The best CLASSIC Sci-fi novel of all time!

Easy one for me - it has to be Christopher Priest's I'nverted World' great characters, amazingly complex and immersive setting and I love the science behind it. Great read
I have to agree with clovis-man, Williamlk, and archer26. Although I really enjoyed FOUNDATION, A MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, and so many others...if I had to pick only one, it would have to be DUNE. I absolutely loved it.
Dune would be my number 1. Then Aldiss's Hellconia books.
Dune for me because it's the second of 2 SF books I have ever read, the first was Islands in the Sky by Arthur C. Clarke and I did not enjoy that one.
A lot of people, maybe a majority, seem to like Dune best. Well, I read it and it was good but not as good as the Foundation books. F1 was great, F2 and F3 were OK, and F4 (Foundation's Edge) was superb. I rate those as the best classid SF I have yet read though I still have a lot of gaps to fill.
Slan by A E Van Vogt.(y)

Very vintage but worthwhile . It's a very fast paced read, and suspenseful. (y)
Well now hold on, Baylor, wasn't this supposed to be THE greatest? What's your choice?
Can I have more then one choice ? ;)

Sure, if you're hesitating between a couple of choices, but the discussion is called "The best CLASSIC Sci-fi novel of all time!" -- so wouldn't it be good if everyone restricted himself or herself to one? My opinion. You'd go with Limbo?
Sure, if you're hesitating between a couple of choices, but the discussion is called "The best CLASSIC Sci-fi novel of all time!" -- so wouldn't it be good if everyone restricted himself or herself to one? My opinion. You'd go with Limbo?

Why not? The book is bit dated but is an underrated classic. Hardly anyone seem to know this particular book.
I remember Limbo very well. I remember reading that many considered it a classic by a writer who was mainstream and not from among the sf/f genre stable of writers. I also remember that Harlan Ellison had included a story (maybe two?) from Bernard Wolfe in his Again, Dangerous Visions anthology. *

* Looked it up: Two stories. "The Bisquit Position" and "The Girl With Rapid Eye Movements"
My first post to this forum. Undeniably and arguably:
Planet of the Apes
Time Machine
2001 Space Odyssey
Should probably choose one per decade, or one per sub-genre, it's impossible to name just one. Can't. Trying.. . errr, what about Way Station by Simak. First classic that comes to mind, that hasn't been mentioned yet.
Remember, lists of the top 100 etc. often include Battlefield Earth and other popularity-based titles, can't trust 'em. They always have Dune as a top contender but it din't make a big impression at the time.

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