The Discworld Diaries

I was reading Carpe Jugulum last night, and there was something that got a real chuckle out of me... erm... oh yes!

Nanny Ogg to Magrat: Let's kick some bat.
Day four:

I think I losted my wits just now, for I can't find them. That's a shame because I was determined to lose them wits halfway through Mort...
I love the way pTerry immerses you in the suspense of the action and the graveness of the situation, and then does one of those "And now for something completely different" moments, and starts going on about the subject of "poetry and inspiration." :p
Day five:

It's not just my wits! I'm really losing my temper, too! Where the Zark are my books?!

On a sidenote, now that my wits and temper are gone, I think I can finally say I'm not a complete fool any longer.
Books 1-3 are passable at best, with 3 being really bad... I don't particularly like the witches books... I suggest Mort-Guards Guards as the first 2 reads personally.
Guards! Guards! is the start of the nightwatch/city watch books they are so so funny Vimes being one of the best characters ever writen, I've just put down Thud! the last of the watch books and I can't wait to read about the watch again. Every one of them is a comic gem,
Day six:

Out of eight, not one book arrived. Not even a sign of a book arrived. Not even a hint of a sign of a book arrived.

I have the feeling you have when you're about to get slapped in the face by someone you have a secret crush on: you know it's going to come pretty darn soon and you don't want it to happen. That exact feeling, but turned around. I want something really bad, but it takes very long...
Day seven:

I think I never got mail on Sunday; would be surprised if any would come today.

They must be on to you.
They're probably screening your mail for anything which encourages individuality.
Yes, I've been pondering about a conspiracy theory, too. Going to investigate it thorougly tomorrow after tea.
Poor Marky. Could it be the Patrician(of Ankh Morpork)'s doing?:p I don't know from where you ordered the books. But I usually buy from and their delivery (free too) is always prompt, better price than amazon too.
Day eight:

I've been going out detectiving, and, well, I don't know where the heck my books are, but I did find out who killed JFK...
Isn't this what libraries are for??? I mean, there are other books than Pratchett, but I always assumed they were for show...
Day nine:

I received an e-mail that they're about to send me my stuff. I wonder about that. Maybe they should quit messing around sending e-mails and actually start doing the job they're getting paid for.
Was it an amazon purchase? they take ages to send stuff to me.

Not to me. I tend to get what I order from them in just a few days, except when it's something that's not in stock, obviously.

It's not uncommon that I order something Saturday, get an email that's it has been shipped Sunday afternoon and have the package Tuesday.

I'd like to know who Marky is ordering from.

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