Thank you very much for the vote, Aber! And Glen, for the mention.
Fervent thanks to BetaWolf, riever33 and Starbeast; for some reason this challenge never elicited an inspiration, so I wrote it cold; I couldn't be seen to fail to produce, could I?
And I don't think tat during the lead up I ever thanked Victoria, or Starbeast again for your short commentaries.
A little less last minute than my seventy-five word vote – I go in to start filling in my chart and lo! I have three votes, no less.
Fervent thanks to BetaWolf, riever33 and Starbeast; for some reason this challenge never elicited an inspiration, so I wrote it cold; I couldn't be seen to fail to produce, could I?
As well as the three I voted for (Luiglin, Lenny and Perpetual Man, I'd like to add a couple of runners-up:- jastius with the R&R special (although if there's one thing you don't do on tour it's sleep), Tactical Loco with an image which, even if lacking in apostrophes burns itself into the brain, Teresa with her justice, EloiseA with cynicism…
And, as usual, I could go on, and on.
I suddenly feel dirrrrty!Abernovo - the loooove trade
Thanks, Starbeast & TDZ for the short listings, and Boneman & Glen for the votes! It always feels great to receive mentions & votes among such a talented group of writers.
Thanks Starbeast, Glen and TDZ for the mentions!
Thank you for the comments, EloiseA, Starbeast, Victoria, and Glen. It's interesting that two of you read it as steampunk - I wrote it having come off a Star Trek binge, with a high-tech bridge in mind. Now I'm imagining it as polished brass and leather, and quite enjoying it!
Thank you very much for the mentions and votes, SB and chrispy!