Well-Known Member
Welcome, jimness, and a strong entry to boot.
Alc, I love that. I want the movie and cartoon series, too.
Could prove difficult, given the ending.
I could shed my principles and reboot, I suppose.
Was I right to be singing that to, "Puff the magic dragon?"
I thought I might have been possessed by the lager demons but if so, it was brilliant!!!
I know what you mean, Lilmiz. I struggled because of the size of the ideas. Still, there's time to change your mind, if you want. Or you get a flash of inspiration.
I just don't think I can do it in 75 words.
And for others of us, it's an up and down roller coaster ride. I definitely feel that some months were better than others for me.
That's why the challenge is so interesting; to create a story in 75 words is a test in itself.
You should always have a go; regardless of how your first attempt goes, you will improve month on month. Although I do say so myself, I think what I'm creating now for the challenge is better than what I did when I started, and I have seen similar improvements in others.
That is not the "Golden Rule," but since the "Golden Rule" dispenses grace instead of justice, you are right on track.