Sekrit Santa II -- Let's Do This Again

Victoria Silverwolf

Vegetarian Werewolf
Dec 9, 2012
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
Inspired by the first Sekrit Santa event, which was quite enjoyable, I'll try to start this again.

From the instructions for the first thread:

So this is a variation on the old office Sekrit Santa, where people pull a name out of a hat and have to buy them a nice pressie

This time, a name will be pulled out of a hat, and you need to write an appropriate story from their prompt

Once all stories are in, they will be distributed to their recipients, and the openers will be posted anonymously so people can try to guess who wrote which story.

So, if you want to join, what I need from you:

In thread - state you are willing to write a story for someone else (anything from 1k up). Then state what you want in a story, including any requirements regarding gore or sex.

For example: I would like a story about evil unicorns and exploding turnips. Sentient frogs a bonus. PG 15 please. Romance okay, but no steamy sex/erotica please.

So, have at it!

You'll have a month to write the story btw.

If I get enough of a response, I'll send assignments out at the end of August. Stories back by the end of September. I hope that will work out for everybody. If not, let me know.
Thanks Victoria! That is great. I am looking forward to this again :)

I would like...

A portal fantasy story involving a magic system and an older MC
I'm definitely up for it - can I think about my choice of story request first?

Actually, I just thought about it: Please can my author write me a surreal horror?

Victoria, if you need help, I'm more than happy to assist. After this week I am off till mid September so will have extra time on my hands if you need any legwork done.

Also, Ratsy (I have to ask now rather than when we get our assignments in case I got yours, and it would give the game away to ask then - but...) what is a portal fantasy? I'm assuming it's a kind of doorway to another world kinda thing; is that right?


Hey Phyre, yes Portal fantasy is just what you said... someone falls into a pool in a cave and ends up in another world kind of thing
*jumping up and down* ohoh me too me too! (Thanks for heading it up Victoria)

I really liked the story i got last go round and had a lot of fun writing.
Umm lets see... definitely fantasy heavy, with shapshifters, maybe a shamanistic high adventure through an enchanted landscape.
Or singing frogs. ;)
Let's go for... humorous sci fi, please. With robots.
I'd like to give this a go too, please. Nice idea.

...and for me? 'Lost Worlds' would be good! No restrictions.
Try two! I'll actually be able to manage this one I think! I shall write, my apologies if a dragon appears at some point...I just can't help myself :p

Well, I am going to go for dungeons, dragons and a cross eyed newt...

Thanks Victoria :)
I missed the first one and would like to try this one. I'm away from t'internet a lot at the moment, but am able to write on the old tablet, so it's worth a go.

I'd like something fantastical with children's toys and it has to be cheery.

Thanks Victoria.
Great to see a good response so quickly.

Given my oddball work schedule, which keeps me away from the computer for a week at a time sometimes, I think I will send out assignments on August 20th. If some folks want to join up a little later than that, I think I will be able to squeeze them in. (I'll take on a request myself if that is needed to make things work.) Watch for a private message around that date.
I really shouldn't, what with work and crazed business and all but...

Something dark and fairytale-related, please.
I shouldn't, either, but I can never resist a challenge. Since my request last time didn't get written, I shall just recycle it:

Alternate universes, with flowers.
I shouldn't either, and in this case I won't (writing to-do list is lonnnng). Good luck to you all and enjoy your stories!
right so alc wants a todo list. is that high fantasy or adventure? *secret wink*

Alc is seen walking up high street with a bit of parchment he seems to be muttering over.

"Stay good sir" a voice calls from the hedgerow.

turning he finds himself faced down by Sir Didamis on Ambrosious who appears to need his help.

"goest thou to yon shop? "

"um. yeah. i need to get some things for the mrs. lizard tongue, bat worts, choco-bars... the usual."

"canst thou aid me good alchemist? Ambrosia needs a sheep dip. they keep pestering him."

alc agrees because sir didamis' pout is so forlorn.

the end.

or something like.
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