The entire text, memorized?
There are folks who have that eidetic memory thing going on, but I had to look up the mere spelling of the word (and so too apparently does my spell-checker
); in short, I'm not one of them. Like Sir Goldhawk, however, I have read the trilogy many times (it might be in that same 30ish neighborhood...I've really lost count!), so I do remember that there ARE references, and it's not uncommon that I recall the general "neighborhood" where the quote might be found . After that, my searches are the same enjoyable slog thru the books to find the quote(s) that I expect others experience.
And, in the full disclosure here, I will share the humorous part of my quote research, so you can see how clueless I really am! I had no prayer of arriving at haudh from heck, and I completely misinterpreted carin' as 'cairn' which of course send me off on a wild good chase (if Tolkien uses the word 'cairn', it's not often!). Cairn, however, did get me thinking about other words for 'grave', which led to barrow, which of course led me to cursing that there were no references to Arwen in any of the chapters and appendices that involved the Barrow downs first BEFORE I remembered that I'd seen Arwen at the end of a place name somewhere, only being the computer guy I kept wanting to call it "
Baudh-something-Arwen", and so wasn't far enough into the index to find it quickly....
So, as I have noted before, I'm HARDLY a well-oiled machine when it comes to this. Enough of my cluelessness, and back to the challenge.
Thank'ee kindly, far, and good challenge. As for the next, there may be some difference of interpretation, but here goes....
Five sires have I, though but two remain. The wait for me was not in vain.
As always, quotes enjoyed, but not required.