Discussion -- 300 Word Challenge #4

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Hard to knock this one down to only three.

In the end, Stormcrow, Boneman, Mosaix got my votes.

As for shorlisted, I almost hate to add these because they aren't the ones I chose, but here they are:

Perpetual Man

Phenomenal work everyone.
Thanks for the nice critique of my story, Perpetual Man!

Here are my favorites (the first three got my votes):

1. Amid the Cold of Winter * Teresa Edgerton
2. Quintet for One * Reiver33
3. Lepidopteran Knights * hopewrites
4. The Sky’s No Limit * Springs1971
5. Eleventh Hour Complications * AMB
6. The Glass Cathedral * stormcrow
7. Noe’s Hope * Perpetual Man
8. Following, Sees * TheDustyZebra
9. Prelude to Saturn * The Spurring Platty
10. Wilf and Doris’ Day Out * AnyaKimlin
11. Villainous * Culhwch
12. The End * Dermit

Over all, a lot of very good work!
Hey for me shortlists work lol - I deliberately don't do them. I'd be pleased with some honourable mentions and no votes the competition on this site is amazing.
Hey for me shortlists work lol - I deliberately don't do them. I'd be pleased with some honourable mentions and no votes the competition on this site is amazing.

Says someone who is getting votes! :p

Where my votes went:

Hex -- very nearly didn't because I voted for her on the 75 worder. Decided that really was not a fair reason. I like messed up relationships. I'm weird.

TDZ -- I love the wordplay in the title.

HB -- I'd read that comic.

Honourable mentions to mosaix, Ursa, Vertigo, Springs and Cul.

Thanks to Hex, Springs and johnnyjet for the mentions.
Says someone who is getting votes! :p


:p You didn't see me squeal to my husband when I got my first honourable mention in a 75 word challenge. I am serious I was so blown away by that - now votes are fantastic ;) But I jump up and down when someone just likes it :)
Me too! And on that note I need to say thanks to AMB (I really did like yours, the manager in me had a good snigger at the enforced recruit; I've done that on people loads of times, I'm sure) and johnnyjet.
I'm a bit like that Anya :eek: (rather a lot actually) and...

I have one vote and a couple of mentions :D Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Lord this was hard. My three votes went to Teresa, Springs and Perp

I want to put every name down for honourable mentions, I don't think there was a single story I didn't like. But I shall limit them to: Boneman, TDZ, Mosaix, SpurringPlatty, The Judge, Alchemist, Nixie, Kaladan, Moonbat, Aun, Anya, HareBrain.

One thing I noticed is that they were mostly a pretty dark bunch of stories. I wonder if that was the effect of the wintry setting of the photo?
Even mentions here give a buzz. The quality is so high.

On that note, I voted for reiver, Phoenix and alchemist. Scariness, a world within a world and a humourous and original take on an age-old scenario.

Whilst I'm at it though a few Honourable Mentions, although less than deserve it. So many good stories. Voting doesn't get any easier.
Anya, Boneman, johnnyjet, The Judge, Moonbat, and Dermit
Oh and Perp, - good name for a ship

Oh, and thank you for the vote, Anya
I find having three votes almost makes it a harder process as you can't just find some spurious reason for favoring one story over all others. I found the overall quality made selection difficult, so I went for a first-read impression rather than perhaps doing each story justice (sorry).

In passing; the title of my story is a nod towards the 1979 Paul Newman film 'Quintet' - an undervalued gem in my opinion.
And a double squeal*

Ty, Vertigo; I think I'll change careers, go treading the boards instead. (only I am a truly truly awful actress; the worse. I know; i nearly made a career of it and entire audiences begged me to stop. Quickly.)
Thanks to hopewrites, phoenixthewriter and Vertigo for the mentions, and massive thanks to Abernovo, Hex and springs for the votes. They were just what I needed after a very, very long day's driving.
By the time I get to Phoenix I'll be thanking him for the vote. Thank you!! And Vertigo and Abernovo for the honourable mentions.

I had a brilliant idea... one month we should have as many votes as there are entries, that way we can vote for everyone, and everyone will win. (That's how I feel this month!!!)
Wow - turn your back for five minutes & look what happens: Thank You Phoenix - a vote, a vote!! Thanks also for the listing JJ.

My votes this month (and it's been hard to choose; a two-bottle night!!):
Aun D - your story is delightfully dark, unsettlingly off-kilter, and unique.
PtW - I love the twist in this one.
Anya - Delightful; your characterisations remind me of Briggs' 'When The Wind Blows.
Right my shortlist:


Of those I narrowed it down to four, which is always the hardest part when you are trying to choose three.

More cogitation required...
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