Book Covers

One of the most memorable book covers from my youth:


I think I was about 10 when I was given this collection of short stories, and the image of that &@#$% huge alien made a big impression.

Wow, that's great! Thanks for sharing! That looks like it's either Chris Foss, or someone doing a fair job of imitating him! (You just can't go wrong having a giant monster, or a scantily clad space-girl on your cover.)

Thats a truly awesome cover. It also a lucky one for me cuz today i found this classic book almost hiding a new shelf for only Vampire stories in the bookstore dominated by a certain romance stories that dress themselves as supernatural/Vamp....

I was looking for some good vampire book like Charlie Huston's Joe Pitt books and ended up with I AM Legend hahahahhahah :D
I've always loved the pulp art.That's why I collect. The Weird Tales is the first appearance of Conan.
That's the December 1932 edition you're referring to. Now that's special my friend but I bet you've had a harder time getting hold of the July 1925 edition that first featured Howard's work in a professional mag....;)
This is the cover of the book my family gave me for Christmas. Not only does it look good but feels good's padded under the covers, back and front.


I prefer old style covers.I actualy think the cover of the Maurice Level colection atains true greatness in its simplicity.
I'm sure I posted a similar thread a while ago. It must have got deleted in the recent crash. Some great covers here,love the book of Alien Monsters. Toyed with the idea of one day doing something like that myself
One of my favorites Fritz Leiber covers.


  • leiber chronicles.jpg
    leiber chronicles.jpg
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Seeing as I just purchased these books for myself based on the cover artwork, I thought I should include them here.


I see you've captured my desk editions, Lady. These are the ones that get the workout for Tolkien Trivia in the Grim household...very serviceable. Have to use my hardback Children of Hurin, though......
Probably one of my very favorites is Paul Alexander's magnificent cover to Colin Kapp's PATTERNS OF CHAOS (Ace Books, 1973). Right up there is Jack Gaughan's cover to Jack Vance's THE LAST CASTLE (Ace Double, 1968 or so).
Really liked this one - and the contents under the cover are brilliant:


And this:

There was a printing of the entire Dune series that has a set of covers, when you put them back to back, it turned out that all the books created one large mural. Quite a cool idea i thought.
There was a printing of the entire Dune series that has a set of covers, when you put them back to back, it turned out that all the books created one large mural. Quite a cool idea i thought.

That sounds like the paperback editions of Asimov's Foundation Trilogy I used to have,with Chris Foss covers that continue the scene on the next book. Best bit about them ;)
I know some people on this forum didn't like the writing of Farland in the Rune lord series but i found it quite enjoyable. Also really like the covers he brought in once he'd reached book 3 i think?! I just love the look and it also fits with his earthy based magic system as well.
Enjoy ! david farland: Books
With my publisher's hat on, I take great pains over the covers of the books I put out through NewCon Press and I'm very proud of the results.

The cover for the latest anthology, Subterfuge (released October 2008), was designed by artist Andy Bigwood and I think it's excellent. It's just won the British Science Fiction Association (BSFA) Award for 'best artwork', so clearly I'm not the only one who loves it (this is a popular vote rather than juried). :)

I agree Ian it is a very good cover ! I'm almost at the end of the book itself and amongst Newcon's publications that i have i rate this one as my personal favourite. In particualr the opening story is wonderful, i also really liked the 'God' particle story :D
Many thanks for your work in bringing these out to the public.
Thanks for the comments, AW, really glad you're enjoying the book. Yes, John Meaney's story is typically excellent and "The God Particle" is a great story. The author, Steve Longworth, is part of the writing group I help to organise and this is one of the pieces he workshopped. As soon as I read it, I knew the piece would be ideal for the anthology.

This is only his second published story; mind you, the first appeared in the science journal Nature -- nothing like starting at the top! :)

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