November Reading! Share your thoughts...

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Halfway through Before They Are Hanged , so went and got Last Argument of Kings, the last part of Joe Abercrombie's The First Law trilogy.

No trouble getting this one, though - there must have been about 10 copies on the shelf!...
A quarter of the way through Before They Were Hanged-Abercrombie (second bookshop I visited had this one, so not too bad).

Just finished The Cellist of Sarajevo - Galloway. Would highly recommend it, reminded me of Winston from 1984 in some ways.
I'm reading Shon'jir by CJ. Cherryh. The second book of Faded Sun series.

A book i stopped reading before despite i enjoyed it cause i was reading too many books at once.
Finished "THe Deep Beyond" by C.J. Cherryh and on to "We have always lived in the castle" by Shirley Jackson.
Finished "THe Deep Beyond" by C.J. Cherryh and on to "We have always lived in the castle" by Shirley Jackson.
OH...I understanding Shirley Jackson is a very fine writer. I'm still tracking down a copy of her classic Haunting Of Hill House, I'm gonig to get the penguin edn.
I have the Penguin edition of "We have always lived in the castle" with this cover:


But I wish I had got the edition with this cover:

Finished John Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar, a confusing first chapter or two but a great story after that and scarily relevant, right down to the muckers. Back to PK Dick now with A Scanner Darkly and as usual with this author I'm interested right from the first page.
I am still reading Dust of Dreams by Steven Erikson.

I had trouble getting into the first two chapters, almost like a different author and series. :( Reminded me of my troubles with Gardens of the Moon.

After that there was a long section with many of my favourite characters in it and now it is back to new people, apart from the Barghast, and a sudden change in the story again!

I think I shall have to re-read it again and then it might all fall into place.
I've always quite liked that cover, and it fits (symbolically, at very least) the entire character of the narrator to a "t"....
dask wins. :)

I hate the new Penguin covers...they were coming out with much better looking covers a few years back, this new trend of slapping a poorly cropped snapshot and surrounding it with over-large sans serif type is most unappealing.

Quokka: If you liked STAND ON ZANZIBAY you may like the sort-of sequel, THE SHEEP LOOK UP. It's a portrayal of environmental collapse that I found even more scare-making in its plausibility.
I'd insert The Jagged Orbit between those two, as they do form a thematic trilogy.

Yes, such covers are truly disappointing, especially from Penguin. And yet their choices for the Lovecraft cover art (originally, anyway) was very appropriate, both in setting the tone and in using artists HPL himself admired....

Well, after a slight divagation for other things, I'm back to reading the Poe -- this time some of his critical notices. Very interesting, those -- they both give a great deal of insight into Poe's own aesthetic, show some of his influences, and allow one to see yet another side of a multifaceted writer. They vary in tone from the elegiac to the burlesque, not infrequently have passages of pure spirituality to them, and are both enlightening and entertaining. The ones I read tonight were especially so... the conceit in one of picturing the author of the book physically giving an inscribed copy to the person to whom the book was dedicated, with all its grotesque elements (including the recipient contemplating bolting at several points and finally kicking the author downstairs) is pure farce. And, of course, Poe could be incredibly biting when he chose. I would not want to have been on the receiving end of one of his negative reviews... but they often make for interesting reading....
J.D., Knivesout, glad you liked the cover. I find it strangely powerful and unusually alluring given you can't see the girl's face.
J.D., Knivesout, glad you liked the cover. I find it strangely powerful and unusually alluring given you can't see the girl's face.
Yes, it is a very striking cover. I think I've ended up with the worst of the lot...:(
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