AEGON. Just a lame thought.

Lady Blackfyre, No I did not attend Bennington College. Where is it located?

TK, lol. Maybe it was obvious to you (and others), but Dany as AAR was a new thought to me. I thought I was being original!
Lady Blackfyre, No I did not attend Bennington College.

I have to say I'm very relieved to hear that. There's a boy named Boaz here who I find unbelievably irritating.

Bennington is a small school and is the only place where I've ever seen the name Boaz, and there is also a friend of mine named Griff who recentely started reading these books.
Lady Blackfyre, No I did not attend Bennington College. Where is it located?

TK, lol. Maybe it was obvious to you (and others), but Dany as AAR was a new thought to me. I thought I was being original!

Double yew ti effe, Boaz! As I remember it, in the days of yore I claimed Dany was Azor Ahai Reborn because she had the dragons(swords of fire). Go back, go back and find this. It was a passing comment and I don't remember when or where but I said it first. So you are all unoriginal plagiarists. There.
LB, suffice it to say that Boaz is not the name my mother gave me.

tsw, your appraisal of my memory and intelligence is far too generous. Plus my ego-centricity drives to me to claim all theories as originating in me.

PS - I just did an IMDB search for Peter Dinklage because he was mentioned in another thread Is it okay to discuss.... and he attended Bennington College!
Okay, I just had a wild thought regarding Aegon. Of course it is wrong, but mayhaps one of you might be inspired to figure out Aegon's story.

Say... Ashara smuggled Aegon out of KL to Dorne. Elia's closest family confidante wass her brother Oberyn. Oberyn knew that raising a boy with his sand sankes would bring the child under Doran's scrutiny and thus the rest of the court. So Oberyn needed to find a place to 1) hide Aegon from the Baratheons, 2) train the child to honor Elia and be a fast friend to the Martells, 3)train the child to rule, and 4) have easy access to Aegon and yet not be seen with him all the time. I think Yronwood could be the place. Now, say that Oberyn told Lord Yronwood that the child was Arthur Dayne's *******. Aegon's parents were Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell... he was a Valyrian-Dornish mix. The Daynes are also of Valyrian blood... so if Arthur fathered a ******* upon a Dornish girl, it might be believable.

Dorne is as about as safe a place to hide Aegon as anywhere else. Yronwood lies at or on the Boneway, a road from Dorne up to the Kingsroad. Mayhaps Hellholt is more remote, but if Oberyn was continually traveling to the middle of nowhere, questions would be raised. Oberyn traveled a lot. Traveling the Boneway makes sense and it would give him an easy excuse to see Aegon.

As to Aegon's education, he was of a reasonable age with Quentyn, his cousin. Coincidentally, Quentyn was fostering at Yronwood under Anders Yronwood's tutelage. If Aegon was made a page or squire alongside Quentyn, then he could absorb the lessons in history, leadership, and warfare. He'd also become friendly with the Martells.

Anders Yronwood was not chosen by Doran because he's stupid. He was chosen because he is loyal. Mayhaps Oberyn counted on Anders keeping his mouth shut and his guesses to himself... especially if Oberyn implied that all this was ordered by Doran.

Now mayhaps Anders and Quentyn know who Aegon is and mayhaps not. But Oberyn died before he could put his nephew upon the Iron Throne. So Doran decides to send Quentyn to court Daenerys. Yronwood selected the six men for the mission and sent them off. Quentyn. Yronwood's son and heir, Cletus. Maester Kedry, a skilled linguist. And three nameless young knights sworn to complete the mission.

I know this is a huge stretch. I know it's crazy. But I want you to poke holes in it or let it fire your brain and let the right pieces fall into place.

Come up with something like... Cletus Yronwood is Aegon. Or tie in the fact that Arianne thinks that Quentyn is going to enlist the Golden Company when Quentyn is merely going to meet the Golden Company where Young Griff is serving.
I think IF and that is a big if, that if Aegon is still alive it is one complicated switcharoo. The Dayne's have something to do with it, imo, but it could just be the use of the name as a smokescreen. The Davos PoV in ADWD says that Ned came to some islands off of the vale and got a ******* on one of the girls and she named it jon snow in honor of Jon Arryn. Could Ned have taken the kid at some point and switched it with with someone the dayne's were holding or perhaps his and ashara's kid or what?? It gets real tangled when it comes down to the daynes and , wylla and the switchings. I think Ned Dayne, heir to starfall, the squire who rode with Dondarion might be a key player in this little theory. Perhaps, he was switched and is Aegon or Ned's ******* (by either the lady from the island or Ashara) I mean, he is named after Ned. Maybe there were mulitiple switchings between bastards and aegon and jon?

I'm going now cuz I just confused myself.
Edric Dayne is only like twelve years old and by all accounts he actually looks twelve years old. About 4 years too young to be involved with any Aegon switcharoos. Like with Syrio, people just need to accept the fact that Aegon dead ;).
You guys just need to get in touch with your inner Oliver Stone. Ha ha.

Wait, Stone is a ******* name from the Vale. Mya Stone is Robert's *******, even Sansa knows it... it's that obvious. Now, uh, what was I talking about?
I was just reading one of the threads and it was mentioned that Aurane Waters was considered to be a potential Aegon. Though I firmly do not believe that Aegon is alive, I will conject about this little theory with Waters.

I don't know his age, but I think he is younger than Cersei for sure, but then again, that might make him too old to be Aegon.

His eyes and hair coloring are rare in Westeros unless you are a Dayne, a Targaryen or a Velryon. Let us not forget though that Cersei also notes that every whore in Lys has those features.

Cersei remarked on at first glance she thought he was Rhaegar. She dreamed of Rhaegar day and night when she was younger so she would know his appearance well. Looking like Rhaegar could be due to tthe fact he might be Aegon.

He kept hinting that he wanted a stronghold of his own because his title as Lord meant nothing without lands and income etc... Cersei thinks on how he was pressing for Dragonstone. Now that could just be because its ancient and was the seat of kings and princes, but then again perhaps there is an ulterior motive behind that if he is indeed Aegon.

Lastly, he set sail with bulk of the new warships and no one knows where. Granted, he could just be a minor character that we might not see again or he could have taken those ships as a first step reclaiming all that was taken from him if he is this Aegon.

Remember, I really really really think Aegon is dead, but I am bored and it is late so I am indulging this wild fantasy for the moment. :p
If this has been discussed before, then please slap me and link the conversation. Thanks.

How old would Aegon be in AFFC, nineteen? How old is Aurane Waters? Twenty? Twenty-one?

Cersei is immediately reminded of Rhaegar the first time she sees Aurane. Aurane got Cersei to build a fleet, but then he stole it. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Could Aurane be Aegon?
According to the math performed in my previous post in this thread, Aegon would be about 16 years old. Unfortunately, I honestly can't remember how I came up with that so I'll just have to trust that I knew what I was talking about when I posted it ;).

My crackpot theory for the people who insist on believing that Aegon is still around is that Aegon is Coldhands. I bet someone has already come up with though.
I also do not believe Aegon is alive, but for the first time on this forum, Viz, I am going to have to completely disagree with u concerning Coldhands. He is either Benjen, a random brother of the nights watch or a child of the forest.

All the Targaryens are dead except for Dany and Jon.
Aurane should be too old to be aegon, he is 21 or so.
Also it is said that when you have closer look, his haircolour aint exactly the same as that of the targs.
I also do not believe Aegon is alive, but for the first time on this forum, Viz, I am going to have to completely disagree with u concerning Coldhands. He is either Benjen, a random brother of the nights watch or a child of the forest.

Ha, I don't actually believe that Coldhands is Aegon. I believe that Aegon is dead and gone as well (look at my custom title). I was just throwing it out there for anyone else.
No problem. My personal feeling about Coldhands is that he's a unique character, not someone we've already met before like Benjen Stark. I feel like Benjen Stark will either turn up somewhere else or simply be dead.
What about Lancel and Tyrek Lannister? Lancel is around 17 years of age and Tyrek is about 14 when Eddard and Robert arrive at KL in AGOT. Aegon would have been around 17 if he was still alive. Lancel as Aegon would be unlikely, even though his age is perfect, because I think it would have been hard to pull a fast one on Kevan.

Tyrek on the other hand is the son of Tygett, Tywin's and Kevan's deceased brother. If Tyrek was born before the rebellion, then there may be a case, but if he was born after, then there is no way for him to be Aegon. The real cause of my proposing Tyrek=Aegon is that Tyrek's disappearance has never been explained. He was not killed in the riot. He was not held for ransom. He has not appeared with Stannis, Renly, Doran, Littlefinger, Jon, nor Dany. So where is he?

One explanation is that Varys had Tyrek kidnapped in the confusion of the riot. Varys knows most everything... if Tyrek=Aegon, then Varys can hold him against Dany or use him in conjunction with Dany.

Also, Tyrek was conveniently married to an infant, Ermesande Hayford. This way he was kept from being married to a great house that might be hostile to a Targaryen return. But since he never consumated the marriage, Lady Hayford could always be set aside later.

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