Discussion -- 300 Word Challenge #5

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Third first timer here. Sort of just knocked this one out, hope it's speculative enough though...

I am a master of the lesser-known genre of 'vague fic'. :)
300 & 75 word writing challenges - ideal for the restless insomniac.
Just hand counted mine twice and came in at 298 words, the computer still insists that it is 300, but I figure it's going to be safe. Time is rapidly running out, and if I don't post now I might not have the chance for a couple of days.
I am going to expand my 300 word story into larger story. I like the general idea and think it could be turned it a quality story. More research is probably needed.
So last night, as is the tradition in the GC household. I was full of drink and thoroughly chilled and enjoying my evening.

Ursa was sending me to sleep with his banter so I had a good look around Chrons and noticed the picture for the 300 word challenge.

I looked at my Bacardi and coke then the picture and I was hit by a blinding light of inspiration.

I haven't involved myself in the challenges recently. Partly because I wasn't in the fettle and also because my life has fell to bits. Anyway I knocked out a good story and refined it today. So watch out, I'll be posting soon so get me £10 ready IBrian!:eek:

Haha, me Mother says confidence is everything so sorry for the arrogance.
* Mutters under his breath about drink's obviously greater culpability in almost sending Gary to sleep. *

I'm going to have to up my game.

Haha FB:)

Your the only Mod I can be cheeky with without getting the rule book read to me. (Beige.)

So without tempting fate, I will retract my comment about you being boring and say I think I love you instead.:eek:
It would be rather hypocritical of me to complain about you being cheeky, given how often I post remarks that could (erroneously) be taken that way.


But it's best that such remarks are directed only at those who are known to be willing to play this game, and so won't and don't take them at face value. Doing otherwise would be a grave mistake.
Well, I've done it, I added my tale into the challenge.

After creating three rough ideas, I chose number three, trimmed the excess and submitted.

It was a bit of a chore, but, I'm satisfied.
Yes, the standard is very high, and there are several stories I really like. This is why I posted early - I would have lost my nerve.
Hex! Damn you, I love yours.

Thank you :)

And also: Muhahahahahhahahaha I will win you over to first person present yet.

(reading The Red Glove just now and I'm really enjoying it. I think I need to accept that I truly love first person present, even though it tends to be unpopular).

This is why I posted early - I would have lost my nerve.

You are strange (in the nicest possible way). I think your story is brilliant. I'm glad you posted it.
Well poo. I didn't even realise your story was present tense. In fact, I didn't believe you and had to go back and check!
300 & 75 word writing challenges - ideal for the restless insomniac.

Tell me about it, my mind wanders into some strange, yet wacky areas of the imaginative part of the brain. It's a good place to dream up all sorts of ideas for stories that make people say, "Huh?"

Oh dear, Starbeast. What if this gets syndicated?

I can only hope that I get a chance to write the screenplay for the sequel to Galaxy Quest.

"I think we're the green thingy."
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