Phoenixthewriter – A very disconcerting story that catches what it is trying to do brilliantly. I could almost feel the pull as Maribeth leaned forward and the pop as she was drawn into the sculpture was almost audible. Left me with a feeling of unease that won’t go away...
Aaron Stone – I chuckled at the end of this one for all the right reasons. The story is rather simple, which is what it needs to be. In some ways the end is predictable, but the way in which it is told overrides that, the perfect ending is the word ‘coo’ which nails the story completely turning it into another superb entry.
Esfires – The first thing that struck me about this piece was the beautiful rhythm that ran through it, it just flowed as I read it, so much so that I was taken by it more than the story to start with. A man wakes and finds himself in a room that is not his room, but a dark space. However it seems deeper than that, and this is a punishment for a bad life.
Starbeast – Clowns again SB? I really liked the story though, simple but poignant at the same time, it really pulled a strong image to my head of this man who existed to make people laugh, but that talent was not inherent, rather bought and the price... well I could just imagine a sad clown with a happy face realising that it was time to pay his dues.
Johnnyjet – Another original take on the idea, and this was a clever look at the way a world could be with the mystical common place, the magic would be everywhere, even the highest political level. The clever part of this one was the way people reacted, it almost felt real, which sells the twist so much more than over colouring it.
Grizzgreen711 – Another excellent look at life in the uncanny world. Prison life, well if the prisoners are going to be more uh, endowed than ours they need nastier things to oversee them. Not so sure that this might be a case where the keeper is worse than the criminals. It works well though, and would probably keep anyone in line...
Alcubierre Warp – One of the things that I think really works in this story is the feeling that no matter how powerful someone may believe themselves to be there is always someone a little more powerful - but the bit that really works for me is that the warlock does not seem to know it. In an extra-normal society you would not think about what you were facing, the spectacular made mundane and easily overlooked.
Tisiphone – There has been a run of stories that really seem to hit the nail on the head you actually feel as though the fantastical world the present could be real and this one is another. The way it is presented is so natural that you just accept it, a forest spirit watching lovers cavort and using her own abilities to become part of it. It just seems so natural. Or supernatural.
TacticalLoco – What a refreshingly brilliant entry. What kind of strange show would that have been to the people listening to the hawkers words? Science seen as some kind of freakish carnival attraction, obviously entertaining and strange, but in the sense that it must be fake, well because this science stuff just cannot be real, eh?
Chocoweeble – This is like a snippet of something greater, a snapshot in time. It is like a fairytale ball with an air of hidden menace, a metaphor that says when perfect happiness with all the bright lights and wonder that comes with it is within reach, there is always a dark underside - someone or something - that might want to snatch it all away.
HMart – The first thing that struck me about this one was the way the first line worked; almost a thing of beauty in its own right. I just loved the way the words sound when read aloud. To me the story feels like a realm that has been kept at peace through mystical means, but someone has stolen or lost that 'thing' and the perfection is shattered.
Chris - Ahh, rock and roll in another world. I'm wondering whether there is something autobiographical in this piece, will have to try and get a close up look at Chris' ears. The story itself clearly catches the superimposing of the mundane with the supernatural. Not only did I enjoy the story, but I liked the idea behind the story, it just worked, from the elves more inclined to folk music, to the colourful displays and so much more.