about Jon, and dont start that line of thinking that says he did I dont buy it, it could still be the "Prince" and not princess.

Actually I think theyre all legitimate still. With Dany being the Stallion, Jon the Prince, and Stannis the Azor Ahai....or they could all be one person. And my Stannis thinking (which is the most controversial of the three) is based on my idea that he's going to be the one who gets the ball rolling in the "final battle" but he himself will be subsumed by some Other creature. Somehow coming out in the end to be responsible for starting the big battle and somewhat responsible for putting an end to it as well (along with Jon and Dany).

Or heck, maybe the "Stallion" refers to the dragons. "Mounts in the sky" so to speak..
Regarding Jon Connington, in a Jaime POV in AFFC it mentions while in exile he drank himself to death. Page 408 Harbound American Bantam version.

But then again, there have been other characters "known to be dead".

Spoiler (including ADWD spoiler, so avoid if in doubt):

Jaime is wrong. The story that Connington died in exile seems to have been spread (probably by Varys) so people in Westeros will forget about him. However, the second Tyrion chapter reveals that Connington has established his own mercenary company (which, as staunch Targaryen loyalists, puts them at odds with the more powerful and older Golden Company, founded by Blackfyre sympathisers) and now goes by the name 'Griff'. House Connginton's symbol is a griffin. Ilyrio - and presumably Varys through him - are in league with Griff.
Why, oh why did I read that spoiler? I love speculation, but I hate actually knowing the future!

But (Oh no! Not another one of Boaz's big buts!), Griff's gonna love Dany!
OK I know i am not the most trustworthy source on this website. However in a Lannister POV, can't remember if it was tyrion or jamie there is a reference to someone who you would not believe in the dungeons of Casterly Rock. And the quote was if we want someone to dissappear they do (sic).

My private conspiracy is that the baby targaryen is under casterly rock.

I held my breath for months but can no longer.

I will shut up now.

But i have no merit less i find the quote, its either ASoS or AFFC if i remember correctly.

Ignore til further notice. :D
Jaime says to young lord Tully something like this: "There are the holes beneath The Rock where man can fit tight as in his armor..... Edmur says that Jaime promised that he will behave to him like a lord. Than Jaime says: Many great lords died in that holes. And two or three kings if I can remember the history books correctly."

or something like that. I translated back from the translated book :)

Can that be of some importance to this thread?
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But (Oh no! Not another one of Boaz's big buts!), Griff's gonna love Dany!

Okay Boaz...this is probably going to sound really random, and I can explain if you want (if I'm wrong) but...

do you go to Bennington College?
Dany could be AAR.

Of course Dany is Azhor Ahai reborn. I seen that one coming. Just wait until Melissandre meets Dany (after she kills Stannis and stays at the Wall with Jon).

But, no Dany did not "kill" Khal Drogo. Nor her unborn child.

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