Creative rhyming

And the arrows arched up, going higher and higher.

but as they started to fall on the foe..
As the foe put up a huge Shield of Dark!

From the Dark Ones front rank, a huge figure step'd out...
bobbing and weaving, challenges anyone to bout...

from the back of the cherubs a voice is heard...
"Yoo-hoo! Excuse me! Could I just have a word....?
It strikes me that really the sensible thing..."
would be for you to remove that awful bling . . .

Anger was replaced by fury as the situation became awry . . .
-good is fighting evil - dark is fighting light-
now all the dark are cheering - light is on the ground...
and stopped the dark sword from finding its mark!

The dark one stepped back, its face wearing a sneer..
and her sword swung round in a great arc, until

both halves of the beast fell away from that terrible edge ..
plummeting into the deep, he cried out a spiteful pledge...

to revenge himself not on her, but her family...
as he disappeared, she laughed derogatorily...

"I hate them all anyway, you cretinous p***k"...
(nice one - mssed it!)

If you think that bothers me, you must be sick! "

And so the end has come: dark forces are defeated,..

(One line wind-up, IM ,then start a new one?)
leaving just bubbles the sheep - "baa, baa" he bleated!

And here we go again...

Brambles, thorns and ivy propped up the house...
lots of animals lived there, including one brave mouse.

Squeaky was our hero's name, a mouse of valour bright..
champion of all; defender of what's just and right...

and so it was that hedgehog ran to him...

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