Errata for the B&N volume

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
409.25: dream or waking,] dream or in waking,
410.39: shelter of that marvellous] shelter of the marvellous
411.25: Carter now made fluttering] Carter made fluttering
412.14: kingdoms and borned into] kingdoms and borne into
412.22-23: from the slops of] from the slopes of
414.20: that image were very] that image are very
414.21: that they were signs] that they are signs
415.2: and dwelling among men] and dwelling amongst men
415.39: side, whither cats] side, whither the cats
416.7: at the inn of] at the inns of
416.13: thin angular tower looks] thin angular towers looks
416.30: was the manner of] was the matter of
420.15: the coast grew nearer,] the coast drew nearer,
421.1: as steering or cooking,] as steering and cooking,
421.10: those obnoxious days.] those obnoxious drays.
421.17: whether it was light] whether it were light
424.26: truly say nothing.] truly tell nothing.
425.27: Baharna a might city.] Baharna a mighty city.
429.1: soil became meager, with] soil became meagre, with
434.1: convex and cocave with] convex and concave with
435.30: a tombstone level in] a tombstone lever in
436.28: an excellant sharpness] an excellent sharpness
436.39: savagery were unimpaired] savagery were still unimpaired
438.16-17: climbers. Nor would the] climbers. Nor could the
439.11: Carter helped them push] Carter helped push
439.20-21: that body’s dislodgement and] that body’s dislodgment and
439.30: fungi of that enchanted] fungi of the enchanted
439.35: consulted with the ghouls] consulted with his ghouls
440.18: was slain in the night] was slain by night
440.28: had sneaked off after] had sneaked after
440.39: Skai even unto Ulthar,] Skai even into Ulthar,
442.9: he had not heard] he had not even heard
442.16: reluctant farewell. They young] reluctant farewell. The young
442.27: so that man walk] so that men walk
442.35: sings softly at night.] sings softly in the night.
443.2: he walked downward under] he walked onward under
444.18: Leng; although impassable] Leng; although high impassable
445.16: in those caverns talked] in those taverns talked
446.22: with the high priest. Though] with the high-priest. Though
*448.4: and appointed lackey] and anointed lackey
448.11: little seacoast village] little sea-coast village [In At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels the word occurs at a line break, but in The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Weird Stories it is hyphenated, as in “The Nameless City” and “Celephaïs”, so that is probably Lovecraft’s preferred usage.]
448.35: the city were he] the city even were he
452.30: and sailors said] and sailors later said
453.17: horns and the viols] horns and viols
453.33: he left the garden,] he left that garden,
454.6: and delicate flowing trees] and delicate flowering trees
455.4: one with nine-tenths] one with full nine-tenths
455.6: they had accorded him.] they had ever accorded him.
455.20: observed the great phosphorescence] observed the greater phosphorescence
455.32: go too far north;] go too far to the north;
455.37: saw approaching that camp] saw approaching the camp
456.34: right that lead on] right that led on
457.38: guarding the secret of] guarding the secrets of
458.37: of granite and stone] of granite and bleak stone
461: the cloudy phosphoresence] the cloudy phosphorescence
462.11: what squatted there on] what squatted on
462.28: the less that he had] the less he had
463.9: a northern light shining] a northern night shining
463.20: shadow beneath them.] shadow between them.
463.23-24: in truth primoridial Sarkomand.] in truth primordial Sarkomand.
463.33: to the subterrne world] to the subterrene world
465.32: the guardian night-guants would] the guardian night-gaunts would
468.4: questioning their captured fellows] questioning their rescued fellows
470.23: The Pickman ghoul was allowed] The Pickman ghoul allowed
471.37-38: deck would perceived the] deck would perceive the
472.9: at once set up] at once sent up
472.12: the more easternly of] the more easterly of
473.25: on the rock or] on the rocks or
473.28-29: the invading army] the invading land army
474.12: plans were maturing] plans were indeed maturing
476.25: ghouls and the night-gaunts] ghouls and night-gaunts
476.30: the Outer Gods] the Other Gods
477.3: watching the rims of] watching the rim of
477.33: he fancied that object] he fancied the object
479.3: the last bit of] the last bits of
479.19-20: foothills. The gaping dizziness] foothills. The gasping dizziness
479.30: lines its inky blackness] lines its inky background
481.12: no golden dias had] no golden dais had
481.35: ghouls and the night-gaunts] ghouls and night-gaunts
482.9: slaves with loin-clothes of] slaves with loin-cloths of
482.21: two columns along figure] two columns a lone figure
483.4: vowed that henceforth no] vowed that henceforward no
483.17-18: only the Outer Ones] only the Other Ones
483.30: of your sunset city,] of your marvellous sunset city,
484.9: hill and tangle] hill and the tangle
485.13: of their youth,] of their own youth,
486.2: mirth, and forthwide stride] mirth, and forthwith stride
486.23: form pale sign of] form pale signs of
487.4: its great leathery wings] its great slippery wings
487.18: Time wherein Azathoth] Time wherein black Azathoth
488.12: hippocephalic abomination he leaped] hippocephalic abomination leaped
488.24: presences and will; beauty] presences and wills; beauty
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
*494.10: his shocking revelation.] his shocking experience.
495.2-3: had long overtaken,] had long ago overtaken,
*497.6: in that fearful winter] in that fateful winter
*499.30: most of the experiments] most of the chemical experiments
501.26-27: Lapide Philosophico crowding them] Lapide Philosophico crowding them
503.22: or ‘’causey” in the] or “causey” in the
511.30: placid landlocked cover. There,] placid landlocked cove. There,
511.37: shot down the still] shot down to the still
*511.38: that of all objects] that of objects
513.11: secret and co”rdinated action.] secret and coördinated action.
*514.26: whispered of the body’s] whispered of this body’s
514.34: made the co”perating] made the coöperating
*515.8: Mr. Mather write in] Mr. Mather writ in
515.18: which came back] which I came back
*519.3: and never think or] and never again think or
520.24: any soul like this] any soul link this
*524.34-35: that “fortie Witches] that ‘fortie Witches
*524.36: Hutchinson’s house,” and] Hutchinson’s house,’ and
*524.27: Gedney that “Mr. G. B.] Gedney that ‘Mr. G. B.
524.37-38: that Nighte putte ye Divell] that Nighte putt ye Divell [needs to be the same as the one on p. 560]
*524.39: Deborah B.” Then] Deborah B.’ Then
*525.26: [Not italicised, but this may be a house style.]
525.27: Brother—My honour’d] Brother:—¶My honour’d
526.3: in Trine, draw ye Pentagram] in Trine, drawe ye Pentagram
526.10: Ye process is] Ye Process is
*526.35: N. Side of] N. side of
526.38: To Simon Orne,] To Mr. Simon Orne,
*527.9: distant Salem, sudden proof] distant Salem, such sudden proof
*530.11: Esq.,” “or Their] Esq.,” ‘or Their
*530.11: Represent’g Them.” The] Represent’g Them.’ The
534.13: Sloope the Wakeful this] Sloope the Wakeful this
534.14-15: Spaniards from Martenico and] Spaniards from Martineco and
535.10: that Charles’s metal health] that Charles’s mental health
536.7: in the BibliothS¥que Nationale.] in the Bibliothèque Nationale.
*542.9: ending with a “Yah!”] ending in a “Yah!”
544.29: week following the memorable] week following that memorable
*546.22: a spade from] a spade stolen from
550.8: last decade prove,] last decade could prove,
*550.30: Dear Dr Willett—“I feel that] “Dear Dr Willett:— ¶“I feel that
*552.25: much hope of a cure] much hope for a cure
*552.37-38: escape from the library,] escape from that library,
556.22: topics he waived aside] topics he waved aside
558.35: the prevailing rumours;] the prevailing odd rumours;
*559:15-16: library of the young] library of their young
*561.12: Almousin-Metraton—I this] Almousin-Metraton:—¶I this
561.25: change his seat if] change his Seat if
*561.35: Providence] Providence.
*563.6: Dear C.—Hadd a] Dear C.:— ¶Hadd a
563.11: say’d it would be,] say’d it wou’d be,
563.16: too welle know. You] too welle knowe. You [needs to be the same as the one on p. 576.]
563.18: so much the Those] so much with Those
*563.28: burne. O. says you] burne. O. sayes you
*569.5: oddity was noticed. The] oddity was noted. The
572.4: he was undoubtably as] he was undoubtedly as
572.6: or nervous co”rdination, nor] or nervous coördination, nor
*573.18: issue from the aperture] issue from that aperture
575.3: half before. The older] half before. That older
576.17: had ’eaten their] had ‘eaten their
*577.27: V. saye ye Sabaoth] V. saye ye Sabaoth [raised "e"]
*577.27: and learnt ye Way.] and learnt ye Way. [raised "e"]
*577.28: and was ye nexte] and was ye nexte [raised "e"]
578.30: on the left-handed wall] on the left-hand wall
579.16: which had spring into] which had sprung into
579.29-30: can not putt downe.] can not put downe. [Needs to be the same as the one on p. 515 and p. 522.]
579.31-32: What was there inhum’d.] What was therein inhum’d. [NB! In At the Mountains of Madness, “was therein inhum’d” is not italicised, but since this is a quote from the Hutchinson letter on p. 563 I assume that the B&N text is correct and that all italics is right.]
581.28 [counting the lines of the minuscule message]: ninth century a.d., and] ninth century A.D., and
*582.29: and called upon young Charles] and called on young Charles
583.1: eat, but he don’t] eat, but they don’t
*584.3-4: graves and “saltes” and] graves and “salts” and
*588.31: the first ghouls] the first of the ghouls
*589.21: Theodore—I feel] Theodore:—I feel
591.28: what have ye found,] what have ye found,
593.13-14: a transformation or recapitulation; a transformation or recapitulation;
The Colour Out of Space
*596.11: to get thick.] to get very thick.
*598.23: not accompany them. It] not accompany him. It
598.24-25: dwindling brown earth had] dwindling brown lump near the well was a vacant space, except where the earth had
*599.17-18: left carefully encased in lead.] left carefully cased in lead.
599.23: the Arkham paper made] the Arkham papers made
600.9: in their chuchgoing or] in their churchgoing or
*600.17: anatomy and habit of squirrels] anatomy and habits of squirrels
*600.21: leaps of the rabbit] leaps of that rabbit
*600.36-37: general store in Clark’s Corners.] general store at Clark’s Corners.
*600.39: and they had held] and theyheld
*602.28: a timid woodmill salesman] a timid windmill salesman
*603.17-18: her locked up in the attic.] her locked in the attic.
*603.22: kicking in the stall had] kicking in their stalls had
*604.36: It must only be natural] It must be only natural
*605.12: to cling around the Gardners] to cling round the Gardners
605.38: while a bail] while a bent bail
*606.5: everything. Thad had gone,] everything. Thad was gone,
607.6-7: that the geologists hammer] that the geologist’s hammer
607.34: sides, exposed lathes,] sides, exposed laths,
**608.16: was it?” He whispered,] was it?” he whispered, [I realise that I’m going against all sources here – these are my own thoughts – but “he” makes more sense than “He” in this context.]
*608.21: out of everthing … in that] out of everything … in that
*609.9: that of Thaddeus already being known,] that of Thaddeus being already known,
*610.33: globule in the aërolite two] globule in that aërolite two
610.38: it was the globule] it was like the globule
*612.5: And yet amidst that] And yet amid that
*613.13: from poor Hero] from poor tethered Hero
*613.31: trees with the gnarled,] trees with their gnarled,
614.7: and disappearing though a round] and disappearing through a round
*614.12-13: and crackling, not an explosion,] and crackling, and not an explosion,
615.11: has anything every grown] has anything ever grown
**615.29: wild, weird stores of] wild, weird stories of [?? Not in any version of the corrected text.]

As you can see, I've done some thinking of my own here too (hence the double asterisks). Should be taken with a grain of salt.
No errors to report for The Cats of Ulthar I see :) It's am amazing job you;re doing here. Thank you.

Again, thank you. :)
And I'm sorry to say that just because i didn't find any doesn't mean they're not there. :(
The Descendant
619.5: descent from the pre-Saxon times,] descent from pre-Saxon times,
*619.20: the older part of the castle,] the older parts of the castle,
History of the Necronomicon
621.14: poet of Sann , in] poet of Sanaá, in
621.22-23: or disappearance (a.d. 738) many] or disappearance (738 a.d.) many
621.31: had gained considerable] had gained a considerable
621.35: this it was only] this it is only
622.11: in the BibliothS¥que Nationale] in the Bibliothèque Nationale
622.12-13: the library at Miskatonic] the library of Miskatonic
622.13: at Arkham; also in] at Arkham. Also in
622.14: and a fifteenth century one] and a fifteenth-century one
622.18: who disappeared in 1926.] who disappeared early in 1926.
622.27: translates Gr. 1228] translates Gr. to Latin 1228
622.28: 1232Latin ed.] 1232 Latin ed.
622.29: 14 … Black letter printed] 14 … Black-letter printed
622.30: printed in Italy.] printed in Italy
The Very Old Folk
With this story, or rather letter excerpt, there is a problem: there are two source texts, both of which I deem equally reliable, although obviously both can't be right. One is the text as reproduced in Miscellaneous Writings, the other is the text as reproduced in the collection of Lovecraft & Donald Wandrei's correspondence, Mysteries of Time and Spirit. In all cases below where I have put two asterisks, Mysteries of Time and Spirit differs from Miscellaneous Writings.

*623.11: Thursday [November] Thursday [November
*623.12: Melmoth— So] Melmoth:—¶ So
**623.17: any other versified version] any other version [In Mysteries of Time and Spirit there is no “versified”.]
**624.32: There was menace] There was a menace [In Mysteries of Time and Spirit there is an “a”.]
624.35: aedile Tib. An naeus Stilpo] aedile Tib. Annaeus Stilpo
625.27: conscien tiously dogged] conscientiously dogged
**627.6-7: the whole hushed town] the whole town [In Mysteries of Time and Spirit there is no “hushed”.]
627.9: of a centuric, primipilus;] of a centurio primipilus;
**627.19: the thin silver sickle] the thin silvern sickle [In Mysteries of Time and Spirit it is “silvern”.]
*627.38: but screamed… and] but screamed… and [one space too many?]
**628.24: horses that daemonic drumming] horses that daemoniac drumming [In Mysteries of Time and Spirit it is “daemoniac”.]
628.36: name of Pompelona….] name of Pampelona….
629.24: have shown with] have shewn with
629.32: been Caius Ancius Magnus] been Caius Anicius Magnus
629.33: Furius Camillus Æmilanus Cornelius] Furius Camillus Aemilianus Cornelius
629.34: Rome and Byzantiom: A] Rome and Byzantium: A
629.35: Influence Romains dans] Influences Romains dans
630.1: Decius Junianus; Whilst Bêtenoir2] Decius Junianus; whilst Bêtenoir2
631.21: skull to the one] skull to one
631.34: minuscules (paeleography, it might] minuscules (palaeography, it might
632.20-21: roll from the front stoop] roll from his front stoop
632.24: of Caius Anicus Magnus] of Caius Anicius Magnus
*632.30: went up—2,303 of them,] went up—2303 of them,
632.31: occurred. Subtle nature, convulsed] occurred. Subtle Nature, convulsed
*632.34: prairie turned into a highland!] prairie turned to a highland!
The Dunwich Horror
638.35: many children or three] many children of three
*641.27: publicity by violent resistance] publicity by a violent resistance
642.16: a-goin’ aout, and dun’t] a-goin’ aout, an’ dun’t
645.26: only dimly. Iä! Shub-Niggurath!] only dimly. Iä! Shub-Niggurath!
*645.30: rule where Man rules] rule where man rules
646.38: earth—was Wilbur’s father?] earth—was Wilbur Whateley’s father?
647.1: to Arkham—What walked] to Arkham— What walked
647.26: the 3rd Dr. Armitage] the 3d Dr. Armitage
647.36: a mixed growling and] a mixed low growling and
652.1: Corey, they’s sunthin’ abroad] Corey, they’s suthin’ abroad
652.26: the strange noisome wreck of] the strange, noisome wreck of
653.20: Two titan paths of] Two titan swaths of
655.35: De Vigenère’s Trait, des Chiffres,] De Vigenère’s Traité des Chiffres,
656.28-29: the Yr and Nhhngr.] the Yr and the Nhhngr.
657.33-34: terrible elder of beings] terrible elder race of beings
658.13: abundance. Of skepticism there] abundance. Of scepticism there
661.20: she’d jest seen the trees] she’d jest seed the trees
661.23: says her Cha’ncey was] says her boy Cha’ncey was
661.32: suthin’ heavy agin the front,] suthin’ heavy agin’ the front,
*662.23: but I’ve got an idea] but I’ve an idea
662.28: upper rud might nigh Seth’s—] upper rud mighty nigh Seth’s—
665.13: A rumbling sound brewing beneath] A rumbling sound seemed brewing beneath
666.2: n’grkdl’lh.”] n’grkdl’lh.…”
667.9: centipede, spider sort o’ thing,] centipede, spider kind o’ thing,
*600.39: and they had held] and theyheld

My apologies. It seems that the software doesn't allow underscores that mark only spaces; they are simply ignored. I missed editing this one. The correct text is of course "they held".
The Whisperer in Darkness
670.21: two great bat-wings in the] two great bat-like wings in the
**672.17: from certain folktales picked] from certain folk-tales picked [?? The word occurs only in one other place in Lovecraft’s fiction, in “Beyond the Wall of Sleep”, and there it is hyphenated.]
*674.28: Sir—I have] Sir:—¶I have
*676.4: terribly true—that there are non-human] terribly true—that there are non-human
676.33: with herd of summer people] with herds of summer people
677.2-27: can’t keep any hired help] can’t keep hired help
682.25: about 1 a.m. on] about 1 A.M. on [the style sheet for this book calls for small caps for “a.m.”.]
683.18: the Woods. I*! Shub-Niggurath!] the Woods. ! Shub-Niggurath!
*685.3: were singularities of timbre,] were singularities in timbre,
*686.19: a long-distance phone call] a long-distance call
689.21: on the twenty-eight of August,] on the twenty-eighth of August,
* 689.33: Wilmarth—A rather] Wilmarth—¶A rather
*690.13: hit one by aiming] hit one myself by aiming
*691.14: Yrs—AKELEY] Yrs—Akeley [the style sheet for this book seems to call for small caps on "Akeley".]
*691.25: W—Yr letter] W—¶Yr letter
*692.13: be. That sticky green stuff] be. That green sticky stuff
692.27-28: doesn’t work, call the sheriff.] doesn’t work, tell the sheriff.
693.7: they’re usually gone by] they’re usually about gone by
694.8: sort of ‘’improved] sort of “improved
*694.14: Wilmarth—It gives] Wilmarth:—¶It gives
*697.23: This gets you into Greenfield] This gets into Greenfield
699.12: So late Saturday morning] So late Sunday morning
700.20: the sections where modernity] the sections which modernity
*703.31-32: congeries of continuous or] congeries of contiguous or
704.22: a vague curiousity I began] a vague curiosity I began
*706.4: I well know how] I well knew how
*707.39: before the things came to] before the beings came to
708.18: and despositing the] and depositing the
708.18: the desire articles, and] the desired articles, and
710.24: replenished fluid with an ether-tight] replenished fluid within an ether-tight
710.30: being connected within the encased] being connected with the encased
*710.37-38: and pointed to a high] and pointed stiffly to a high
*712.5: all three machines lately] all three of the machines lately
717.14-15: floor so baffingly intercepted,] floor so bafflingly intercepted,
717.21: contact of ill-co”rdinated surfaces] contact of ill-coördinated surfaces
719.4: among the daemonic hills—] among the daemoniac hills—
721.29: of Dor,, but finally] of Doré, but finally
*722.8: mechanical skill” …] mechanical skill”.…
At the Mountains of Madness
723.6: of 1928—30 with] of 1928–30 with
**724.13: the clever aluminum alloy] ?? [Did HPL the Anglophile really write “aluminum” instead of “aluminium”? I have no idea.]
724.35: held out on by] held out by
726.6: of October 26, a strong “land blink”] of October 26 a strong “land blink”
728.14: economy and probably efficiency.] economy and probable efficiency.
728.30: December 13—15. We] December 13–15. We
737.29: Things in Necronomicon. These] Things in Necronomicon. These
740.7-8: [Between these lines of text, there should be a ________________ like the ones on pp. 736-737.]
740.26: brought for convenience in] brought for greater convenience in
748.27: at 1 a.m Danforth] at 1 A.M. Danforth [the style sheet for this book calls for small caps for “a.m.”.]
755.12: by the OxfordField Museum] by the OxfordField Museum
*758.21: large as 4 X 6 X 8 feet] large as 4 × 6 × 8 feet [“×” looks nicer than “X” in this context.]
*761.32: size, averaging 6 X 8 feet] size, averaging 6 × 8 feet [see above]
762.35: we could half-imagine what] we could half imagine what
*766.15: was about 30 X 30 feet] was about 30 × 30 feet [see above]
772.30: muscular-nervous coordination; ensuring] muscular-nervous coördination; ensuring
784.35: encountering chocked doorways] encountering choked doorways
785.3: If we had more] If we had had more
*801.19-20: among the frantic penguins] among the penguins
*802.22: crushing the penguins and] crushing the frantic penguins and
The Shadow over Innsmouth
806.33: largely to co”perate with] largely to coöperate with
809.2: enough, but never see] enough, but I never see
809.4-5: they’ve changed it lately.] they’ve changed lately.
*809.19: trades mostly here or] trades mostly either here or
810.37: in the Innsmouth folk today—] in the Innsmouth folks today—
*811.18-19: voices in the other rooms—] voices in other rooms—
812.1: the Innsmouth folk like] the Innsmouth folks like
*815.28: in the side of his neck] in the sides of his neck
*816.12: single word, “Innsmouth.”] single word “Innsmouth.”
819.14-15: my brain the momentary conception] my brain a momentary conception
819.16: nightmarish quality about it.] nightmarish quality in it.
820.39: were the shoreline slums.] were the shoreward slums.
822.6: thus a vertible warren] thus a veritable warren
*822.23: fancy. Nobody believed him,] fancy. Nobody ever believed him,
824.18: North of the city there were] North of the river there were
826.15: ninety years. Curiousity flared] ninety years. Curiosity flared
826.21: in with Old Zadok] in with old Zadok
*827.28: wheezing ancient’s ramblings took] wheezing ancient’s rambling took
827.37: bottom no saoudin’-line kin] bottom no saoundin’-line kin
*828.3: snow—both of ’em] snow—both on ’em
828.5-6: with the East-Indy an’] with the East-Injy an’
828.14: east of Otaheit, whar] east of Otaheité whar
829.30: thar, but says they] thar, but they says they
829.32: as didn’t heve sarten] as didn’t hev sarten
*831.13: ever ben people on] ever ben any people on
831.25: meant, an’ wan’n’t none] meant, an’ wa’n’t none
*832.31-32: for he had begun to] for he began to
833.31: an’ I heered shots] an’ I heerd shots
834.22: an’ sech—No use] an’ sech— No use
835.2: I seen—They’d a] I seen— They’d a
836.30: readyever hear tell of a shoggoth? …] readyever hear tell of a shoggoth?
836.33: The hideous suddeness and] The hideous suddenness and
837.5: naow—Run fer] naow— Run fer
*839.2: service was of the] service was all of the
841.30: less solidly build connecting] less solidly built connecting
*843.2-3: clamour at the door] clamour at the outer door
846.8: for any alternate course] for any alternative course
847.26: Innsmouth were similarily patrolled;] Innsmouth were similarly patrolled;
847.27: not have know what] not have known what
848.11: re-cross the eariler open space] re-cross the earlier open space
849.25: long arms freqently touching] long arms frequently touching
*852.37-38: strengthening of that abnormal] strengthening of the abnormal
*854.12: after a long time able] after a time able
854.16: the public in now familiar—] the public is now familiar—
*855.24: exactly relish the task,] exactly relish this task,
*855.28: strange and terrifying] strange and almost terrifying
*856.11: acquire a sort of terror] acquire a kind of terror
*857.7: did not Zadok say] did not old Zadok say
The Dreams in the Witch House
859.4: was experiencing afer the] was experiencing after the
859.16: whose ticking and come] whose ticking had come
861.11: in the river,and made] in the river, and made
861.16-17: rat-hole and signs of] rat-hole and the signs of
862.4: there was the constant,] there was that constant,
**866.17: no possible foothold outside] no possible foot-hold outside [The preferred usage seems to be the hyphenated version, which appears seven times in HPL’s fiction as opposed to two appearances of the unhyphenated version.]
867.22: of ultimate chaos. That] of ultimate Chaos. That
868.6: cube-and-plain clusters,] cube-and-plane clusters,
868.9: of April 1920 the] of April 1920 the
868.36: after all—there was a] after all—perhaps there was a
868.39: with greater resolution] with great resolution
872.4: Hydra an Argo had] Hydra and Argo had
873.22: mind it. The cryptical] mind it. That cryptical
874.21: wall, wedging a candlestick] wall, wedging in a candlestick
876.21: crucifix hang from a] crucifix hang idly from a
879.6: they did extend all] they did not extend all
879.10: some curious mud-tracks leading] some curious muddy rat-tracks leading
879.37: strange kidnapping in the night] strange kidnapping the night
880.6: dared. She would not tell] dared. She could not tell
883.4: kick he send the morbidity] kick he sent the morbidity
884.3: dream—I*! Shub-Niggurath!] dream—! Shub-Niggurath!
884.8: with open staring eyes,] with open, staring eyes,
*885.37: disinfect the long-sealed spaces;] disinfect the long sealed spaces;
886.22: December, and was when] December, and it was when
Throught the Gates of the Silver Key
889.8: possible. Lovecraft fnished the] possible. Lovecraft finished the
889.34: haunted hills be hind hoary] haunted hills behind hoary
891.18: correspondence with Cartr—had] correspondence with Carter—had
*892.18: long-nosed, cleanshaven, and] long-nosed, clean-shaven, and
896.27: man was undrearned of,] man was undreamed of,
897.2: Abyss of unnarnable Devourers.] Abyss of unnamable Devourers.
*898.2: detect any eyeholes through] detect any eye-holes through
898.12: the Gate—‘Umr at-Tawil,] the Gate—’Umr at-Tawil,
899.5: all. Damnation, be reflected,] all. Damnation, he reflected,
901.19: substance is an impostor.”] substance is an imposter.”
901.23: earth. He reallsed that] earth. He realised that
901.33: he felt trium phant, godlike] he felt triumphant, godlike
907.22-23: Randolph Carter”s consciousness] Randolph Carter’s consciousness
909.1: figure sitting alone upon] figure sitting alone upon
914.6: Naacal but Rlyehian, which] Naacal but R’lyehian, which
915.18: has ever seen the Silver Key] has ever seen the Silver Key
916.23: him with abnor mally impassive] him with abnormally impassive
918.2-3: [Between these lines of text, there should be a ________________ like the ones on pp. 736-737.]
The Thing on the Doorstep
919.23: their wits’ end to account] their wits’ ends to account
920.18-19: the notorious Baudelarian poet] the notorious Baudelairean poet
920.32: him to seculsion and] him to seclusion and
922.6-7: course in mediaevel metaphysics at] course in mediaeval metaphysics at
922.9-10: except for over-proturberant eyes,] except for over-protuberant eyes,
923.6-7: By gazing perculiarly at] By gazing peculiarly at
924.21: vast store or books] vast store of books
924.25: He was prgressing fast in] He was progressing fast in
*925.19-20: favoured the old Innsmouth road.] favoured the Innsmouth road.
925.38: ignored such refereneces, but] ignored such references, but
926.36: his wife know how] his wife knew how
929. 30: exchange was perpetuated in] exchange was perpetrated in
930.24: there was something] there was certainly something
*931.13: seatmate filled my] seatmate filled all my
931. 21: the old Crowinshield house.] the old Crowninshield house.
932.6-7: the old Crowinshield house.] the old Crowninshield house.
934.27: the strange m,nage at] the strange ménage at
*934.36: exhilaration, while the moods] exhilaration, while his moods
936.8: Save me…. save me”] Save me save me….” [NB! Two errors here!]
936.14: the Derby household to go] the Derby housemaid to go
938.19: that dwarfed, grotestque, malodorous] that dwarfed, grotesque, malodorous
The Evil Clergyman
942.23: and lower features] and lower facial features
942.26-27: he was cating all his] he was casting all his
942.27: side of th eroom (where] side of the room (where
943.3-4: bishop was the last] bishop was last
943.17-18: displace the exulutation. He] displace the exultation. He
943.24: silence had been broken,] silence had broken,
*943.27: two people (simple villagers,] two people (simply villagers,
943.28: loudly and reverberently:] loudly and reverberantly:
*943.29: “Ahrrh!… It be ’ee, zur?] “Ahrrh!… It be’ee, zur?
944.7: go further….”] go further….
Thanks for starting this thread, Ningauble. I just picked up this volume, and wondered if the text is error-free. I'm glad to find this commentary.

Would it be appropriate here to also include problems in the S. T. Joshi notes?

The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
Joshi 490.9: It first appeared in Beyond the Wall of Sleep (1943). ] Weird Tales, where it was serialized (in abridged form) in the May and July 1941 issues. The first complete publication appeared in Beyond the Wall of Sleep (1943).

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