What was the WORST movie you've ever seen?

Re: Worst film seen...

Now I still like the Blair Witch as the low budget docu-style suspense that it is. I wouldn't say that it's brilliant or anything, but it has good elements in it and was very atmospheric at the time.

Killer Bees does have a bit of a cult standing these days and for all that it is pretty dire, I do quite like it in an amusing sort of way.
Re: Worst film seen...

I'll second Highlander : The Quickening (should be Highlander: The Sickening).

and I will add Mel Gibson in Hamlet, both for his recent spat of bigotted idiocy as well as his horribly pretentious take on the bard.
Re: Worst film seen...

A Christmas Story, the movie plays constantly around the holidays and some network shows it for like two days straight. Certain members of my family like this movie. It makes me want to destroy the TV.

"You'll shoot your eye out." Well good.
Re: Worst film seen...

Crisspin said:
I'll second Highlander : The Quickening (should be Highlander: The Sickening).

Now now - Endgame was far worse than HL:II.

2 things on HL:II - 1) director's cut makes much more sense; 2) don't watch HL:II as part of the normal Highlander timeline. The story itself isn't horrible - a little predictable, but not horrid. HL:III was a bad remake of the first one and Endgame violated nearly every rule of Highlander canon.

Worst movie? Tossing a big vote for Endgame, but Eyes Wide Shut was no picnic.
Re: Worst film seen...

infinite said:
Double Jepordy

Great Shout that one. . .

Ned Kelly (if I could have understood Heath Ledgers accent I probably would have loved it!!!) Reminded me of Brad Pitts in Snatch but that was deliberate and pure class!!!
Re: Worst film seen...

"It's Pat" was, by far, the worst thing I ever sat through. It was back in high school when me and my friends thought if it came on Showtime it couldn't be THAT bad. I just checked the imdb and found it's #34 in the Bottom 100.
Re: Worst film seen...

And for the life of me, I don't understand why no one has mentioned the "Ernest" movies. Are they truely that forgettable. To be honest, I don't know. After seeing about 5 minutes of one I truely beleived that by comparison PeeWee's Big Adventure was Shakespeare
Re: Worst film seen...

steve12553 said:
And for the life of me, I don't understand why no one has mentioned the "Ernest" movies. Are they truely that forgettable. To be honest, I don't know. After seeing about 5 minutes of one I truely beleived that by comparison PeeWee's Big Adventure was Shakespeare
Don't forget Big Top Pee Wee, the second Pee Wee Film. It's even worst than Pee Wee's Big adventure!
Re: Worst film seen...

Hey, Pee-Wee was brilliant. At least he was when I was four. Anyway, those Ernest movies weren't forgettable. That's the problem. They haunt you like a recurring nightmare.
Re: Worst film seen...

steve12553 said:
And for the life of me, I don't understand why no one has mentioned the "Ernest" movies. Are they truely that forgettable. To be honest, I don't know. After seeing about 5 minutes of one I truely beleived that by comparison PeeWee's Big Adventure was Shakespeare

It could be worse you could have to watch 2001

*ducks head... and goes to hide*

I know it is suppose to be some wonderful masterpiece but it MAKES NO SENSE:p
Re: Worst film seen...

Are you disparaging 2001? Blasphemous! I remember watching that when I was twelve. I was amazed. Very profound.
Re: Worst film seen...

Ozymandias said:
Are you disparaging 2001? Blasphemous! I remember watching that when I was twelve. I was amazed. Very profound.

Yeah well I watched that movie at about the same age (this was right after I had gotten into Star Wars and my dad was intruducing me to scifi movies that are must sees, I liked all the other ones like Forbidden Planet) and I was just confused and freaked out... *goes to hide again*
Re: Worst film seen...

Well, obviously after Star Wars 2001 is going to pale in comparison. But 2001 was so... I don't know, haunting? I was a bit confused about the plot as well, but I still dug it. Ya gotta read the novel.

Oh, and you liked Forbidden Plane too? Brilliant movie. Leslie Nielsen's first film appearance in a movie, I believe. Did you know it was based on one of Shakespeare's plays? The Tempest I think.
Re: Worst film seen...

aha! imdb, the source of all movie trivia.

well i always hated The Notebook. its so.... romantic, which means boring. I'd rather have my intestines removed with a spoon than watch another romance film, those purveyors of ultimate tripe.
Re: Worst film seen...

weaveworld said:
Worst Movie....

'Dude, where's my car':)


That became a cult hit the minute it hit the big screen!! You have to be in the right frame of mind to watch it though. Just stoopid fun. lol

personally I can't stand . . . American Pie "Band Camp" pointless straight to DVD then straight to the bin!!! Got 40 mins into it and felt like getting violent on the Stifler character!! Promptly turned it off and attempted unsucessfully for a refund at the rental shop citing false advertising!!!

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