Anyone interested in a Heinlein reading group?

Liz: Don't worry about the version as far as discussion goes...the old version retains all discussion'll just lose a little bit of the pleasure and perhaps a few uncontrollable grins that Heinlein puts into his dialogue. It really is a shame that the restored version wasn't deemed publishable back in 1951...I imagine there would be even MORE Heinlein fans out there.

dsmith: Excited to have you aboard! Now my wish list is complete! Don't worry about never having read Heinlein, in fact I imagine you will provide some unique input simply by not comparing it to all the other Heinlein works in your head as you read. Oh, and feel free to join in the vote anyway...why not just take a quick look at the basic outline of each on Wiki or something, and see if one of those options appeal to you more than the others. What am I're a won't even need Wiki to check them.
There may be some points addressed from the restored version, as it can alter the slant of the whole... but the majority of points will be the same, yes.

And dsmith: I've not had a lot of experience with reading groups, but one I was involved in for a bit... I'd not read a lot of the books up for votes, but went ahead and voted for those that sounded most interesting... and that vote counted with others. (I also found myself the only person who had liked a particular book... everyone else found it intensely boring, where I thought that -- while the plot was shaky in spots -- the atmosphere of the whole was very powerful; and, as it was more of a dream-narrative anyway, that made sense to me....) So don't be shy about giving your input... that's what such groups are about....
I decided to vote after all, and chose TCWWTW, because we have lots of copies at my library!
I was reading some info online about Heinlein, and realized I was wrong in my post earlier- I have read one of his books. I read Farnham's Freehold. It's been a long time, and I can't remember much about it though.
I read Farnham's Freehold.
One of my favourites, that one! I have to reread that one every year or two. Some tough issues chewed on in that one! Hugh is another one of my favourite Heinlein characters.
One of my favourites, that one! I have to reread that one every year or two. Some tough issues chewed on in that one! Hugh is another one of my favourite Heinlein characters.

total agreement
I was going to look out TPM after finishing off Caves of Steel and The Naked Sun but I think I will go for Farnham again :D
total agreement
I was going to look out TPM after finishing off Caves of Steel and The Naked Sun but I think I will go for Farnham again :D
I love Asimov too...especially the Foundation series. I didn't find him until much later than Heinlein though...I think I had read almost all of Heinlein before I picked up my first Asimov. Hey maybe you should save Farnham's and we'll joint petition the group for Farnham's being next one after should lead to some spicy discussion!
Where does a wise man hide a leaf? Yes, everyone knows the answer to that. And, volume for volume my apartement must be considered a better place to hide a book than anywhere, with the possible exception of a couple of second-hand bookshops I've been in.
Still, this is ridiculous. I carefully selected out my Hainleins (which enabled me to file "Pandora's star" and "Judas unchained" at last, piled them up, and posted a list of them here. Shortly before Easter, observing how the poll was going, I separated one with a bluish cover featuring a ginger kitten tearing its way out from the interior.
Then came Easter, and it was decided to put a short interruption into my generally troglodytic existence; dragged out to sun, fresh air and non-plastic food.
Return, suntanned, exercised and… where had I put it? Black magic, cat burglar, vindictive pigeon? The entire space is only three metres by four, and there's a shower in that. Oh, I've got time, they're hardly talking about "Puppet masters" yet, but even so. If it's walked through the wall…
Anyway, I've now got "Rocketship Gallileo" - not that it's a great, but, seeing it, it was obviously essential.
Lately, I’ve been looking to used bookstores to fill in the gaps in my Heinlein collection. In addition to the unedited version of The Puppet Masters, I’ve recently picked up an uncut version of Stranger in a Strange Land and Farnham’s Freehold. Farnham’s indicates it was originally copyrighted in 1964 and then again by Heinlein’s wife in 1992. I’m wondering if this is also a restored or uncut version.

Farnham’s Freehold. Farnham’s indicates it was originally copyrighted in 1964 and then again by Heinlein’s wife in 1992. I’m wondering if this is also a restored or uncut version.
Interesting...I've only heard of four restored works...Strangers, Puppet Masters, Red Planet, and Podkayne...but I admit I've been negligent at keeping up with my Heinlein for a long time. I've got printings of Farnham's from before and after 1992...I'll check the 'before and after' when I get home tonight and let you know if I spot obvious differences.
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I'll check the 'before and after' when I get home tonight and let you know if I spot obvious differences.
Compared a 1964, a 1971, and a 1998. Checked opening and close of each chapter, and a few passages here and there. No difference. After his death he passed the copyrights over to Virginia. I think any printing of any of his books after his death will list both Robert and Virginia's copyrights.
Compared a 1964, a 1971, and a 1998. Checked opening and close of each chapter, and a few passages here and there. No difference. After his death he passed the copyrights over to Virginia. I think any printing of any of his books after his death will list both Robert and Virginia's copyrights.

Thanks TT. That’s along those lines was one of my theories, but until recently I didn’t realize different versions of The Puppet Masters and Stranger in a Strange Land were circulating.

different versions of Stranger in a Strange Land were circulating.
Actually, I think they are still printing both versions of Strangers today...I think this is pretty damn rare. Someone else could probably comment more on that though.

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