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Peter F Hamilton's nights dawn trilogy. Just coming to the end of Neutronium Alchemist.

I love the way he just inserts you into the action without the tedious explaining that others go through.
Just started Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett, hope I'm not up all night trying to finish it!
Last read -
Thw Whalr Road, ?, 3*
Fall of Kings - Gemmell, 4*
Heroes V.M. Manfredi, 1* (sorry)
Sword Song, Cornwell, 4*
The Twilight Herald, Tom Lloyd, 5*(Would recommend Storm Caller first)
The Generals, Simon Scarrow, 4*

And about to start Men of Bronze, Scot Oden
I'm kind of in between books right now...kind of on a Dean Koontz spree at this time, but I also keep in touch with old favorites: the Magic Kingdom of Landover series, whatever Xanth books I can lay my hand on, and just about any fantasy novel by David Eddings-though I haven't taken a look at his Dreamweaver series yet.
Have picked up Raymond E. Feists King of Foxes again. (brilliant)
Have only got 50 pages left of 'World Without End' by Ken Follet :( Then I shall have to re-read a book until I can get another new book to read.
These are the last books i have read.

Now Wait For Last Year 5/5 - Philip K Dick
The Maze of Death 4/5 - Philip K Dick
The Mourner 4/5 - Richard Stark
Paycheck (short Story) 3.5/5 - Philip K Dick
Black Colossus (short story) 5/5 - Robert E Howard
3.5/5 - Lee Child

A good week or two there books wise.

Reading right now : Dune

Recently finished:

Brian Aldiss' Helliconia trilogy. Not bad, but somehow not as compelling as I had been led to believe. This might've been a case of having a series hyped to a ridiculous extent by friends before I read it, after which it just can't possibly live up to expectations.

Now reading:

"The Forever War," Joe Haldeman. Been meaning to read this for years. Just about 50 pages in, seems good so far.

Next on the pile:

"The Diamond Age", Neal Stephenson.
rereading the ice and fire series now. one of the great series in my opinion
Recently finished:

Brian Aldiss' Helliconia trilogy. Not bad, but somehow not as compelling as I had been led to believe. This might've been a case of having a series hyped to a ridiculous extent by friends before I read it, after which it just can't possibly live up to expectations.

i Couldnt get in to those! I had Spring to start and thart was ok and then it just seemed to get silly and not make sense! Frankly i really struggled to finish them all. it was not happy reading.
i havnt read any recent SF or F books ive read alot of old war stories because thts all they gave us to read while on duty
Just finishing up Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and still reading Homer's Odyssey. Gah. Still!
I just finished The Engines of God by Jack McDevitt; BIG disappointment, don't waste your time.
Before that: Schismatrix (Bruce Sterling) and the Revelation Space trilogy (Alastair Reynolds).
Schismatrix was outstanding; Revelation Space was great but the two subsequent novels were just OK. Chasm City was awesome.
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