AEGON. Just a lame thought.

Lancel is definitely out based on reasons including those you state, Boaz, and his physical appearance.

Tyrek is interesting. What did he look like? I can't remember.
Jon Connington was Rhaegars friend and one time hand. After losing the Battle of the Bells he was exiled and supposedly died landless and penniless while drinking himself to death. We find out that it was a lie that Varys set up. Most likely to hide their plans from Robert and his regime. Young Griff, we think is his son, who is mentioned to be on his way to Dany with precious cargo. That being a secret sword, secret info and a certain secret noseless dwarf. :)

Its in the ADWD spoilers, Viz. I posted a Tyrion spoiler where it is mentioned.

(*****, I just realized i posted this on the wrong thread.)
What about Lancel and Tyrek Lannister? Lancel is around 17 years of age and Tyrek is about 14 when Eddard and Robert arrive at KL in AGOT. Aegon would have been around 17 if he was still alive. Lancel as Aegon would be unlikely, even though his age is perfect, because I think it would have been hard to pull a fast one on Kevan.

Tyrek on the other hand is the son of Tygett, Tywin's and Kevan's deceased brother. If Tyrek was born before the rebellion, then there may be a case, but if he was born after, then there is no way for him to be Aegon. The real cause of my proposing Tyrek=Aegon is that Tyrek's disappearance has never been explained. He was not killed in the riot. He was not held for ransom. He has not appeared with Stannis, Renly, Doran, Littlefinger, Jon, nor Dany. So where is he?

One explanation is that Varys had Tyrek kidnapped in the confusion of the riot. Varys knows most everything... if Tyrek=Aegon, then Varys can hold him against Dany or use him in conjunction with Dany.

Also, Tyrek was conveniently married to an infant, Ermesande Hayford. This way he was kept from being married to a great house that might be hostile to a Targaryen return. But since he never consumated the marriage, Lady Hayford could always be set aside later.
Let me help you kick a dead horse, Boaz. My theory:)
Oh no... My original idea turns out to be old news and Charming Serpent is posting under the influence... What a train wreck of posts!
I remember somewhere that Martin mentioned that someone, who years ago offended Tywin Lannister, was rumored to still be in a dungeon under Caterly Rock..

Wouldn't that be Tysha?
Welcome Rainswept.

After AFFC, many are speculating that Tysha is the high priced lady of the evening in Braavos that marries her customers.

I read something yesterday in AGOT that made me think again that Aegon might be under Casterly Rock... I know it's crazy. I'll post it later.
Interesting. I'm in the middle of rereading all four at the moment, for the first time since my initial read back when ASoS came out, (and reading AFFC far too fast and recklessly) so I'm kinda catching up. The whole story takes on a completely different tone than I remember going into it having read the others and realizing Jon's likely parentage.

All this speculation about Aegon is new to me, because I had thought there were witnesses to Gregor's childkilling.
You should read the Aegon threads carefully because my explanation will be brief.

Basically the argument is... who can say that Gregor killed the right four month old infant after it's head has been bashed in? And the fact that GRRM positively affirmed in public that Rhaegar's daughter was slain... he did not vocalize that Aegon was dead.
You should read the Aegon threads carefully because my explanation will be brief.

Basically the argument is... who can say that Gregor killed the right four month old infant after it's head has been bashed in? And the fact that GRRM positively affirmed in public that Rhaegar's daughter was slain... he did not vocalize that Aegon was dead.

Oh I don't do that whole thing where people look outside the book for the answers. I like to pick up hints in the writing and speculate, but when you start talking about what the author said etc I lose all interest. Who picks up a mystery book and asks who the killer is before they read it?
I agree completely Rainswept. I would never ask George to divulge the information....but when you read message boards like this sometimes information is thrust at ya and ya cant miss it. So lets work with the basic assumption (which could be invalid) that Baby Aegon is alive and well and then speculate where he could be....

So far its been speculated that Aegon could be.....

Under the tutelage of Maester Marwan
A Mercenary under the eye of Jon Connington
A wayward scion of House Lannister
A Lord Commander of the NightsWatch
A strange Victor/Victoria type Sand Snake
A headless corpse fallen victim to the Mountain during the sack of Kings Landing

and a host of others.....all have some good points....most have extremely bad....I think if anyone he's Young Griff, just because I cant think of any earthly reason that foreshadowing him was neccessary and because Werthead thinks he is (and as we all know Werthead tells me what to think about this series)
These novels are written for conspiracy theories. I remember reading ACoK when I'd been drinking that day, and somehow came up thinking that Patchface might be Arthur Dayne.
These novels are written for conspiracy theories. I remember reading ACoK when I'd been drinking that day, and somehow came up thinking that Patchface might be Arthur Dayne.

Rain, please pass some of that my way quickly.

viz, how can you not remember Young Griff? I mean, come on, please!

Just kidding, YG has not yet even appeared in the series. The Hand at the outbreak of Robert's Rebellion was Jon Connington, Rhaegar's best friend, and whose emblem happened to be a Griffon. Connington was unable to contain the rebellion and Aerys banished him. Now there is currently a band of sellswords in the Free Cities that is led by a man called the Griffon. His second in command is his son, Young Griff.

The idea is that somehow Rhaegar or Elia smuggled Aegon out of KL to Connington. Then Elia had another infant wrapped in Aegon's royal diapers. This infant was pulverized by Gregor. But that's all conjecture so far.
Yup yup all conjecture....

The young Griff plays heavily in the Tyrion spoiler chapter but he's been flagged as a possibility for as long as we've been talking about Aegon still being alive. The fact that he's in the preview chapter only lends credence to it.

Its important to reiterate that Jon Connington was one of Rhaegars closest friends before the exiling at Aerys' hands. So it would seem to be a number one choice for sending off a child for safety. Rhaegar wasnt petulant like his father and would never have held a grudge for Connington losing the battle of the bells.
Hmmm I'm starting to think there are just too many spoilers here for me to become a regular.

I'm the kinda guy who won't even watch movie previews if he's already decided to see the movie. =)
Rain, I was shocked at the spoilers when I first started reading here. I thought it would ruin the story for me... but I've kept current on the reading so that has not hurt me. I was also stunned at the number and the wide range of speculations on the future story line. I also don't want to see movie previews for movies I want to see. But, I've had a lot more fun flinging hypothesis and crackpot ideas around than I would have if I'd just kept ASOIAF to myself for the last three years or so.
The so-called Tyrion "spoiler" chapter is hardly that as it currently appears on GRRM's website as the ADWD preview chapter. It would be just like reading the Dany preview chapter that was published at the end of AFFC.

But, if you are feint of heart when it comes to spoilers, then there are some threads you can avoid: like the one with the prologue chapter revealed. The rest is mainly wild speculations, mostly by the guy in the mountain state whose athkicker than all of us.
I like the Tyrion chapter better before the restyling.

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