What are you reading?

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At the moment I'm halfway through The Talented Mr Ripley by Patricia Highsmith. It's good: creepy and unsettling, and seen very much through the eyes of its mad lead character. The film was OK, but without all the visuals the book makes a much better job of exploring this strange man's mind. Low-key, but surprisingly disturbing.
Ha. I just finished The Talented Mr Ripley, and was not impressed. See here (don't worry: no spoilers).
I finished John D Macdonald's Deep Blue Good-By, it thought it was a great book. It had evertything i want from a hardboiled PI like story.

Now im not sure if im gonna read To Live Forever by Jack Vance or keep reading Brasyl by Ian Macdonald.

There is also Princess of Mars by ERB.
I just finished reading Daughter of the Empire and Servant of the Empire and am now reading Mistress of the Empire all by Raymond E.Feist
Have just finished book 1,2 and 3 of The Belgariad, am now waiting for tomorrow to see if the library also has book 4 and 5!! am enjoying reading more Eddings, as its been a while.
I just finished The Engines of God by Jack McDevitt; BIG disappointment, don't waste your time.
Before that: Schismatrix (Bruce Sterling) and the Revelation Space trilogy (Alastair Reynolds).
Schismatrix was outstanding; Revelation Space was great but the two subsequent novels were just OK. Chasm City was awesome.

Engines of God - I remember reading that one years ago...I just can't remember anything else about it. Not a good thing, in my case.

Currently reading:
The Classical World, by Robin Lane Fox
1599, A Year in Shakespeare's Life, by James Shapiro
Behind the Curtain, by Jonathan Wilson
and finally...
Memories of Ice, by Steven Erikson.
At least one is genre....
Just finished: A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller.

Currently reading: Ubik by Philip K. Dick.

Waiting to be read next: City of Saints and Madmen by Jeff VanderMeer.
I'm reading Odalisque by Fiona McIntosh, a Rolling Stone magazine, an anthology of Rolling Stone interviews, U2 by U2, Silverthorn by Raymond E Feist, and Great Ashes Anecdotes by Gideon Haigh.
Just finished - Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card.

Now Reading - Plague Year by Jeff Carlson.
have just reread steven ericksons malazan book of the fallen( books 1-7). i also recently read the empire trilogy by ray feist and janny wurts
Well, I've just finished The Running Man, by Stephen King. It's an effective novel, in the same way that a piece of timber with a nail in it is an effective way of resolving an argument.

It reads like King wrote it very quickly, unsure what he was writing: it starts as a satirical dystopia, then becomes a chase, then a sort of psychological thriller. But it's still good, pretty well written, and the satirical ideas behind it are weirdly accurate these days. Not King's best by a million miles, but still strong and interesting.
Books I've recently read:
Rangers Apprentice series by John Flanagan
Seven Titles (four and a half stars)
DragonFlight by Anne McCaffrey (Four and a Half stars)
The Singer of All Songs by Kate Constable (I love this book! Five Stars)
The Iron Tree by Cecila Dart-Thornton (One star)

Books I am planning to read
Magik, Flyght and Physik by Angie Sage are all sitting there waiting for me to find the time to read them
I just don't like how it takes forever to get to the Actual story, it wasn't right and I couldn't ghet hooked, I didn't even finish it.
I did however like the First series she wrote (Ill Made Mute, Lady of Sorrows and Battle For Evernight) but that one just didn't hook me.
Each for their own I suppose
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