The best CLASSIC Sci-fi novel of all time!

The first Star Wars film, A New Hope, was novelised by Alan Dean Foster, but published as by George Lucas.
It was just called Starwars and the cover was a hand drawn (Professional!) approximation of the poster. The story was as the film, so I assumed that it was “A New Hope” I found it in a box of junk and gave it a read about ten years ago regrettably it has been chucked in a subsequent clear out. I remember it being well written and gave the characters a bit of extra depth. I was also surprised to find a reference to Earth. I have never read any of the other books in the series and from the films alone I have never noticed any other references. Have I been conned by a knock off book?
No from memory the cover was Luke in the middle with the other characters flanking him either side. I think that it was from the original cinema poster.

That sounds like this poster to me, the graphic novel had that cover too.:rolleyes:

For me (so far) i think 'The Time Machine' by H.G Wells is right up there.
Redmeat: The book, the trilogy, or the extended universe of stories?

My take on that would be book=good; series=better; extended universe=Okay.
Tough question. Some of my favorites already mentioned, Foundation and Mission of Gravity. Agreed Hal Clement well worth reading. Of my old favorites not yet mentioned I would add.
Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A Heinlein and
Cities in Flight by James Blish

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