So, my vote. I've tried to be parsimonious this month, rejecting typos, or ones I didn't feel fit the theme, which made me feel mean, but at least I've got a shorter shortlist... These are they:
Springs: I've always wanted to turn the clock back, so this one resonated.
Tywin: What a way to be press-ganged!
Ratsy: The last line is brilliant.
Starbeast: Attitudes the inventor didn't see coming was incredibly well done in 75 words.
Abernovo: I want a longer story!
Reiver 33: more press-ganging, and I love the infererences.
Perpetual man: has to be read aloud, no other way.
Alchemist: I'm unsure if there was an affair going on here, but what a payoff...
Novazero: How does it end? You can't just stop there!
The Judge: writes horror? What has the world come to? Great title, as well.
There was virtually nothing to separate these stories, but there can be only one, and after a lot of agonising, I went for Alchemist, for the (at least to my interpretation) two stories in one.