And we have a winner:
Congratulations, SleepyDormouse!
Ever-grateful thanks to Starbeast and Perp for your empowering of my ego with your too-generous reviews , Anyakimlin, Johnnyjet, Stormcrow, Starbeast (for the shortlisting this time ), Ratsy (thanks for the ‘beautiful and touching’ comment!) & TacticalLoco.
Yikes, a second vote! Thanks, TDZ, and thanks to phyrebrat and Starbeast for the mentions.
and thanks to all who reviewed and offered some feedback. I am humbled, and a little puzzled that this story is probably my biggest success to date.
Many thanks for the short listings johnnyjet, Parson and Starbeast.
I'm not sure if this is customary or not, but I have heard mention of cake on the chrons once or twice before.... So I've just quickly baked up a celebratory chocolate cake, and lots of "to the ends of the world" cupcakes. (amazing how easy it is to do that in VR) so help yourselves.
Tywin, since when is Oklahoma in the Middle East? I should think Middle West, more like. Or just Middle.
Just realized this is now months in a row, I just had to thank you again! Your like my #1 fan lol, you'll definitely be getting an early preview of my book.
It really is the thought that counts, so many thanks for the unregistered vote.Bum, I missed getting my vote in. Would have gone to Ursa.