What are you reading?

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Well currently I am reading:
Memories of Ice by Steven Erikson
Stolen by Kelly Armstrong
Sea Dragon Heir by Storm Constantine
A Clash of Kings by Martin
The Dreaming Void by Peter F. Hamilton

also I tried to read the Jerle Shannara Trilogy - got at least 60 pages in, but I can't help but feel that the author is joking with me - especially concerning character names - do things pick up later (also my first bit of Terry)
Just finished Winds of Fate and am starting Winds of Change by Mercedes Lackey. Some parts I have trouble staying interested, others I can't put it down.
the Black Magician and the Age of five by Trudi Canavan, nice light reading with strong female roles.

If you liked Eddings this is a nice author to slip into
I liked Black Magician, but could not come to like the Age of Five series - I will probably give it another go in time

Add Dragons of Autumn Twilight to my list
Never understood how people can read more than one book at a time.

I am reading Gods of Amyrantha by Jennifer Fallon. It's her second book in the Tide Lord series.
And here is the really scary part - I don't use bookmarks . . . . . . . . .though I might start if I find any I like the look of
John Le Carre's The Looking Glass War. I have been meaning to read all the Smiley novels for a couple of years now and this month is as good as any for that.

No Sci-Fi/Fantasy, but a really old fashioned Cold War thriller, with people wearing bowler hats, being chauffered around in Humbers, discussing the recent Cuba crisis and other tradecraft over glasses of sherry in clubs, etc. Cannot say I really like this one, though. None of the characters are even remotely likeable and I quite suspect Le Carre intended it that way.

He is superb author, though, don't get me wrong.
And here is the really scary part - I don't use bookmarks . . . . . . . . .though I might start if I find any I like the look of

Didn't use to myself, until I got into so much research where I'm having to look up sometimes dozens of references at a time. (Of course, getting old and having my memory go south for the duration doesn't help....:rolleyes:)

Am currently reading: Horror: Another 100 Best Books, ed. by Stephen Jones and Kim Newman
The Dead Secret, by Wilkie Collins
The New Canaan, by Thomas Morton
an old issue of Crypt of Cthulhu
and various collections of essays by different authors here and there....
Have just started Raymond E Feist's Krondor the Betrayal, my first Feist book(I got it for .50cents at the local library discard shop) and Im hooked.
Many fans of Feist generally don't like Krondor the Betrayal. If possible, you should start with Magician: Apprentice and Magician: Master.
I have just started a book by a new author, Brandon Sanderson. The book is titled, Mistborn, The Final Empire and it is really quite unique as far as fantasy goes. The magic system is unlike any other I have read and the story is very well done indeed. I plan to take a look at his two other books after I read this one.

Edit: here is a link to his website if anyone is interested BrandonSanderson.com
Eragon by christopher paolini

Picked it up at a friends when i was baby-sitting. Its actually the 13 year old sons an he said i could borrow it. Not ground-breaking or earth shattering, but a very pleasant read all the same.

there was a film of it came out recently wasn't there? Any good?
The film was a disaster! I think the script writer was, oh about 5 years old :) (not kidding)
they only got one part of the film right and that was the dragon CGI - the rest was a disaster
Just finished the new JV Jones novel (sword from red ice), now reading The warrior prophet by R Scott Bakker.
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