I finished this very late last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It definitely ranks up there as one of the best, in my opinion. It felt like there was a lot of character progression, and I actually found myself liking Faile this time around - in fact, I felt that Perrin's arc was nicely done, down from the fight with Slayer (and Perrin teaching Egwene a thing or two about T'A'R), the creation of his new hammer, and the fight with the Whitecloaks against the trollocs.
I liked the reunion scenes, too - the various members of the Trakand royal family and Perrin's reunion with Mat (I laughed out loud at the badger part
). I thought I wasn't going to like Gawyn again during this book, but he actually came across quite well, and it was nice to see him finally bonded to Egwene. The revelation about Asmodean wasn't really a surprise, but it was nice to have it confirmed: the same goes for Mesaana's identity. Odd to see Cyndane/Lanfear/Mierin in Rand's dream at the end of the book, too.
One thing I didn't like was the seemingly short amount of time spent on Moiraine's rescue. Good to see Moiraine back, though.
It does seem like there'll be a lot left to tie-up in the last book, but Brandon seems capable. I'm looking forward to it.