110.33: murmuring seas, and of plains] murmuring seas, of plains
110.35: thick forests; an then we] thick forests; and then we
*111.38: watched the ginkgo trees] watched the gingko trees
112.16: the ripples sparked beneath] the ripples sparkled beneath
112.34: somewhere in space,and] somewhere in space, and
*113.7: such a beauty] such beauty
*114.11: travelled more softly, till] travelled more swiftly, till
114.12: flying uncan nily as if] flying uncannily as if
*114. 12: In a dim dawn] In the dim dawn
*114.25: of the city of Celephaïs, and] of the city Celephaïs, and
110.33: murmuring seas, and of plains] murmuring seas, of plains
110.35: thick forests; an then we] thick forests; and then we
*111.38: watched the ginkgo trees] watched the gingko trees
112.16: the ripples sparked beneath] the ripples sparkled beneath
112.34: somewhere in space,and] somewhere in space, and
*113.7: such a beauty] such beauty
*114.11: travelled more softly, till] travelled more swiftly, till
114.12: flying uncan nily as if] flying uncannily as if
*114. 12: In a dim dawn] In the dim dawn
*114.25: of the city of Celephaïs, and] of the city Celephaïs, and