What comic books/graphic novels are you reading at the moment?

@Talhe - Looked it up. Yeop, looks like ****. I like some adult comics (Ignacio Noe, Serpieri, etc) but this just looks terrible.
@Talhe - Looked it up. Yeop, looks like ****. I like some adult comics (Ignacio Noe, Serpieri, etc) but this just looks terrible.

Very true. It's because it's so awful, though, that make it so hilarious and original (not joking about the originality). After all, if you're writing a comic that's essentially pretentious porn published by your own company, you'll only be limited by your imagination. In this case, the result being a comic focused on sex, 'neo-paganism', sex, anti-feminism, and sex. And more sex.
Just read Will Eisner's "Life on another planet", which I grabbed on a whim. I never realised Eisner had done any kind of science fiction until I read it.

The book follows the political and social machinations and espionage that results after a signal from space is discovered. The event becomes quickly politicised, and the overall tone is pretty nihilistic. Eisner doesn't think we'd come out of such a situation well, and I'm inclined to agree.
Currently reading "The Swamp Thing" Book 1, which is the first of the series written by Alan Moore. Really enjoying it so far and about half way through.
Finished Swamp Thing Vol 1 and just finished Locke and Key Vol 1 which was a thoroughly enjoyable read and looking forward to Vol 2
Just finished DC's Flashpoint event series and all 5 of the new Justice League Dark series. Didn't know what to go for while waiting for the next issue of the JLD until I saw Crooksy's post and looked up Locke and Key. Going to try to get my hands on a copy of that, so thanks Crooksy.
Read FUBAR: Empire of The Rising Dead (anthology) and Fall (one-shot) today. Quality indie books. If you like war comics and zombies, then FUBAR is right up your alley. Some stories are weaker than others, but all in all, the book was good fun and some stories had a strong human touch. Fall should've been thicker, but it's a lovely story about friendship. Would love to have seen it explore more of its themes.

Just ordered Druuna: Morbus Gravis I and II from Amazon as they look like an interesting read!

Whats the complete timeline of the Druuna story?

I'm presuming Morbus Gravis II is the next in the series after Morbus Gravis I, or does Druuna come next? any ideas?
Had my first meeting with Daniel Clowes yesterday. Read his Ghost World yesterday and Wilson today. Really liked the nerve in G.W. and there were many touching moments. Haven't seen the film, but will definitely watch it to see how they handled the material. Wilson was really good as well, but lacked some of the nerve and human tension that G.W. has.

One thing is for sure, I'll be reading more Clowes.
Just ordered Druuna: Morbus Gravis I and II from Amazon as they look like an interesting read!

Whats the complete timeline of the Druuna story?

I'm presuming Morbus Gravis II is the next in the series after Morbus Gravis I, or does Druuna come next? any ideas?

To be honest I've never worked it out myself! I don't think its essential! Enjoy the lovingly rendered lady-bottoms!

Just read my first dose of Jamie and Gilbert Hernandez (Soft High Lisp & New Stories). I don't care for Gilbert's writing at all, but Jamie has been interesting.

Also been reading Enrique Sánchez Abulí Jordi Bernet's "Torpedo". Wonderfully dark and immoral Spanish crime comic.

Been reading lots and lots of comics...
I am reading this one...
