What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?

Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

For all-time scariest, nothing traumatized me like The Birds, though. Saw it on TV when I was 9—my mom wasn't sure, but I insisted—and it absolutely terrorized me. I was a wreck for two weeks. Nightmares, daymares, hallucinations. I still get the jibblies when I see three birds sitting together.

Heh. Heh. I was probably about the same age when I saw The Birds. To this day, I am scared of large groups of birds, and I refuse to watch that film again. I think it's a Hitchcock thing...I've never seen Psycho, and I will not watch it. Just the few scenes from it that I've seen scared me too much to ever want to see it.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

I watched the new version of that...and like all recent films...I can only say meh.
Or perhaps I'm just immune to horror films now, having watched them since I was...old enough to see!
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacres are all classics. I've heard the original was good--even better than the remake--but I haven't seen it. I did watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning in theaters last week and I have to say, it was the goriest movie I believe I've ever seen, but altogether a good film if you can stomache that sort of thing.

Also, is anyone else excited for Saw III to come out this weekend?
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacres are all classics. I've heard the original was good--even better than the remake--but I haven't seen it.

When the original was playing at our local Drive-In, at a particularly suspenseful point in the narrative, some yahoo fired up a chain saw and ran up and down through the cars. Caused quite a ruckus.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

When the original was playing at our local Drive-In, at a particularly suspenseful point in the narrative, some yahoo fired up a chain saw and ran up and down through the cars. Caused quite a ruckus.

Haha...Hey-Not a bad idea. Alot of the fun of watching scary movies is scaring your friends afterwards...
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacres are all classics. I've heard the original was good--even better than the remake--but I haven't seen it. I did watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning in theaters last week and I have to say, it was the goriest movie I believe I've ever seen, but altogether a good film if you can stomache that sort of thing.

Also, is anyone else excited for Saw III to come out this weekend?

I HAVE to see CSM:the beginning...I love gory stuff (the best part of Hostel was the eye bit...if you've seen it you'll definitely know to what I'm referring!!). Saw III...well I'll probably see it (I have to see all horror films!) but I wasn't particularly impressed by number two (I haven't seen number one!)...well, the pit of needles was quite cool!
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

The Shining has held up for me as being one of the only scary movies in existence. Although I don't need to see Exorcist again, if you know what I mean. For some reason, Catholic based horrors are the creepiest, but that could just be my upbringing, they seem more realistic, therefore scarier in general. Dude, that could really happen! Splatterpunk doesn't do it for me at all.

Edit - What Lies Beneath is pretty suspencful and I find it generally creepy - definitely a keeper.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

Nothing worse than Nightmare on Elm Street in my opinion. But others have been done that are as horrible.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

The Exorcist was so naff...I was expecting so much from it! Mind you, I haven't seen the version where she crab walks down the stairs, which is supposed ti be really eerie!
The film of the Shining is all right...but the book!! Possibly the only truly chilling book I've ever read. Stephen King at his finest in terms of making the hairs on your arms stand up! And all the best bits are missing from the film...The hedges animal! ARGH! Even a simple hosepipe is made scary in the book...genius.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

The Exorcist was so naff...
Going to indulge in the sport of disagreement on that one. Definitely for me one of the scariest things I've seen... but I'm not a huge fan of the genre and therefore don't see many. I did go to see things like Hostel and (the original) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (when it was first legalised) but nearly walked out of the first (though glad I stayed, three rows further back) and thought the second was very naff and dated.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

Hostel only had one good thing going for it, and that was the gore! Oooh, the eye bit...The eye! Lol.
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

Wow I remember that one! Horrible gave me nightmares and an even stronger fear of clowns than before!
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

Yes, I think that's what caused my fear of clowns! That and the clown from poltergeist...and a film full of scary clowns, I can only remember if very very vaguely but some kids were trapped in a house of clowns or something...lovely...!
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

I remember finding Pet Semetary very scarey years ago. Not sure I'd be scared now. I watch Evil Dead the other day and it looked like it had been filmed with a camcorder.

I think my scariest is still Exercist, I watched it in an empty cinema once, just me and a mate and we sat in oposite corners just to freak ourselves out. It worked
Re: The Scariest Movie Ever!

Evil Dead!! HAHAHA I LOVE those films! They are hilarious! I think it's in the second one, one of monsters' eyes pops out and flies into the women's mouth, and if you watch carefully you can see that the eye is on a stick! Hah, but that's the kind of thing I like! That's more real to me then CGI.

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