Discussion -- 300 Word Challenge #5

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Absolutely. The one for here will be called "The chafing of Edgar Ramsbottom."
Photo is nicely ambiguous. Got a couple of ideas floating around, time for sleep to see if that induces anything else.
Well, I believe I have my idea finalized. The research needed coincides with a novel idea I have. 300 words will be the problem as always.
For just this once, I wish we could post early. I have to sit on a week and a half with what I've drawn up. At least it's still under the word limit and still makes sense.
You now have plenty of time to refine it if you want.

But make sure you keep a copy of what you have at the moment, particularly as you seem happy with it. From experience, editing can sometimes detract from the original.
I was like that with the last one. I had something written by 6am on Jan 1st and was cursing the wait.

Of course, by the time I could actually post, I had written two more. Meant to post one of them up after voting but never got around to it.
I seem to remember it was so that people would first concentrate on the 75 word challenge. Stagger the challenges so-to-speak.
That's one reason. Another is to encourage members to think about the picture and the story more than perhaps they do with the 75-worder, so instead of posting within two minutes of the Challenge going up** they spend some honing their writing, which is after all the point of being an Aspiring Writer. With a proper prize in the offing, it's more prestigious than the 75-worder, and therefore deserves rather more thought. (Whether it gets it is another matter, of course!)

** and then spending the rest of the month moaning about the changes they should have made... :rolleyes: :p
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