What are you reading?

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I've just finished reading:

- Waiting for Goldalming by Robert Rankin

- Down the Bright Way by Robert Reed.

I must get out of this always-reading-the-same-type-of-book rut!

Apropos the Bright Way, I'm surprised that Reed has not produced more work set in this universe, given that there is so much more to find out about it. (That's not to say the book didn't come to an appropriate ending given its story.) Or has he written more, perhaps in short stories? I'd like to know if he has. Thanks in advance. ;-)
I don't read a lot of fiction whilst I'm doing a big "push" on my own writing, but I'm about to go on holiday so I've stocked up on new novels to read. I need to suss out the competition ;)

Recently read

"The Privilege of the Sword", by Ellen Kushner - good fun, well written
"Tamburlaine Must Die", by Louise Welch - literary novella, good but too short

"The Uncrowned Kings of England", by Derek Wilson (biography of the Dudley family in the sixteenth century)
"Pistols at Dawn: A History of Duelling", by Richard Hopton
"Hubbub: Filth, Noise, and Stench in England, 1600-1770", by Emily Cockayne

Just ordered from Amazon

"The Lies of Locke Lamora", by Scott Lynch
"The Court of the Air", by Stephen Hunt
"The Blade Itself", by Joe Abercrombie

Hmm, which to read first...?
Recently read

The Killing Floor - Lee Child 5 Stars of 5
a great crime book with a very interesting main character and story.

Next reads:

Die Trying - Lee Child
The Hunter - Richard Stark
Vampire Hunter D book 2 - Hiyeduki Kikuchi
Recently Read:
=Coyote Rising - Allen Steele

Currently Reading:
=The Return of the King - J.R.R. Tolkien
=JPod - Douglas Coupland

Going to Read (in order):
=Coyote Frontier - Allen Steele
=Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas -
=Doctor Whom: E.T. Shoots and Leaves - A.R.R.R. Roberts
=Digital Fortresses - Dan Brown
=Eragon (and whatever the other book is called) - Christopher Paoaoaoalini (sp?)
And then maybe that Hume in 90 Minutes book I have lying around, compact philosophy is always good.
have recently read

Dragonsblood T.McCaffrey

The Rouseabout R.Treasure
Say it out Loud A.Sutton & N.McMahon although not sf, both great aussie reads

Am currently reading

book 1 of Mordants Need( a Man Rides Through) S.Donaldson
Dragon's Fire T&A McCaffrey
I've just finished reading:

- Waiting for Goldalming by Robert Rankin

I HATE THIS. I wrote a short story called Waiting in Godalming. I think I'll shoot myself and tear up my ideas journal before somebody publishes my idea for four kids and a dog solving mysteries. (I'm calling it Scoopy Doop. Neat, huh?)

Oh, and I just started on Wodehouse.
I just finshed my first western book Boone's Lick which i thought was very good.

Also read recently Ian Rankin's first Rebus book. Knots and Crosses a very interesting take on the police story. Alot better than the second book Hide and Seek.
Just finished "The Lies of Locke Lamora" - nice world-building and some great ideas, but over-written, IMHO. Not bad for such a young writer, though - I'll be interested to see how the sequel shapes up. 3.5 stars (I'm a harsh critic!)

Next up - an unpublished thriller (for my critique group) and maybe "The Blade Itself".
The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul Douglas Adams

havent read it in years but its definatley still hitting that minor chord i remember
I'm just finishing R Scott Bakker's Prince of Nothing trilogy. Worth checking out.
Just finished The Iron Council, now reading Peter Hamilton's The Reality Dysfunction
Just started reading "Wolf's Blood" by Jane lindskold
speedingslug - reality dysfunctin is a great read - just don't get worried about the opening chapters - once the science is out of the way the story (or stories as it really should be) start comming out.
Just started reading "Wolf's Blood" by Jane lindskold
speedingslug - reality dysfunctin is a great read - just don't get worried about the opening chapters - once the science is out of the way the story (or stories as it really should be) start comming out.

Cheers, I don't mind the Science it may take a bit to understand, but takes me a while to remember the characters and what they are/are doing at first. I'm 100 and odd pages in.......tis a hefty book.
Just started "Pushing Ice" by Alastair Reynolds. I'm a happy boy.:)


Have just started Raymond E Feist's Krondor the Betrayal, my first Feist book(I got it for .50cents at the local library discard shop) and Im hooked.
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