What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?

Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

and the haunting, original. think that's its title. black and white, really eerie

Is that the film with only one real special effect (the close-up of a door and the wood texture)? If it is, I agree it was a very well made movie that implied so much but gave so little away.:)
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

28 Days Later is pretty scary and The Thing is very atmospheric. Dog Soldiers is a good edge of your seat werewolf movie. The Fog and Halloween are two classic horrors. Not sure what the remake of The Fog is going to be like though.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

The Fog 2005

I know you have probably read it already but here is the link just incase. I did enjoyed the original John Carpenter version and I also like 'The Thing', the scene with dog is something I didn't forget! Ace movie. I remember being quite scared of the original Amtyiville Horror, James Brolin looked like my dad in that movie (it was the 70s) so it really freaked me out. The new version of The Amtyiville Horror was ok but not scary.

Thanks for all your posts so far, I just like to know what scares people, we are different in scary terms :)

Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

I saw the remake of "The Fog" recently, and I thought it was decent. (It didn't butcher the reputation of the original). Good acting, but it left some plot holes to be filled.
Both the Japanese & American versions of "The Ring" are excellent. They revolutionized the horror genre. Definitely a Must-See.
"Darkness Falls" is a classic 'jump-out-at-you' horror flick & all in all, enjoyable--if you can get past the plot surrounding an Evil Toothfairy...
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

Thanks for that, Weaveworld. I'm new on here, so that's very helpful. I'm a huge fan of John Carpenter films in general - Big Trouble, Escape from NY, Assault on Precinct 13, They Live etc. :)
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

roddglenn said:
I'm a huge fan of John Carpenter films in general - Big Trouble, Escape from NY, Assault on Precinct 13, They Live etc. :)

I love john carpenter.

Romero zombie trilogy was scary I love end of society type films I loved the new land of the dead as well and rumour has it a 5th is on the way I was reading a UK fim mag and he said something along the lines of resident evil was a rubbish film but it got interest which got his film made, sessions 9 really got to me (do it gordon), I loved the Decent, zombie flesh eaters (the eye in the door frame), 70's Texas chainsaw massacare (loved the eye shadow for dinner time), Donni Darko (not a horror but scary in a way), the thing (you have got to be f*****g kidding)
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

I'm not a big fan of scary movies, but I did feel a bit of a chill after watching the Mothman Prophecies - well actully i was looking for giant moth creatures everywhere
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

The skeleton key is very good as was alien. never saw the japanese version of the ring but with all the rave reviews will have to go and see it now.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

Romero's zombie series are fantastic and I actually liked the two remakes too - Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead (no Day of the Dead remake yet unfortunately). The Dawn of the Dead one in particular brought a whole new level of frantic desperation to the genre which I loved despite loving the original version. It was suficiently different to be good stand alone as well as a remake. And pretty scary to boot.

Mothman Prophecies was pretty creepy - not an out and out horror flick, but certainly creepy in a Donnie Darko sort of way too.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

Thunderchild said:
I'm not a big fan of scary movies, but I did feel a bit of a chill after watching the Mothman Prophecies - well actully i was looking for giant moth creatures everywhere

I didn't see the end of The Mothman Prophecies but it was a really good movie, I will need to keep a eye out for it again on sky.

Ps I was a bit disappointed too there wasn't a big mothman lurking in the forest. I did see the scene when the actual mothman phoned the main character, now that was creepy!:)
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

roddglenn said:
Romero's zombie series are fantastic and I actually liked the two remakes too - Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead (no Day of the Dead remake yet unfortunately). The Dawn of the Dead one in particular brought a whole new level of frantic desperation to the genre which I loved despite loving the original version. It was suficiently different to be good stand alone as well as a remake. And pretty scary to boot.

Mothman Prophecies was pretty creepy - not an out and out horror flick, but certainly creepy in a Donnie Darko sort of way too.

Yeah I am big fan of George A Romero, I recently bought the new version of 'Dawn of the Dead' and also 'Land of the Dead' which wasn't as good as dawn of the dead. The originals are all classics. And Donnie Darko, how cool was that movie?:)
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

Yeah, Land of the Dead was decent, but was definitely the weak link in the series.

The music was fantastic in Donnie Darko too - I'm a big fan of Echo & the Bunnymen and the use of The Killing Moon track was inspired.

Sorry, i'm getting a bit off topic there!
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

roddglenn said:
Yeah, Land of the Dead was decent, but was definitely the weak link in the series.

The music was fantastic in Donnie Darko too - I'm a big fan of Echo & the Bunnymen and the use of The Killing Moon track was inspired.

Sorry, i'm getting a bit off topic there!

Don't worry, Echo and the bunnymen are great. I could take movie and music all day. Yeah 'Land of the dead' was ok , I didn't really like the ending, they all just left and went North.
Killing Moon is a classic tune - its on my mp3 player :)
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

When I was a kid, whenever we went to the video store, I'd always be inexplicably drawn to the horror section and scare myself by looking at the covers, one was The Blob 1980's version it'd creep me out, with the person trapped in the blob on the front cover. When I was about 7 I saw the trailer for IT and it freaked me out. I have OCD and a lot of it after that was connected to red eyes and clowns and drains, took me years to get past it. When I was 16, I watched Basketcase and that really scared me, I was terrified that Belial was going to find out where I lived and get me. For about a fortnight, I had to sleep with a baseball bat in my bed, check all over my room before I went to bed to make sure he wasn't hiding there already and leave a light on. I have a very overactive imagination!! A couple of years ago, I watched Sister, My Sister and was chilled by it and that it's a true story. Turn of the Screw is unsettling as well. Funnily enough, I'm a huge horror fan.

My husband got creeped out by The Mothman Prophecies, we watched the doco about the myth where people claimed to have seen it and have it hang around their house and he was a bit wary of red lights at night for a little while after that.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

Both versions of the Blob are good - the Steve McQueen original (1958) and the 1988 remake with Kevin Dillon. IT is also really good, although not a patch on the book - the book has so much packed into it, like most Stephen King novels, that it was impossible to put even half of it into the mini series.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

im a big fan of zombie films especially Romero's dead trilogy
i dont really find any film scary, i was brought up on them as my older sister was a huge horror fan
she made me sit and watch Evil Dead when i was about 10
i do find Freddy Kruger a bit creepy though
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

The only film ever that scared me was Seven, but I was 11 or 12 when I watched it.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

my little lad keeps asking me if he can watch some of my zombie films, but i dont know whether to let him (he is only 9) but then again i was young when i started watching them and i dont find any that scary
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

ooh i did enjoy Gingersnaps, i thought that was a really good film.

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