What are you reading?

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Have just started Raymond E Feist's Krondor the Betrayal, my first Feist book(I got it for .50cents at the local library discard shop) and Im hooked.
Feist is good, haven't read him in a bit, but hopefully will get around to him again.

Currently reading Night Watch, and it is a lot better than the movie. But I get the feeling that something is lost in the translation (it's Russian for those not in the know). So overall it's alright.

Last five read where: Beowulf (loved it, awesome epicness). Hogfather by Terry Pratchett (great, as usual for Pratchett). Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (really cool, smart Sci-Fi). Penny Dreadful by Will Christopher Baer (really cool, trippy modern noir). And Casino Royale by Ian Fleming (liked it, but gotta say I prefer the movie, book was sort of uneventful).

Up next is more Pratchett and then I'll finally be diving into George R. R. Martin.
Casino Royale by Ian Fleming (liked it, but gotta say I prefer the movie, book was sort of uneventful).

I know this gets beyond SF & F but: Consider how long ago Casino Royale was written. It was Fleming's first Bond novel, IIRC. I read it circa 1961. Haven't read a Fleming book in ages, but I remember thinking this one was one of the best. I also remember thinking what a shame it was that the Burt Bacharach, David Niven, Peter Sellers movie so deliberately avoided having anything to do with the book.

Now a new Casino Royale movie. And a good Bond flick, at that. Great action. A good new James Bond. But (sigh) still not much like the original, more elegantly paced tale. The thing is, I believe that the time for a Casino Royale film that really follows the book is long past us. Nobody would be interested anymore.


Good luck with the Mad Ship, I am a fan of Hobb, but I found this one a little heavy going and a tad slower than I like, but it is a good book. (that I was listning to the music from Pritate ot Carribbean might also have slowed my reading)
Good luck with the Mad Ship, I am a fan of Hobb, but I found this one a little heavy going and a tad slower than I like, but it is a good book. (that I was listning to the music from Pritate ot Carribbean might also have slowed my reading)

Thank you. I started with the Farseer trilogy...LOVED it. I went to the Liveship series next because I had the volumes waiting patiently on my book shelf (otherwise, I think I might have gone on to the Tawny Man series). Ship of Magic, I have to admit was slow going for me (my guess is that I was still too fresh from the Farseer and still thinking of the Fool and Fitz...etc..)--it did engage me eventually though. I'm NOT a huge fan of the ship/sailing descriptions *yawn* All those terms:rolleyes: Then again, it leaves me more in awe of authors who can so beautifully describe something which they have never done themselves, KWIM?
Feist is good, haven't read him in a bit, but hopefully will get around to him again.

Currently reading Night Watch, and it is a lot better than the movie. But I get the feeling that something is lost in the translation (it's Russian for those not in the know). So overall it's alright.

Last five read where: Beowulf (loved it, awesome epicness). Hogfather by Terry Pratchett (great, as usual for Pratchett). Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (really cool, smart Sci-Fi). Penny Dreadful by Will Christopher Baer (really cool, trippy modern noir). And Casino Royale by Ian Fleming (liked it, but gotta say I prefer the movie, book was sort of uneventful).

Up next is more Pratchett and then I'll finally be diving into George R. R. Martin.

Nightwatch i enjoyed. The translator did a great job. You get over the wierd feeling of reading a translation of a Russian book and get into the story.

If you liked Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? , try Altered Corban by Richard Morgan. Its alittle similer since both are SF Noir. Alot more violence in AC though.
Feast of Souls by Celia Friedman was a great read despite it being classed as 'dark fantasy'. Will certainly be reading her next book.
Have also read Book One of Darkglass Mountain, The Serpent Bride by Sara Douglass, one of my favourite authors. I loved her first two trilogies - Axis and Wayfarer Redemption. Looking forward to her next edition.
Have re-read the trilogy Fire of Heaven and Book One of Husk by Russell Kirkpatrick. He's a great writer and his world building and characters are really good.
Now I am reading Book Two of The Tide Lords by Jennifer Fallon. I'm finding it very difficult to put the book down! I've read her previous three trilogies, although I thought her first and third were much better than the second trilogy. This is another series I shall be continuing to read as the books are published!
The last five books i read were Fall of kings (5stars) sharpes trafalgar (5stars) starfighters of adumar ( 4stars) legend for the thirtieth time lol (5stars) and sword in the storm for the eightieth time :D
These are the last five books i have read:

Richard Stark - The Hunter 5/5
Richard Stark - The Man with The Getaway Face 4.5/5
Dennis Lehane - Sacred 4.5/5
Richard Morgan- Broken Angels 2.5/5
Philip Pullman - Northern Lights 5/5

5/5 doesnt mean its the best book i have read rather than its as good as it can get in a book of that genre.
Nothing at the moment, but two books I read again and again are: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett (my absolute fave) and a book called Mirage by Louise Cooper. I will never get bored of reading those.
Reading Gene Wolfe's "The Book of the New Sun" series at the moment. Quite good!
im currently reading Lilith's Brood by Octavia Butler. Its a trilogy, so I break it up by reading novellas as I go along. I just finished Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge. When Im done with Lilith's Brook I have What Mad Universe sitting ready for a re-read.
Nothing at the moment, but two books I read again and again are: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett (my absolute fave) and a book called Mirage by Louise Cooper. I will never get bored of reading those.
You should try are read some other books by Louise Cooper provided you have not done already.
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