Having read through that sprawling piece of work, I am shocked to find even the SFF-community being infected with the same thing that is killing videogame discussions.
I want to call it political correctness, but that would be doing political correctness a disservice... because none of it has anything to do with being correct, understanding, or in search of an open discussion on anything.
It all revolves around winning the oppresion olympics and being as hostile as humanly possible to whomever disagrees with you, throwing loaded terms around and using a set of phrases and buzzwords currently all the rage within certain circles.
There is no discussion, you cannot debate anything, because one side is very clearly using a moral argument against the other side. You simply cannot win the debate, because there is nothing to be won. The only thing you can do is save face and deny every accusation slung your way, not that it matters because once you've been categorized as something, it's impossible to escape whatever box you've been put into.
Do you like Game of Thrones? Did you know it's very problematic? The rampant sexism and misogyny throughout the novels is nothing compared to the rape and racism. You might not see it like that, because of your privilege. Are you sure you want to admit that you like something racist, sexist, and misogynistic? I mean, I'm not judging, but what does that say about you?
I once was offered a challenge, to pretend to be one of those people who takes offense at anything and everything, only to discover that it is so frighteningly easy to find the things I was already looking for. Emphasize the negative and let confirmation bias be your guide.
Here's a handy guide to being one of those people:
Everything is racist.
If the main character is white then that's just obvious racism, after all, why not write a main character of colour?
Is the main character non-white? Complain how the character is problematic because every trait is an indication of racism. Strong? Well that's just an obvious reference to black people not being intelligent and needing physical strength to compensate. Uses magic? Magical Negro, a black character in touch with an otherworldly spiritual side, how trite and cliche.
Positive traits that are opposites of the traits from the previous category? Basically call the character an oreo, race-traitor, or accuse the writer of just not being able to write characters of colour. Smart black character with a large vocabulary? Typical case of the writer just changing a white character to black, which is racist because it marginalizes and trivializes minorities.
Person of colour as a secondary character? Racist because the character isn't playing a substantial enough role, and is subservient to a white character plotwise or characterwise. Black best friend is a negative depiction of race relations.
And so on, and so on...
It is so incredibly easy to get offended by something, you can't ever refute any of the points made by the offended, because it's always moral outrage, always personal, and you can always be called a racist for not siding with them... after all something has been designated racist and you're trying to defend it against the allegation... what does that imply about you?
Not only that, when pressed or when there are certain rules in play, such as: "don't insult the creator". It's amazingly easy to give a blanket statement: "He might not have done it on purpose, after all he's only a product of the patriarchial/racist society in which he grew up, he simply isn't aware of his privilege."
Which boils down to the ever unsavoury: "Ich hatt es nicht gewust" or "just following orders"