Hehe well spotted HB! Yes I use a spreadsheet, all a bit geeky, though I would guess I'm not alone on it. The categories I have are also weighted and they are:
Overall - highest weighting (equal with Review)
Relevance - high weighting
Plot - medium weighting (a bit difficult to do in 75 words but if you do it get marks!)
Emotion - low weighting
Twist - low weighting
Humour - low weighting
Writing - high rating
Review - highest rating (equal with Overall) - only used on re-reading my shortlist
I should say that the emotion, twist and humour categories could be considered a bit questionable but I do try and apply them sensibly. So, for example, if a story has
no humour in it and humour would be inappropriate then you get marks for not putting it in. The same goes for twist and emotion. Essentially the base score for them is 5 and if there is humour/emotion/twist and it is good you get more, if it's bad you get less.
As I say a bit geeky but it means I can keep up with things as they go along and makes it much easier at the end! Sad isn't it.
ps. I also put in the post number which makes reviewing my shortlist a lot easier!
pps. I had to add a lot of new rows this month!