as someone who has been raped I've been watching this thread with interest, and am pleased with the responses. I dont think that rape should be excluded from fiction just because it is a horrible thing to happen, and its good to know that most/some the people who are going forward with putting it in are doing their research into long-term effects and such.
If its in a longstanding relationship as a part of domestic violence its best to enjoy it as much as possible, though that isn't always much. But this makes it harder to get over later and is part of a larger Stockholm syndrome response of "well I'm in for the long haul with this guy I better do what will be least unpleasant and get it over with" and can change the definition of rape.
A friend of mine once said "rape is anything where you are not emotionally present for the sex act" to which I responded "well then I've only not been raped twice."
So it's important to know how the character defines rape when and if it happens.
I heard an argument once that hookers only get raped if they aren't paid. I cant see that as being true in any way. I can see how they could be raping themselves as a profession though. But that might just be my personal experiences twisting my perspective on how things could go.
I've had to take a hard look at how I define rape in my life, and its tricky. Sometimes I want to agree with my friend, but that leaves one's partners open to unintentional rape, I mean if they are present and I"m not then is it my fault they raped me? Probably, especially if I wasn't honest enough to say so.
Or I could define it succumbing to someone else's unwanted advances, Date Rape sort of things. Then again, is it my fault they raped me? I'm the one who didn't stand up for myself after all.
Or is it just the times when I didn't want it and after expressing myself to be of such an opinion had my wishes disregarded?
Under any of these cases I would say that rape hasnt defined my life, although there is no escaping how it has shaped it. Since the first case was when I was ridiculously young (please dont ask how young, I'll answer and it would break your heart) it definitely shaped how I interacted with people from a young age. When I finally did come to sexual maturity the memory had been sufficiently repressed that I didnt understand how it was still shaping my interactions. Then later in life when the memory resurfaced and so much of my interactions and strange reactions became clear to me I had to admit that it really had happened and that it had shaped my life.
But something that shapes your life and something that defines your life are not the same thing. Something that defines your life holds all your focus and is where you put your energy. Something that shapes your life is something that changes the shape of your perspective, not necessarily something that changes what you look at.
We all have a chose in what we look at. Not always what we see. Not always in what we can do about it. But I think that not looking is the most tragic thing a person can do.