Thanks for the reviews, Victoria and Starbeast!
Starbeast, you made me blush.
First of all, thank you kindly to Victoria Silverwolf and Starbeast on your feedback on what has been only my second ever attempt at "writing" like this.
Very enjoyable from all though, some talented and imaginative people indeed.
Many thanks to Victoria, Starbeast and PM for your great reviews, was a nice thing to read upon logging in
Lots of good creepy bird related stories this month
My shortlist
Starbeast - Moe Crow, Hillbilly Joe... - Good Alien vs Redneck fun
Perp - ( crazy title ) - What does the reaper do when all the souls are harvested?
Boneman - The Balance - At least they deserved it!
And that is it, the end of my comment giving for the foreseeable future. I leave you in the highly capable hands of Starbeast and Victoria (and anyone else who fancies ago). As I have said before, I love doing the comments and in the words of Arnie, "Ah'll be back."
Thanks to Victoria, Starbeast and Perp for the lovely reviews!
You're more than welcome, Starbeast. Since you can't review your own, it seems only right that someone else does it. Who's next?
Thanks to Perp Man, Victoria and Starbeast for the reviews.
Starbeast; Gotta love those mythic monsters. I always found the old legends scarier then Lovecraft. You are right about the spelling. We always used the 'i' but the English Version uses the 'e'. Much appreciate the review.