I can see where you're coming from, LightBringer: no leader in modern times - particularly a nice elected one wearing both a suit and a wide smile - would ever sanction the individual killing of the leaders of forces opposing them.
* Resists the temptation to drone on about this.
But as Koopa has said, there are plenty of cruel and murderous people in positions of power in the modern world. Where we live, however, the sociopaths amongst the ranks of the rich and powerful can make themselves richer and more powerful by using a wide range of legal means, without having to resort to murder and mayhem.
As an aside, it's hard to disagree -- though I would really like to -- with Tywin's supposed** opinion about the Red Wedding, that it achieved the same aim as would the much greater slaughter of one or more battles. (This is why I find it hard to get too worked up about drone attacks, particularly as it's a very long time since leaders - military or civil - have positioned themselves anywhere near an active battlefield.)
** - Supposed, because I haven't seen season three of Game of Thrones, only read reviews of it, and I don't recall the sentiment being expressed by Tywin in the books (which may have more to do with my powers of recall than the content of the books).
* Resists the temptation to drone on about this.
But as Koopa has said, there are plenty of cruel and murderous people in positions of power in the modern world. Where we live, however, the sociopaths amongst the ranks of the rich and powerful can make themselves richer and more powerful by using a wide range of legal means, without having to resort to murder and mayhem.
As an aside, it's hard to disagree -- though I would really like to -- with Tywin's supposed** opinion about the Red Wedding, that it achieved the same aim as would the much greater slaughter of one or more battles. (This is why I find it hard to get too worked up about drone attacks, particularly as it's a very long time since leaders - military or civil - have positioned themselves anywhere near an active battlefield.)
** - Supposed, because I haven't seen season three of Game of Thrones, only read reviews of it, and I don't recall the sentiment being expressed by Tywin in the books (which may have more to do with my powers of recall than the content of the books).