Sekrit Santa II -- Let's Do This Again

I want to thank my lovely story writer for the one I got! It was something I would never have thought of, for my theme, and quite entertaining! I guess after all these years of Challenges, it shouldn't come as any surprise that there are so many different interpretations possible for one tiny little theme, but it always does anyway. :)
*dance of inbox joy* I got it *sing song prancing*

I'm so excited to read it tonight!
Today is the day.

I will be working on the Guessing thread, mixing up the stories I have received with a random number generator.

Unless somebody sends me something at the last minute, I will have eleven stories. Not bad.
And I shall miss ten of them, most likely! :D

Wait, wait, I can do this. "Unpublished, unpublished, unpublished...."
Mine is posted on my blog, which you may be able to track down.
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