The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
409.25: dream or waking,] dream or in waking,
410.39: shelter of that marvellous] shelter of the marvellous
411.25: Carter now made fluttering] Carter made fluttering
412.14: kingdoms and borned into] kingdoms and borne into
412.22-23: from the slops of] from the slopes of
414.20: that image were very] that image are very
414.21: that they were signs] that they are signs
415.2: and dwelling among men] and dwelling amongst men
415.39: side, whither cats] side, whither the cats
416.7: at the inn of] at the inns of
416.13: thin angular tower looks] thin angular towers looks
416.30: was the manner of] was the matter of
420.15: the coast grew nearer,] the coast drew nearer,
421.1: as steering or cooking,] as steering and cooking,
421.10: those obnoxious days.] those obnoxious drays.
421.17: whether it was light] whether it were light
424.26: truly say nothing.] truly tell nothing.
425.27: Baharna a might city.] Baharna a mighty city.
429.1: soil became meager, with] soil became meagre, with
434.1: convex and cocave with] convex and concave with
435.30: a tombstone level in] a tombstone lever in
436.28: an excellant sharpness] an excellent sharpness
436.39: savagery were unimpaired] savagery were still unimpaired
438.16-17: climbers. Nor would the] climbers. Nor could the
439.11: Carter helped them push] Carter helped push
439.20-21: that body’s dislodgement and] that body’s dislodgment and
439.30: fungi of that enchanted] fungi of the enchanted
439.35: consulted with the ghouls] consulted with his ghouls
440.18: was slain in the night] was slain by night
440.28: had sneaked off after] had sneaked after
440.39: Skai even unto Ulthar,] Skai even into Ulthar,
442.9: he had not heard] he had not even heard
442.16: reluctant farewell. They young] reluctant farewell. The young
442.27: so that man walk] so that men walk
442.35: sings softly at night.] sings softly in the night.
443.2: he walked downward under] he walked onward under
444.18: Leng; although impassable] Leng; although high impassable
445.16: in those caverns talked] in those taverns talked
446.22: with the high priest. Though] with the high-priest. Though
*448.4: and appointed lackey] and anointed lackey
448.11: little seacoast village] little sea-coast village [In At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels the word occurs at a line break, but in The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Weird Stories it is hyphenated, as in “The Nameless City” and “Celephaïs”, so that is probably Lovecraft’s preferred usage.]
448.35: the city were he] the city even were he
452.30: and sailors said] and sailors later said
453.17: horns and the viols] horns and viols
453.33: he left the garden,] he left that garden,
454.6: and delicate flowing trees] and delicate flowering trees
455.4: one with nine-tenths] one with full nine-tenths
455.6: they had accorded him.] they had ever accorded him.
455.20: observed the great phosphorescence] observed the greater phosphorescence
455.32: go too far north;] go too far to the north;
455.37: saw approaching that camp] saw approaching the camp
456.34: right that lead on] right that led on
457.38: guarding the secret of] guarding the secrets of
458.37: of granite and stone] of granite and bleak stone
461: the cloudy phosphoresence] the cloudy phosphorescence
462.11: what squatted there on] what squatted on
462.28: the less that he had] the less he had
463.9: a northern light shining] a northern night shining
463.20: shadow beneath them.] shadow between them.
463.23-24: in truth primoridial Sarkomand.] in truth primordial Sarkomand.
463.33: to the subterrne world] to the subterrene world
465.32: the guardian night-guants would] the guardian night-gaunts would
468.4: questioning their captured fellows] questioning their rescued fellows
470.23: The Pickman ghoul was allowed] The Pickman ghoul allowed
471.37-38: deck would perceived the] deck would perceive the
472.9: at once set up] at once sent up
472.12: the more easternly of] the more easterly of
473.25: on the rock or] on the rocks or
473.28-29: the invading army] the invading land army
474.12: plans were maturing] plans were indeed maturing
476.25: ghouls and the night-gaunts] ghouls and night-gaunts
476.30: the Outer Gods] the Other Gods
477.3: watching the rims of] watching the rim of
477.33: he fancied that object] he fancied the object
479.3: the last bit of] the last bits of
479.19-20: foothills. The gaping dizziness] foothills. The gasping dizziness
479.30: lines its inky blackness] lines its inky background
481.12: no golden dias had] no golden dais had
481.35: ghouls and the night-gaunts] ghouls and night-gaunts
482.9: slaves with loin-clothes of] slaves with loin-cloths of
482.21: two columns along figure] two columns a lone figure
483.4: vowed that henceforth no] vowed that henceforward no
483.17-18: only the Outer Ones] only the Other Ones
483.30: of your sunset city,] of your marvellous sunset city,
484.9: hill and tangle] hill and the tangle
485.13: of their youth,] of their own youth,
486.2: mirth, and forthwide stride] mirth, and forthwith stride
486.23: form pale sign of] form pale signs of
487.4: its great leathery wings] its great slippery wings
487.18: Time wherein Azathoth] Time wherein black Azathoth
488.12: hippocephalic abomination he leaped] hippocephalic abomination leaped
488.24: presences and will; beauty] presences and wills; beauty
409.25: dream or waking,] dream or in waking,
410.39: shelter of that marvellous] shelter of the marvellous
411.25: Carter now made fluttering] Carter made fluttering
412.14: kingdoms and borned into] kingdoms and borne into
412.22-23: from the slops of] from the slopes of
414.20: that image were very] that image are very
414.21: that they were signs] that they are signs
415.2: and dwelling among men] and dwelling amongst men
415.39: side, whither cats] side, whither the cats
416.7: at the inn of] at the inns of
416.13: thin angular tower looks] thin angular towers looks
416.30: was the manner of] was the matter of
420.15: the coast grew nearer,] the coast drew nearer,
421.1: as steering or cooking,] as steering and cooking,
421.10: those obnoxious days.] those obnoxious drays.
421.17: whether it was light] whether it were light
424.26: truly say nothing.] truly tell nothing.
425.27: Baharna a might city.] Baharna a mighty city.
429.1: soil became meager, with] soil became meagre, with
434.1: convex and cocave with] convex and concave with
435.30: a tombstone level in] a tombstone lever in
436.28: an excellant sharpness] an excellent sharpness
436.39: savagery were unimpaired] savagery were still unimpaired
438.16-17: climbers. Nor would the] climbers. Nor could the
439.11: Carter helped them push] Carter helped push
439.20-21: that body’s dislodgement and] that body’s dislodgment and
439.30: fungi of that enchanted] fungi of the enchanted
439.35: consulted with the ghouls] consulted with his ghouls
440.18: was slain in the night] was slain by night
440.28: had sneaked off after] had sneaked after
440.39: Skai even unto Ulthar,] Skai even into Ulthar,
442.9: he had not heard] he had not even heard
442.16: reluctant farewell. They young] reluctant farewell. The young
442.27: so that man walk] so that men walk
442.35: sings softly at night.] sings softly in the night.
443.2: he walked downward under] he walked onward under
444.18: Leng; although impassable] Leng; although high impassable
445.16: in those caverns talked] in those taverns talked
446.22: with the high priest. Though] with the high-priest. Though
*448.4: and appointed lackey] and anointed lackey
448.11: little seacoast village] little sea-coast village [In At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels the word occurs at a line break, but in The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Weird Stories it is hyphenated, as in “The Nameless City” and “Celephaïs”, so that is probably Lovecraft’s preferred usage.]
448.35: the city were he] the city even were he
452.30: and sailors said] and sailors later said
453.17: horns and the viols] horns and viols
453.33: he left the garden,] he left that garden,
454.6: and delicate flowing trees] and delicate flowering trees
455.4: one with nine-tenths] one with full nine-tenths
455.6: they had accorded him.] they had ever accorded him.
455.20: observed the great phosphorescence] observed the greater phosphorescence
455.32: go too far north;] go too far to the north;
455.37: saw approaching that camp] saw approaching the camp
456.34: right that lead on] right that led on
457.38: guarding the secret of] guarding the secrets of
458.37: of granite and stone] of granite and bleak stone
461: the cloudy phosphoresence] the cloudy phosphorescence
462.11: what squatted there on] what squatted on
462.28: the less that he had] the less he had
463.9: a northern light shining] a northern night shining
463.20: shadow beneath them.] shadow between them.
463.23-24: in truth primoridial Sarkomand.] in truth primordial Sarkomand.
463.33: to the subterrne world] to the subterrene world
465.32: the guardian night-guants would] the guardian night-gaunts would
468.4: questioning their captured fellows] questioning their rescued fellows
470.23: The Pickman ghoul was allowed] The Pickman ghoul allowed
471.37-38: deck would perceived the] deck would perceive the
472.9: at once set up] at once sent up
472.12: the more easternly of] the more easterly of
473.25: on the rock or] on the rocks or
473.28-29: the invading army] the invading land army
474.12: plans were maturing] plans were indeed maturing
476.25: ghouls and the night-gaunts] ghouls and night-gaunts
476.30: the Outer Gods] the Other Gods
477.3: watching the rims of] watching the rim of
477.33: he fancied that object] he fancied the object
479.3: the last bit of] the last bits of
479.19-20: foothills. The gaping dizziness] foothills. The gasping dizziness
479.30: lines its inky blackness] lines its inky background
481.12: no golden dias had] no golden dais had
481.35: ghouls and the night-gaunts] ghouls and night-gaunts
482.9: slaves with loin-clothes of] slaves with loin-cloths of
482.21: two columns along figure] two columns a lone figure
483.4: vowed that henceforth no] vowed that henceforward no
483.17-18: only the Outer Ones] only the Other Ones
483.30: of your sunset city,] of your marvellous sunset city,
484.9: hill and tangle] hill and the tangle
485.13: of their youth,] of their own youth,
486.2: mirth, and forthwide stride] mirth, and forthwith stride
486.23: form pale sign of] form pale signs of
487.4: its great leathery wings] its great slippery wings
487.18: Time wherein Azathoth] Time wherein black Azathoth
488.12: hippocephalic abomination he leaped] hippocephalic abomination leaped
488.24: presences and will; beauty] presences and wills; beauty