New year, new books... What we're reading in January.


Lost Boy
Feb 4, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I've not been in much of a reading mood lately, but I'm still working my way through Bryson's The Thunderbolt Kid.

How about you?
Finished Moorcock's The Winds of Limbo (a reread) ... now I'm going to try (yet again) to tackle Irving's Wolfert's Roost and Miscellanies (keep getting interrupted about 3 pages into the darned thing over and over....:p )
I'd read a short story collection by Fritz Lieber called The Mind-Spider and Other Stories, basically horror mixed with some futuristic elements. Some very decent stories there and some okey-dokey ones. On the whole I liked these better than his 2 horror novels Our Lady of Darkness and Conjure Wife.

Also read Soul Music, a Discworld book by Pratchett, which was decent enough with a good number of chuckles (Elvis and Woodstock serve as big sources of inspiration here), but too long-winded IMO for a story that has few emotional hooks.

Am currently more than 3/4ths through China Mieville's The Scar, which is another mind-blowingly brilliant epic narrative with very well-etched characters and an awesome setting, this time aboard a floating city of pirate vessels.
Almost finished with Jeff VanDermeer's City of Saints and Madmen, reading the appendix glossary, which turns out not to be a simple glossary, but another weird story, or collection of story fragments.

Will start the new year with Iain M. Banks' Consider Phlebas, the first Culture book.
Still Gardens of the Moon however I shall be moving onto Magician by Raymond E Feist. :D
Am rereading The Fionavar Tapestry. It's been long enough from the first go-round that the story was hazy at best, so it's almost like a new GGK read :D (And excellent as always; I'm more than halfway done in 2 days).
Finished Scar Night several days ago, but will hold my thoughts for now. I'll just say that it was a solid debut.

I also read Kate Elliot's Spirit Gate which I thoroughly enjoyed, and now I plan to finish Jeff Vandermeer's Shriek(which I meant to have already started)

Here's to many (hopefully)great reads in 2007!! :D
Still plodding my way through Bleak House! Also reading one of Bill Bryson's - Notes from a Large Continent or something like that! Well, actually, just about to start! Waiting to see a post on this thread that says one of my books is being read. (It happened in June - but not since!) One can but hope!:cool:
Just finished Grave Peril by Jim Butcher (#3 of the Dresden Files) this morning, and really liked it. I am now starting Salem's Lot by Stephen King.
Working my way through "The Grapple", part of Harry Turtledove's alternative WW2 story. Enjoying it so far but it's very samey to his other work and it shows a little.

Also about to start Knive of Dreams by Robert Jordan - which is apparently better than the utterly pointless predecessor "Crossroads of Twilight".
Still got the "Lies of Locke Lamora" by Scott Lynch to finish as well as "A Shadow in Summer" by Daniel Abraham.
Sigh...with University looming, the next book I'll be reading is Oroonoko.

But I'll still finish off Sourcery and start another Terry Pratchett book while I'm doing that :D
Up tp the 2nd book of 'The Heritage of Shannara' by Terry Brooks.

:) Its getting good.
I have started reading the last two volumes of Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe. Dark, trippy little world. :(
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It's a bit rough around the edges, you can tell it's her first novel. I like it quite a lot though, as I thought I would. I'll review it when I'm done.
What was finished last year:

Hamilton's - Nano Flower - ending the Mindstar trilogy. More action and higher stakes than in previous books, not so sure about bringing in the alien and whether that was necessary.
Keyes - A Calculus of Angels - part 2 of the Age of Unreason - about the same as the first book, but the characters and the world being described in the first book, this could more consentrate on the characters. Thinking about buying the third and foourth volumes of the series (No, no. Bad idea, go away - I'm staying away from the bookstores this year :eek:)
Asimov's - Robots of Dawn - don't see why this book had to contain twice as many pages as the previous books (Caves of Steel, Naked Sun) There was not so much more happening, but it seems to be constant problem with Asimov's later books.

Now reading Asimov's - Robots and Empire - when this is finished I've finally read all of the robots/foundation books :cool: I hope.

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