What was the WORST movie you've ever seen?

Re: Worst film seen...

American Psycho II with the girl from "That 70s show as the killer". I swear i nearly put a hammer through my TV.
Re: Worst film seen...

steve12553 said:
"American Psycho" was pathetically bizzarre. That was definitely a movie the cried out for a sequel.*

* indicates expression of irony.

I thought American Psycho (the first) was quite good actually, not a patch on the book but quite well directed.
However I have to agree that the sequel was absolute cack.
I mean it was seriously cack.

Other crappy films:
Fantasy genre...The Sword and The Sorcerer
Any genre.........When Saturday Comes

Both of these films are cack. Avoid at all costs.
Re: Worst film seen...

Dead Birds. Absolute crud. you have no idea what the hell is actually happening and 3 of the male characters are hard to distingush from each other resulting in confusion, at least for me. Avoid this movie!
Re: Worst film seen...

Well, I'm just entertained by how many movies I like are being mentioned here. Unforgiven? Army of Darkness, which I thought was hilarious. American Psycho (the first one), the same thing.. Apparently I have no taste. Not the first time that's been said, I have to admit. :D

My nomination - the last of the Alien movies - Alien Resurrection. It was up there with Highlander 2 for badness, and Highlander 2 was (as I'm sure people know) incredibly bad. What a way to kill a potential franchise!
Re: Worst film seen...

A few more to my list...

1. Boogeyman:

The movie was just awful, awful!, there is a scene in the movie when the girl sees 'The Boogeyman' standing on the stairs, and she now knows about the boogeyman and she asks, 'who is that?', well it ain't Father Christmas girlie...:rolleyes:

2. The Village:

The first movie in a long time that I wanted to walk out of, it was pretty darn pointless...:confused:

3. The Ring 2:

Which I have mentioned already, but I saw it again recently and its awful, just plain bad, at this point you would think the main character would know not have a television.
Re: Worst film seen...

Five Finger Exercise

Saw it many years ago. It was a four-reeler, the cinema swapped reels two and three by mistake (I think) and no one but me noticed - it was that bad.

Strangely I've never seen it repeated either in the cinema or on television - I wonder why?:confused:
Re: Worst film seen...

mikeo said:
and Highlander 2 was (as I'm sure people know) incredibly bad. What a way to kill a potential franchise!

Only again surpased by Jaws whatever number it was with Michel Caine in it. So truely truely bad it was almost mesmerising. And I can't get by without giving Grease II a mention. I have never seen anything so awful.
Re: Worst film seen...

Aw...Grease II was bad, but I have an affection for it, as it gives me a chance, whenever I see it, to see the football field where my high school graduation was held. Another plus - no John Travolta in that one.:p
Re: Worst film seen...

jackokent said:
Only again surpased by Jaws whatever number it was with Michel Caine in it. So truely truely bad it was almost mesmerising. And I can't get by without giving Grease II a mention. I have never seen anything so awful.

Yeah Jaws Number Whatever, where the shark targetted the family! It's not difficult - if you're being targetted by a shark - move inland!
Re: Worst film seen...

Jaws the Revenge that one was called. God knows how they convinced Michael Caine and Mario Van Peebles to appear in that. Grease 2 and Highlander 2 both dire too. I felt so cheated about Highlander 2 when I came out of the cinema after watching it. It's only redeming feature was Michael Ironside's bad guy.
Re: Worst film seen...

roddglenn said:
God knows how they convinced Michael Caine and Mario Van Peebles to appear in that.
Oh Caine's quite open about the fact that he does a lot of work purely for the money. He's appeared in Steven Seagal movies, enough said.
Re: Worst film seen...

Oh yes, I forgot about his appearance as the nasty oil tycoon in that dire Seagal film.
Re: Worst film seen...

You haven't even mentioned his humdinger of an attempted australian accent in JAWS 12 The Final Fin or whatever it was called......"Crikey Cobber"
Re: Worst film seen...

The Blair Witch project was pretty shocking..
Re: Worst film seen...

jackokent said:
Only again surpased by Jaws whatever number it was with Michel Caine in it.

I beg to differ, Michael Caine's worst film has to be Killer Bees although I understand it has some sort of cult status now....

Truly awful but highly amusing!

Re: Worst film seen...

Adasunshine said:
I beg to differ, Michael Caine's worst film has to be Killer Bees although I understand it has some sort of cult status now....

Truly awful but highly amusing!


Yep it was truely awful. It was on Telly last night, I'd forgotten how bad it was.

The dialogue during the last scene where they entice the bees over the ocean to blow them up was just cringe-making. :(

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