Discussion -- May 2011 Challenge

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Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

I've gone from a total blank to a story I rather like. Now to try and do it justice in 75 words.
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

Hi Guys,

For me, new to this style of writing, the thing that I like most in these short pieces is humour with a twist. I try to put it in mine, not sure I suceeded, but one other did it superbly, and at this stage I think leads the pack for my vote. Moonbat, that was awesome! You telegraphed it, spelled it out at the start and I still didn't expect it. Awesome.

Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

Moonbat, that was awesome!
:) :)
Thank you very much Psychotick.

I have to admit I was a little upset to read about someone wanting to launch rocket propelled grenades at poor Mouse, that's overkill surely, just leave a trap baited with cheese. Or get a cat, although with the maniacal kittens we've had so far, maybe an RPG will cause less destruction.
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

As the one hundred and sixtieth different writer submits (if I've got all this right, which is probably not the case) the six hundred and fifty sixth story, I've worked out there are fifty six who gave submitted just the once, twenty nine twice, nine three times, seven four, eight five, five six, three each seven, eight and nine, just two for ten times and one eleven. Then there are five twelves, ten thirteens several of whom will almost certainly post in the May story, bringing them up equal to the eight who have the maximum score of fourteen.

I haven't even tried adding up the figures to see if I get the correct answer…


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Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

UG! I can't get anything compressed down to just 75 words. At this rate I do not know if I will be able to submit anything. :(
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

Don't panic, MstrTal. Not yet, anyway. There's still time to think up a whole new story.

So far I've had one idea, and I can even get it down to 75 words, but the ending is pretty crappy as a result. *wonders if she can prune another dozen words off the early paragraphs...*
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

Now I remember why I posted my first idea the last two months. I've got 4 stories and I'm very keen on 3 of them. What's worse, they're very different and I don't know what the zeitgeist will be this month.

One is called Urban Hippie. For that alone, I want to put it up. On to the focus group, I suppose.
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

So, with plenty of time left to spare, I've finished writing and editing two stories. Im on the fence with them both and currently they are tied with my test audience. Think ill sit on them both for a while.

And thank you for the stats Chris! I was actually quite curious! Still kicking myself for not finding this place sooner!

Some very interesting interpretations of theme/genre this month! Fitting Urban Fantasy into 75 words is quite tricky. Great job to all who already posted!
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

Ohmyohmyohmyohmyohmy! I just had a positively insane idea for an entry! It is completely different than the other 3 I have been banging my head against trying to wittle down to 75 words or less. It even meets all the criteria. Its urban, fantasy, I can include kittens, evil or not, its even contemporary.

If anything I am kicking myself for not thinking of it before this. Now to quickly scan the other entries to see if anyone else thought of it first before I write it. :p
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

MstrTal - I giggled. Actually out loud. The husband thinks I'm crazy (ah, that should be 'crazier', but I digress). A personals ad, classic!
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

I said it was insane. :)

It was a spur of the moment idea that smacked me in the face while my kids where squabbling over something or other and is completely different compared to everything else I was working on. I'm glad it elicited a positive response.
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

I'm laughing, too -- and though it's probably the Benadryl thinking for me, I thought, "gee, now I can't do that" while being aware that I hadn't actually thought of it yet myself. Yeah, that makes sense. What I mean to say is that it's something I would have thought of, if I had thought of it before you did. :D

*going off for more drugs* (All of New Mexico is blowing by outside today.)
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

What a tough group of writers you all are!
THe last two stories posted are both so different and so good.
Plus the lots of other gems already posted.

MstrT, yours made me laugh out loud. I mean snorts-vile funny.
And let me give a big fellow newcomer welcome to Michelle Ann!
Great story from 1st line to last.

While I'm on the subject I also really enjoyed Mouse's poem
as well as paranoid marvin and Devil's Advocate's pieces.
Just my favs this month. I hope my stuff gets up to that quality someday.
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

I've finally managed to put a story together, although I'm not as confident about it, for some reason. I had a lot of ideas this month, but couldn't really get something solid written down until now.

There are some wonderful entries already, and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest!
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

I already have a favorite in this branch, but there's one or two that are coming close.

And you posted a nice, soft little entry Tal. :) Perhaps the kindest we've had posted in our challenge yet.
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

Well, I have my story ready to go, but I think I'll wait and see if the formatting tools come back before I post it. Dang hackers anyway!
Re: DISCUSSION -- The 75 Word Challenge May 2011

I depends on how much formatting you need to do, TDZ, but it is possible to do a certain amount of it yourself.

As you can see from the above.
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