What are you reading?

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I am currently in the R.A. Salvatore Dark Elf books

Finished reading: Waylander by David Gemmell 5/5
Currently reading
: Kesrith by CJ Cherryh and The Fellowship of The Ring by JRRT.

Funny i enjoy Kesrith more so far :)
I'm currently reading the Last Dark Tower book.
I want to finish it, as it has been a long road, but at the same time, I don't want to.
I almost don't want to find out how it ends, I want everyone who is left to go on being left. Unfortunately that idea got killed 10 or so chapters ago. :(
I have just finished The Wheel of Time- The Great Hunt(book2). I am going to re-read Dune until I can get my grubby mitts on Book3:D
I'm currently reading the Last Dark Tower book.
I want to finish it, as it has been a long road, but at the same time, I don't want to.
I almost don't want to find out how it ends, I want everyone who is left to go on being left. Unfortunately that idea got killed 10 or so chapters ago. :(

I could have written those worlds lol. After "The lord of the rings", this saga is my favourite one. Hope you'll enjoy the conclusion. ;)

I'm reading "Sepulchre" by James Herbert.
Not decided yet.

I've just bought Imperium by Robert Harris - Fatherland is one of my fave books, I must have read it 6 or 7 times. The only other book of his I've read is Pompei. Good, but not in the same class as Fatherland.

But tomorrow I'm picking up Judas Unchained by Peter F Hamilton, and can't decide which to read first.

I'm also determined to carry on reading Neal Stephensons Baroque Cycle.
What's Left? by Nick Cohen, which is an angry, Orwell-style attack on what he sees as the betrayal of the people by the left wing, and The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling (again), an alternative history about computers in the Victorian era. It's got that Gibson problem of having lots of good ideas not very clearly expressed, but it's a fascinating book.
Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling

Raymond Feist Talon of the Silver Claw series thingy.

One of Ann McCaffrey's about the planet defence system and farmers lol. Sorry my memory isnt working today!

Eoin Coffer's Supernaturalist

Phillip Pullmans Dark Materials - sorry I must be the only person who doesn't like him LOL

Next to read
I want to get the latest Raymond Feist - what happens after they find the black armour in the cave.

The Ann McCaffrey books living under my bed lol with the other 80 books waiting to be read.
The Pythons by the Pythons
Swallow the Air by Tara June Winch
Dizzy! The Jason Gillespie Story as told to Lawrie Colliver
Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson
Queen of Sourcery by David Eddings (which is the one I'm reading most)
I am eagerly awaiting the release of the second book, second series of SM Stirling's "Dies The Fire" series.

Beyond that I read a LOT of white papers for work :(
Just finished The Green Mile by Stephen King - a reread, excellent
Grave Sight by Charlaine Harris - enjoyable light read
The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood - good but not not as good as I had hoped
The Time Traveler's Wife - also a reread, best book ever written!
The Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan - I just love everything this woman writes.
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