Season Four Arc


Apr 12, 2008
Season 1 had "Bad Wolf"
Season 2 had "Torchwood"
Season 3 had "Harold Saxon"

In other threads it has been suggested that the Shadow Proclamation is the arc for season 4. I seriously doubt this. The Shadow Proclamation has been quoted in several episodes across all four seasons - it is an article of interspecies rights and is a useful plot device.

I am much more in favour of believing that the arc for Season 4 is in fact the Medusa Cascade. The Medusa Cascade was mentioned by the Master in "Last of the Timelords" and has been mentioned in both "Partners in Crime" and "Fires of Pompeii". More worryingly, whenever the Medusa Cascade has been mentioned, there is also the reference to a planet gone missing. Both the Adipose and Pyrovile homeworlds have disappeared. My guess is that Earth is on the hitlist for the Medusa Cascade which would make for a stunning finale. Also, because the Master made a reference to it, suggests to me that perhaps Gallifrey is also a casualty of the Medusa Cascade and may well be in a position to be recreated.

Any thoughts???
interestin, raalix. very interestin.

somebody on the Chrons has already mentioned planets going missing, iirc.
The Medusa Cascade sounds a likely contender to me. The fact that The Master mentioned in "Last of the Time Lords" that The Doctor had "sealed the rift at the Medusa Cascade" (if I' remembering right), then that might also have ramifications regarding Rose - assuming she's coming through a rift similar to Torchwood's one in Cardiff. Opens up all manner of possibilities...;)
Well I like the idea but RTD has said that this season wont have a "Story Arc" as such but that something which as been "seeded" right from the start.

Also episode 1 from this series established the Shadow Proclamation is more than just a bill of rights but that there is some form of enforcement behind it.

I do think the Medusa Cascade will become important, and i hope so since it has such a cool name.

BUT I still think the fact the Shadow Proclamation has been named in the 1st 2 episodes points to it being important as well.

If either the SP or MC get mentioned on Saturday I think it will prove they are important.
Then there's also ATMOS. In "Parners in Crime" you can see a sticker in the window of the taxi which features a logo for a company called ATMOS. This company turn up again in the upcoming two-parter "The Sontaran Strategem" and "Whatever the title of the following episode is".
I'm assuming the mysterious red-nailed woman will turn up in an important role too.
I think the red nailed woman was just put in so that the master could be reintroduced at a later time. Hope they dont though he irritates me. I'm hoping this series will have

The Shadow Proclamation
The Medusa Cascade
Rose returning for good

Oh and I want to find out more about the Time War.

But thats just me wishing.
Given the clues about the season finale in certain magazines, I'd estimate we will get some dialogue about the Time War
I think the red nailed woman was just put in so that the master could be reintroduced at a later time. Hope they dont though he irritates me. I'm hoping this series will have

The Shadow Proclamation
The Medusa Cascade
Rose returning for good

Oh and I want to find out more about the Time War.

But thats just me wishing.

I'm with you on the Shadow Proclamation and The Medusa Cascade.
But I don't want Martha to die, nor do I want Rose returning for good.

IMHO, Martha was a better companion than Rose - she had a greater intellect and was far more able to appreciate her role with the Doctor than Rose ever did - until the end. The only thing I didn't like about Martha was her unrequited love bit. But she got over that, and judging by her appearances in Torchwood, she has grown and learned from the experience. When she rejoins the Doctor in a couple of weeks, I firmly believe there will be a fascinating dynamic between the Doctor, Martha and Donna which will make for unmissable TV. When Rose finally returns, I expect she will bring a new side to her character - one of almost spiritual understanding about her place in the universe and this is something which has no longevity.

Can't wait for more about the Time War! I think one of the specials in 2009 will deal with this relatively unknown chapter in DW history.
I never thought about Davros, he was being heavily touted to re-appear some time this season in the lower market papers with Ben Kingsley playing him. This sounds like stuff to fill empty pages to me but maybe there is a kernel of truth in it.

Maybe davros is controlling the Invasion as a puppet behind the scenes. The Sontarons have been mentioned on a few occasions to having a time travel capabilty, maybe Davros created them, we dont know their origins except they are clones and warriors.

Perhaps the Master is involved someehre as a wild card. Or maybe some one caught sight of the crimble special baddie and jumped to a wrong conclusion about Davros and it s the master we have to watch for!:D
Davros was the guy who created the Daleks right? Wouldnt mind seeing him popping up, really hope the Master doesnt come back though. Or the cybermen. Looking forward to finding out about the Ood tomorrow that should be fun, I still think they are secretly seriously evil and hiding it until they can take over the universe (not really but the freak me out)

Martha will always bug me I think she just grates with me. I honestly think Rose made a better companion because we got to see her grow, being with the Doctor changed her for the better. With Martha she just seemed to get obcessed with the Doctor and not notice any of the stuff he was showing her. He takes her to New Earth and she is more worried about the fact that the Doctor and Rose went there, takes her to Shakespeare she gets annoyed when he lies in bed and doesnt want to sleep with her. Stuff like that just drives me mad. Oh and her family were awful compared to Roses.
Talking about the family, I think they're going to the right way with just two people for Donna - mother and grandfather.

Hopefully the next companion will be an orphan because, to be honest, I'm sick of the family segments. DW, to me, is about aliens, different planets, problems, time, not family problems.
Well I dont know I thought Rose's family were good, I do rather agree that Martha's family were just a bit annoying! I think that over all the family angle strengthens Dr Who we see how the Doctor affects family's and helps build people rather than 2 dimensonal scream machines to be rescued by the Doctor, and serve as plot explanation devices for lazy script writers!

Donna's Mum is as Russel T Davis says just an ordinary Mum who wants the best for her daughter but goes about it a bit ham fistedly. We have family No3 for the doctor to deal with lets see how the score turns out.
Something will happen to the family in the finale based on the arc... which I think is a cheap way to make the companion want to help the Doctor get rid of the threat, rather than just because they like the Doctor... which Rose did actually do in the first NuWho series, and to a small degree in the second.

Rose's mum was nearly Cybermanised.
Martha's family were forced into a life of servitude on the Master's flying pad.
Donna's family? If it IS Davros in the end, then he'll be needing some new Daleks, no?
The companion's family does show how the effect of the Doctor goes beyond the companion themselves (and you can't really have a companion up and leave and not have anyone miss them -- although with time travel, you could feasibly take them back to the moment after they left and no one would even know they'd gone...but I digress...) but the fact is I agree -- family is annoying, we want to see time travelling adventures. I disliked Rose's family because Jackie was just plain annoying; Martha's was a little better because her mum's initial dislike of The Doctor was different but still got in the way.

I also like Ice's ideas about Martha -- now that I think about it, it did seem that she had her eyes more on The Doctor than on the things around her.

As to the forthcoming stuff -- I'd really like to see Davros again. I only have vague memories of seeing him on tv when Doctor Who used to be on, but he was scary; and I love anything to do with the Daleks. I'm impressed by the ideas from other members about this Medusa thingy ad how planets keep disappearing...interesting.
That thing with the disappearing bees keeps popping up, surely it has to just be an in joke and not something more serious.

Disappointed this weeks episode didnt mention either the Shadow Proclamation or the Medusa Cascade, bang goes my theory that they would be in every episode.
Yay I'm back on track the Doctor wants to take Donna to the Medusa Cascade, jackpot on that theory then :D

But another week with no mention of the Shadow Proclamation.

And when did UNIT become the Unified Intelligence Taskforce
Some people have no sense of history when it comes to UNIT however real life politics can intrude with UNIT

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