Discussion 75 Word Challenge -- MARCH

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Take care of yourself, Karn, before worrying about anything like comments. Get yourself better.
Blame it on Stephen King and Pennywise. :p

A horror movie. Don't feel alone, there's a great number of people who don't clowns because horror movies. I was generalizing the majority who don't like clowns, so I wasn't singling you out my friend.

Ironically, I'm also sick with bad cold, I'm sweating terribly and weak. I chuckled about my illness though, because I'm the kind of guy who goes to work no matter what, I was always very loyal to my employers. But I've been out of work for over a year (kicked out of my job for all the wrong reasons). However, I can rest quietly at home without any worry of getting up early and going to work. :eek: Feels good not to brave the elements and put up with rude people, for once. :D

I hope you get well soon Karn.

TacticalLoco's got me interested in his "carnival talker" type pitch! Cool.
Thank you, Karn and Perp (I hope you don't mind me abbreviating...everyone else does, but I have newbie paranoia about such things...), for such great reviews! I'm glad the story worked and raised the right questions. Already looking forward to next month's challenge!
Hi Everyone!

Well I've just posted my first entry to one of these challenges. I've only just joined, but I wanted to get stuck in and have a go. I hope I'm along the right lines.
Thank you Karn and Perp for the write-ups, as ever very insightful reviews. I hope you get well soon Karn.

And thank you to all the well wishers from earlier, we're going to need all the luck we can get.
Oh my gosh! A lot to cover and my lunch break so short. hehe!

Karn: best wishes, colds are no fun, but you know the drill; lots of fluids and resting on the sofa with several good books.

Kuddos to both our reviewers as well. I always gain better understanding after reading them.

Mine is up as Starbeast observed and is absolutely done (I ope) in carnival barker voice!

Shout-outs to Bowler1, Perps, Bob S. Sr, and Vertigo for stories that I felt really hit the mark. That seems to get harder and harder with more and improved stories each time.
johnnyjet: There's a few things I COULD say here, but definitely shouldn't. What I will say about it is that it rather brought a smile to my face and I'll accept it as what really goes on in Washington. :D

Grizzgreen: Interesting. What with the new show Alcatraz on, lending its own paranormal views to the enigmatic prison-turned-museum, I'm rather into the mindset. And knowing what reputation Alcatraz had, I found this to be perfectly acceptable for it.

AlcubierreWarp: More entrants and more excellence. The moral to this story is as old as time, something about books and covers. :p Well, it's trite, but true, and the warlock's arrogance did him no favors there in the end. But I do have to wonder what that doppelganger-like demon will be cooking up....

Tisiphone: Many, many legends about the spirits of the forest, some benevolent, many others much less so, and you decided to take a darker route. One should always be warned against relations with a tree goddess, but it can be hard to resist their charms. Ah, well, at least he died smiling, huh? ;)

TacticalLoco: Another flip-side-of-the-coin entry, I see, and once again can be compared to Piers Anthony, but this time rather to Xanth than Proton/Phaze. I see this as one of those old style, ca. 1920s "freak show" circus type ads. They've always kind of creeped me out, not because of their content, but because of the mindset of the time. But I've always found them fascinating as well, and this is no exception.

choccoweeble: We do seem to get new entrants into the challenges...I wonder if our dear resident Judge has anything to do with it? ;) But onto the story. This was one of the feel-good types, even up until the end. Just a couple having a fun time dancing, and even the sinister silver-robed figure at the end couldn't ruin it for me. But he did add that necessary bit of dark atmosphere to the whole thing.

HMart: Hmm...there certainly is that sense of mystery to this one. For the most part, I'm asking myself, what is The Remedy for, why is it so important? It just gives me a sense of foreboding, something that could be a bit expounded upon.
Thank you, Karn and Perp (I hope you don't mind me abbreviating...everyone else does, but I have newbie paranoia about such things...)

Don't worry about abbreviating (well for me at least) I kinda prefer the various abbreviations to the full name, it's just more casual

I'll let you off, he does have the knack of making the stories sound amazing and making you look at them in a different light.

Thank you both. I just say what I see (But I don't think we have had a decent slap around here in a while...)

Shout-outs to Bowler1, Perps, Bob S. Sr, and Vertigo for stories that I felt really hit the mark. That seems to get harder and harder with more and improved stories each time.


Karn - glad to see you posted some more reviews, sorry to hear about the cold. I don't know what they've been like in your neck of the woods, but over here they've been really viscous so I sympathise completely.
HMart: Hmm...there certainly is that sense of mystery to this one. For the most part, I'm asking myself, what is The Remedy for, why is it so important? It just gives me a sense of foreboding, something that could be a bit expounded upon.

I suppose I wrote it up as if for a Back Cover rather than a 75 word story. Maybe something more directly connected to the Remedy, toward the end, would have been better. I was of the mindset that I needed to shoot for a quick plot twist/insert to maximize what I could do within the constraints.
I'm over-encumbered with ideas for a change but now I can't make my mind up which to use >:[

Really enjoyed the entries so far, well done.
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